Johanna Jaara Åstrand

Johanna Jaara Åstrand has 19 years of teaching experience in primary education and has in parallel been working with research methodology. She has been a union activist since 1999 and a member of Lärarförbundet’s National Executive Board since 2004. In 2014 she was first elected President of Lärarförbundet and is now serving her second period in that position. Johanna is also a member of EI Executive Board since 2015. Johanna’s deep knowledge of the education sector and her strong commitment to the teaching profession makes her a very appreciated and influential union leader.
The shortened version of the following remarks were delivered by Johanna Jaara Åstrand, Education International Vice-president for Europe and President of the Swedish Teachers’ Union, at the European Union Global Gateway High-level Education Event on April 11, 2024. The event marked the regional launch of the recommendations put forward by...
From recommendations to action: Joining forces to end the global teacher shortageWhen I first joined the union, what attracted me was not so much the suggestion that the union was there to protect me if something should happen to me in my professional life. My motivation was more that the union was a place where I could make things happen together...
#IWD2019 #Education Voices : “It All Starts With Good Teachers: Women’s Leadership in Education & in Unions”, by Johanna Jaara Åstrand