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Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

In 2015, all countries committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Education International played a critical role in securing a stand-alone goal for education - Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Significantly, SDG4 recognised that quality education can only be delivered by qualified teachers.

However, at the current pace, governments will fail to achieve SDG 4. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges, and risks reversing years of progress on education. Urgent and decisive action is imperative.

Together with our member organisations around the world we are working to ensure that governments live up to their promise to achieve SDG 4 and all its targets by 2030.

  • We monitor progress and hold governments accountable.
  • We advocate for enhanced domestic financing for public education through fair and progressive taxation and international aid.
  • We oppose corporate interests that treat education as a market instead of a public good accessible to all.
  • We promote quality education that is free from violence, develops the “whole child”, builds tolerance, understanding, democracy, respect for human rights and active citizenship for sustainable development.
  • We promote the achievement of the “teacher target” (target 4.c), underlining every students’ right to be taught by a trained and qualified teacher.

Our work in this area

  1. Research

    Assessment of the breadth of learning opportunities in public schools in Kenya and Zambia

    4 April 2017

    These reports are based on a partnership project with Brookings in which Education International worked with the KNUT on a secondary school survey in Kenya and with ZNUT on a primary school survey in Zambia to investigate the breadth of learning opportunities available in state schools.

    Assessment of the breadth of learning opportunities in public schools in Kenya and Zambia
    1. Zambia report
    2. Kenya report
    3. Summary
  2. News 4 April 2017

    Global education movement advances on its priority themes

    The 49th meeting of the Education International’s Executive Board will take stock of measures and actions taken and to be taken to implement its quadrennial programme for quality education as mandated by the 2015 World Congress.

    Global education movement advances on its priority themes
  3. News 30 March 2017

    Edinburgh takes centre stage for international teachers’ Summit

    Teacher union leaders and ministers of education are at the table together in the Scottish capital to address challenges facing education during the 7th International Summit on the Teaching Profession.

    Edinburgh takes centre stage for international teachers’ Summit
  4. News 27 March 2017

    Togo: Dialogue secures positive changes to education system

    Teacher trade unionists in Togo have welcomed measures announced by the public authorities to support primary and secondary education, acknowledging that education is the cornerstone of a more just society and the country's development.

    Togo: Dialogue secures positive changes to education system
  5. News 21 March 2017

    Educators will not let racial discrimination undermine refugees’ and migrants’ rights

    To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Education International and its affiliates firmly reassert their commitment to provide teachers with classroom-ready material helping them to combat racism and xenophobia.

    Educators will not let racial discrimination undermine refugees’ and migrants’ rights
  6. News 20 March 2017

    Unveiled US budget plan, a hard blow to public schools’ students

    The US President’s proposal for deep cuts to budgets of federal administrations has been met with strong criticism by key education unions, stressing that this would greatly undermine public education and students’ equality of chances.

    Unveiled US budget plan, a hard blow to public schools’ students
  7. News 13 March 2017

    Teachers chart their own way toward defining decent work

    It’s often said that two heads are better than one, but in the case of teachers an entire profession is on hand to determine what education employment policy of the future should look like.

    Teachers chart their own way toward defining decent work
  8. News 13 March 2017

    CIES 2017: education unions shape the debate at global research conference

    When top education researchers gathered recently in Atlanta, Georgia the voice of the teaching profession was loud and clear as Education International turned focus toward the role unions play in shaping technical and vocational education.

    CIES 2017: education unions shape the debate at global research conference
  9. News 7 March 2017

    Unions are a ‘woman’s place’ for economic justice and empowerment

    To celebrate women around the world, Education International and its affiliates are throwing the spotlight on the role that unions play as key actors working to advance the rights and economic empowerment of women.

    Unions are a ‘woman’s place’ for economic justice and empowerment
  10. News 28 February 2017

    Tanzania: efforts underway to keep teens in school

    A Human Rights Watch report shows that over 1.5 million Tanzanian adolescents are not in school, confirming the urgent need for the government to keep its promise to make secondary education free for all.

    Tanzania: efforts underway to keep teens in school
  11. News 27 February 2017

    Gabon: striking teachers call for social dialogue to improve the education system

    On strike since last fall, Gabonese teachers are calling on public authorities to negotiate and quickly respond to trade union demands aimed at improving the education system and obtaining better teaching and learning conditions.

    Gabon: striking teachers call for social dialogue to improve the education system
  12. News 24 February 2017

    Mexico: Union helps bridge the tech divide

    Disadvantaged schools will be provided with new technologies and IT training for teachers, an initiative of Mexico's largest education union to help its members to overcome the technology gap that divides the country.

    Mexico: Union helps bridge the tech divide
  13. News 23 February 2017

    Zimbabwe: Union backs new focus on minority languages

    Zimbabwean educators have welcomed the introduction of minority language exams in 2017, acknowledging that teachers were involved in the curriculum review process and indigenous languages are part of the national teacher development programme.

    Zimbabwe: Union backs new focus on minority languages
  14. News 20 February 2017

    Iraq: building peace and understanding through art

    Education union members in Kurdistan’s Iraqi region have shown their willingness, through a joint teachers’ and students’ art and handicraft exhibition, to work together towards building peace and understanding across their region and country.

    Iraq: building peace and understanding through art
  15. News 20 February 2017

    Tanzania: Innovative collaboration targets early childhood teachers

    In partnership with the Tanzania Teachers’ Union, Education International has launched the “Developing teachers, improving early learning in Tanzania” project, which aims to improve the professional knowledge, skills, and competence of early childhood teachers.

    Tanzania: Innovative collaboration targets early childhood teachers
  16. News 15 February 2017

    Canada: school counsellors take on a central role within school communities

    From emotional support to preparing students for future careers, Canada’s school counsellors are experiencing a shift in school practice to see them increasingly become more integral to the lives of young people.

    Canada: school counsellors take on a central role within school communities