
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images

Trade union rights are human rights

Trade unionists are far too often subject to attacks by repressive governments. Every year, many are subjected to violence, arrest and imprisonment, torture and even murder. Trade union leaders in education are targeted by non-democratic governments who seek total control of education, and deny teachers and education support personnel their rights.

Even in democratic countries, many education workers are denied the right to join unions and/or engage in collective bargaining. Where bargaining exists, limits on its scope can be imposed. Moreover, teachers and education support personnel are denied the right to strike.

Education International also supports the right of students to organise and join the fight for more inclusive and democratic communities.

Working closely with our member organisations, other global unions and human rights networks, we use supervisory mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels to ensure rights and standards are respected and social dialogue is effective.

Solidarity actions among our global membership are a powerful tool to advance rights everywhere.

Our work in this area

  1. News 22 September 2006

    EI joins protest against anti-union repression in Zimbabwe

    In a strongly-worded letter to the President Robert G. Mugabe, EI demands that the Zimbabwean government respect the trade union right of all workers.

    EI joins protest against anti-union repression in Zimbabwe
  2. News 13 September 2006

    EI urges Ethiopian government to stop harassment of teacher union

    For the second time this year, security forces have disbanded a constitutional meeting of the Ethiopian Teachers' Association (ETA). EI, which represents education workers around the world, wrote to the Ethoipian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi telling his government to stop harassing the teacher union.

    EI urges Ethiopian government to stop harassment of teacher union
  3. News 12 September 2006

    International Master Programmes for Trade Unionists now open for Application

    As part of the Global Labour University network, EI would like to inform its members that the next academic year of Global Labour University is now open for applications. Two Master prgrammes on Labour and Globalisation for trade unionists are offered in 2007-2008 by the network, formed by the international...

    International Master Programmes for Trade Unionists now open for Application
  4. News 1 September 2006

    Palestinian teachers to strike over unpaid wages

    The General Union for Palestinian Teachers (GUPT), an EI affiliate, has announced that it will start an open-ended strike on 2 Sep, the first day of the school year, over unpaid wages.

    Palestinian teachers to strike over unpaid wages
  5. 1 September 2006

    Education of girls key to AIDS prevention

    It is high time to confront the vulnerability of girls to HIV and AIDS, and to support the crucial role of the education sector in combating the pandemic.

    Education of girls key to AIDS prevention
  6. 1 September 2006

    Ethiopian colleagues have the courage to keep union alive

    On November 9, 2005, Mrs. Mulunesh Abebayehu was arrested, without warning, at the junior secondary school where she teaches and taken to the notorious Kality Prison in Addis Ababa.

    Ethiopian colleagues have the courage to keep union alive
  7. News 30 August 2006

    Ethiopian authorities disrupt teachers’ General Assembly

    For the second time this year, Ethiopian authorities have disrupted a General Assembly of the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association and forcibly shut it down.

    Ethiopian authorities disrupt teachers’ General Assembly
  8. News 24 August 2006

    Education of girls key to AIDS prevention

    It is high time to confront the vulnerability of girls to HIV and AIDS, and to support the crucial role of the education sector in combating the pandemic.

    Education of girls key to AIDS prevention
  9. News 21 August 2006

    EI deplores killing of Sri Lankan students

    EI strongly protests against the killing of children in the recent air force bombings in Sri Lanka. Up to 61 girls were killed and about a hundred more injured in a raid on the Sencholai children’s home in the Mullaithivu district in northern Sri Lanka. The area is among those...

    EI deplores killing of Sri Lankan students
  10. News 4 August 2006

    ITF holds 41st Congress in Durban

    Randall Howard, General Secretary of the South African Transport and Allied Workers' Union, will be the new president of the International Transport Workers' Federation. That makes the ITF the second global union federation, after Education International, to elect a South African trade unionist as president.

    ITF holds 41st Congress in Durban
  11. News 28 July 2006

    Ethiopian teacher leaders reunited with exiled union president

    Unable to meet in their home country due to high risk to their personal safety, leaders of the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association (ETA) gathered in the Netherlands last week, thanks to support from Education International and member organizations.

    Ethiopian teacher leaders reunited with exiled union president
  12. 28 July 2006

    Trade union rights at risk in Ethiopia

    For the past 15 years, Education International and member organizations such as the Dutch teachers’ union AOb and the National Union of Teachers of England and Wales have actively supported the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association. Why the need for this solidarity? Because the ETA has suffered ongoing repression by a government...

    Trade union rights at risk in Ethiopia
  13. News 14 July 2006

    Papua New Guinea: Teachers on indefinite strike

    As many as 37 000 teachers, who are members of EI affiliate, the "Papua New Guinea Teachers' Association" (PNGTA), remain on strike in the country's national capital district despite the threat of severe penalties if they don't return to work. They began their action on 10 July over the non-payment...

    Papua New Guinea: Teachers on indefinite strike
  14. News 3 July 2006

    Mexico: EI condemns the use of violence against striking teachers!

    In a letter sent to the government of Mexico on 29 June, EI condemns the use of any form of violence against striking teachers. The message is sent in the light of the police's forceful eviction of strikers on 14 June.

    Mexico: EI condemns the use of violence against striking teachers!
  15. News 3 July 2006

    Cambodia: Teacher strike postponed

    EI affiliate the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA), and the Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia (FTUWKC) is postponing the strike due to be held today, until further notice.

    Cambodia: Teacher strike postponed
  16. News 27 June 2006

    Guinea: EI condemns gross violations of trade union rights

    EI issued a letter dated 27 June to the State Minister of Guinea, Fodé Bangoura, condemning the death threat made to SLECG General Secretary, Louis Mbemba Soumah, nor the minister's vow on 12 June to "crush trade unionists".

    Guinea: EI condemns gross violations of trade union rights