CURTIS B. RIEP is currently a PhD student in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta, Canada. His research interests involve the interdisciplinary study of global political economy and privatisations in education with a specific focus on the growth of multinational education corporations and their operations in various contexts. His research is supported by the Social Sciences Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Written by Curtis B. Riep
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4
What do we really know about Bridge International Academies?
Curtis B. Riep
11 February 2019
Bridge International Academies (BIA) is the fastest-growing chain of ‘low-fee’ schools in the world, having ‘reached 500,000 children through hundreds of schools across Africa and India’ (BIA, 2018) and planning ‘to be the global leader in providing education to families who live on US$2 a day per person or less’...
Schooling the poor profitably: the innovations and deprivations of Bridge International Academies in Uganda
Curtis B. Riep
20 September 2016
The study reveals the operations of BIA in Uganda where it sells its version of ‘education,’ or its standardised ‘Academy-in-a-Box,’ to an estimated 12,000 fee-paying students in 63 schools.
Corporatised education in the Philippines: Pearson, Ayala Corporation and the emergence of Affordable Private Education Centers (APEC)
Curtis B. Riep
30 November 2015
This paper examines how, why, and with what consequences, corporate-led privatisations in Philippine education are taking shape, through an analysis of Affordable Private Education Centers (APEC).