Graciela Mandolini

Graciela Mandolini has a Degree in Education and is Professor of Natural Sciences. She is Director of the Casilda Agrotechnical School and academic coordinator of the Public Lecture in Food Sovereignty at the National University of Rosario.
As an Environmental Education for Sustainable Development specialist, she is a member of the Environment team of the “Marina Vilte” School of the CTERA, Educational Workers Confederation of the Argentine Republic.
She is also the regent of the Higher Institute of Teachers N ° 1-Casilda and coordinator of the UNESCO Associated Schools Plan.
We live in a historical time in which all kinds of emergencies are constantly being played out: environmental, climate, energy, health, economic ... All of these converge in what many authors define as thecrisis of civilization. The environmental agenda has been setting the pace and environmental conflicts have burst into...
“Argentina: Teachers lead national strategy for Comprehensive Environmental Education.”