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Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

In 2015, all countries committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Education International played a critical role in securing a stand-alone goal for education - Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Significantly, SDG4 recognised that quality education can only be delivered by qualified teachers.

However, at the current pace, governments will fail to achieve SDG 4. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges, and risks reversing years of progress on education. Urgent and decisive action is imperative.

Together with our member organisations around the world we are working to ensure that governments live up to their promise to achieve SDG 4 and all its targets by 2030.

  • We monitor progress and hold governments accountable.
  • We advocate for enhanced domestic financing for public education through fair and progressive taxation and international aid.
  • We oppose corporate interests that treat education as a market instead of a public good accessible to all.
  • We promote quality education that is free from violence, develops the “whole child”, builds tolerance, understanding, democracy, respect for human rights and active citizenship for sustainable development.
  • We promote the achievement of the “teacher target” (target 4.c), underlining every students’ right to be taught by a trained and qualified teacher.

Our work in this area

  1. News 2 October 2014

    New York: Meet-the-teacher day takes on international flavour

    A role reversal took place last week when six teachers from around the world had the chance to visit local classrooms to see how schools in the Big Apple differ from their own.

    New York: Meet-the-teacher day takes on international flavour
  2. News 30 September 2014

    Eurydice launches new short overview on Annual Instruction Time

    This report shows the recommended annual instruction time in full-time compulsory education in public sector schools. The report covers 32 countries of the Eurydice network (reference year 2013-2014). National sheets are included.

    Eurydice launches new short overview on Annual Instruction Time
  3. News 30 September 2014

    Italian education workers unite in opposition to new government plan

    The 5 biggest Italian trade unions in education have joined forces to oppose a new plan set in motion by the Italian government. If carried out, the plan would extend the freeze of education workers’ salaries, which have been frozen since 2009, until 2018 and alter the structure of salaries...

    Italian education workers unite in opposition to new government plan
  4. News 30 September 2014

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event

    On 22 September 2014, the EI initiative Unite for Quality Education Campaign reached its peak in the European Region. ETUCE affiliates, government and European Commission representatives, as well as various stakeholders in education took part in the ETUCE public hearing on the Future of Quality Education in Europe. The event...

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event
  5. News 30 September 2014

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event

    On 22 September 2014, the EI initiative Unite for Quality Education Campaign reached its peak in the European Region. ETUCE affiliates, government and European Commission representatives, as well as various stakeholders in education took part in the ETUCE public hearing on the Future of Quality Education in Europe. The event...

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event
  6. News 30 September 2014

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event

    On 22 September 2014, the EI initiative Unite for Quality Education Campaign reached its peak in the European Region. ETUCE affiliates, government and European Commission representatives, as well as various stakeholders in education took part in the ETUCE public hearing on the Future of Quality Education in Europe.

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event
  7. News 30 September 2014

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event

    On 22 September 2014, the EI initiative Unite for Quality Education Campaign reached its peak in the European Region. ETUCE affiliates, government and European Commission representatives, as well as various stakeholders in education took part in the ETUCE public hearing on the Future of Quality Education in Europe. The event...

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event
  8. News 30 September 2014

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event

    On 22 September 2014, the EI initiative Unite for Quality Education Campaign reached its peak in the European Region. ETUCE affiliates, government and European Commission representatives, as well as various stakeholders in education took part in the ETUCE public hearing on the Future of Quality Education in Europe.

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event
  9. News 30 September 2014

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event

    On 22 September 2014, the EI initiative Unite for Quality Education Campaign reached its peak in the European Region. ETUCE affiliates, government and European Commission representatives, as well as various stakeholders in education took part in the ETUCE public hearing on the Future of Quality Education in Europe. The event...

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event
  10. News 30 September 2014

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event

    On 22 September 2014, the EI initiative Unite for Quality Education Campaign reached its peak in the European Region. ETUCE affiliates, government and European Commission representatives, as well as various stakeholders in education took part in the ETUCE public hearing on the Future of Quality Education in Europe. The event...

    Preparing for World Teacher’s Day – EU leaders engage to enhance investments on education and carve-out education from TTIP at the ETUCE Unite for Quality Education culmination event
  11. News 30 September 2014

    Germany: future of teaching profession revisited

    Teachers’ training and qualifications have been at the heart of a seminar organised by the German education union GEW, one of the numerous culmination events around the globe of the Unite for Quality Education campaign.

    Germany: future of teaching profession revisited
  12. News 26 September 2014

    Teachers take centre stage in New York

    When the United Nations convenes its annual General Assembly, long-winded speeches and policy talk usually own the day, which wasn't the case when global education leaders and students were treated to a programme organised by Education International that combined practice and policy and saw teachers take the same stage as...

    Teachers take centre stage in New York
  13. News 25 September 2014

    Fiji: Three-day tour to end Unite campaign

    Teacher unions in Fiji have come together in a three-day tour to mark the end of the Unite for Quality Education (Unite) campaign.

    Fiji: Three-day tour to end Unite campaign
  14. News 25 September 2014

    EU governments must invest in quality education

    “Invest in quality teachers and education for all, and keep education and public services out of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement!” This was the message for policy-makers from trade unionists attending the Unite culmination event in Brussels, Belgium, on 22 September.

    EU governments must invest in quality education
  15. News 23 September 2014

    Latin America shows passion for quality education

    Hundreds of people have taken part in the culmination events that unravelled today in Buenos Aires, Argentina, showcasing the support of an entire continent for quality education, and reflecting the will of a region that will not let go off its political achievements.

    Latin America shows passion for quality education
  16. News 21 September 2014

    Campaign events reach Latin America

    Just in time for the beginning of spring in the Southern hemisphere, the campaign tour has reached the west side of the Atlantic Ocean. After a regional women's conference in Brazil, it's time for Buenos Aires.

    Campaign events reach Latin America