Wayne Holmes

Wayne Holmes (PhD, University of Oxford) is an Associate Professor in the IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, at University College London (UK). His research takes a critical studies perspective to the teaching and application of Artificial Intelligence in education al contexts (AI&ED), and their ethical, human, and social justice implications. Wayne is leading the Council of Europe’s expert group on AI&ED, which is developing legislation to protect the human rights of students and teachers engaging with AI-enabled systems, for which he co-wrote Artificial Intelligence and Education. A critical view through the Lens of Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law; he is also Consultant for the Technology and AI in Education unit at UNESCO, for which he co-wrote AI and Education: Guidance for Policy-makers and Guidance for Generative AI in Education and Research; and he is a Senior Researcher in AI&ED for IRCAI (the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence un der the auspices of UNESCO). Wayne has also co-written Artificial Intelligence in Education. Promise and Implications for Teaching and Learning (Holmes et al., 2019), Citizens Interacting with AI Systems (for the EU JRC, Vuorikari and Holmes, 2022), State of the Art and Practice in AI in Education (Holmes and Tuomi, 2022), and The Ethics of AI in Education. Practices, Challenges and Debates (Holmes and Porayska-Pomsta, Eds, 2022). He has given invited keynotes about AI&ED in countries around the world.
This report sets out to provide an analysis of the current state of artificial intelligence and education, including its potential benefits and risks, as well as the role of teachers and teacher trade unionists in ensuring that teaching with and about artificial intelligence is aligned with the principles of social...