Laurent Frajerman

Laurent Frajerman is a senior history teacher at the Lamartine secondary school in France. A researcher at the Social History Centre at the Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne University(France), he is a leading figure in the Observatory of Federal Life of the Fédération Syndicale Unitaire (United Trade Union Federation – FSU).
Teachers in France, like in many countries, are simultaneously leading a social movement and facing the prospect of a lowering of their professional status, which would become more acute as a result of the pension reform undertaken by the French government in 2019. But their ‘uber-militancy’ (the use of strikes...
“The Movement Against Pension Reform in France: Paradoxes of Teacher Militancy” by Laurent Frajerman.The neoliberal doctrine of New Public Management (NPM) is the essential reference for education policies all over the world. It seeks to destroy the professional autonomy of teachers.
“Trade Union Action in a Country in Transition towards New Public Management” by Laurent Frajerman.