
David Dzatsunga

David Dzatsunga is the President of the College Lecturers Association of Zimbabwe (COLAZ) which represents lecturers in teachers colleges, polytechnic, industrial and vocational training colleges. He is also Secretary General of the Zimbabwe Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions (ZCPSTU), the umbrella body for unions that organize in the public sector. David is a language lecturer, he holds a Special Honours Degree in English and Media Studies from Great Zimbabwe University, A Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and History and a Graduate Certificate in Education, both from the University of Zimbabwe.

Written by David Dzatsunga

  1. Leading the profession 12 July 2024

    Against all odds: the union’s victory to elevate the status of college lecturers in Zimbabwe

    David Dzatsunga

    How does a lecturers’ union influence legislative change and restore the status of its members in a toxic, polarized, and polarising political environment? Through commitment, resilience and indomitable will. This article chronicles the unlikely victory of the College Lecturers Association of Zimbabwe (COLAZ) that saw the Government of Zimbabwe enact...

    Against all odds: the union’s victory to elevate the status of college lecturers in Zimbabwe