Francine Menashy

Francine Menashy is Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston. She researches aid to education and non-state sector engagement, including the policies of international organisations, companies and philanthropies. She has studied and published on such themes as public-private partnerships, financing of private schooling, and aid to conflict affected and fragile states.
The 2018 World Development Report marks an important milestone—for the first time in 40 years the World Bank’s dominant research publication is dedicated to education.
#WDR2018 Reality Check #1: A Guide to Reading the RhetoricWhile education in emergencies has risen as a policy priority in the mandates of international organizations (Menashy and Dryden-Peterson, 2015), the share of total overseas development assistance to education has declined sharply in recent years, with funding persistently low in conflict-affected states (UNESCO, 2015; 2016).