Rae Nwosu

Rae Nwosu is the President of the National Council of Education Support Professionals (NCESP), a special interest council within the National Education Association (NEA). Rae has worked at the AISD (Austin Independent School District) for 19 years. Rae is a an Attendance Specialist and Substitute Coordinator at Kealing Middle School in Austin, Texas. She has served in her local and state associations in various leadership positions. She has also served as an NEA Board of Director for six years.
As president of the National Council of Education Support Professionals of the National Education Association (USA), I have the distinct honor of representing Education Support Professionals (ESPs) across the United States. We are crossing guards, bus drivers & bus monitors, paraeducators, secretaries, custodians, interpreters & translators, cafeteria workers, and everything...
“Education Support Professionals Need Protection Now!”, by Rae Nwosu.