
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images

Trade union rights are human rights

Trade unionists are far too often subject to attacks by repressive governments. Every year, many are subjected to violence, arrest and imprisonment, torture and even murder. Trade union leaders in education are targeted by non-democratic governments who seek total control of education, and deny teachers and education support personnel their rights.

Even in democratic countries, many education workers are denied the right to join unions and/or engage in collective bargaining. Where bargaining exists, limits on its scope can be imposed. Moreover, teachers and education support personnel are denied the right to strike.

Education International also supports the right of students to organise and join the fight for more inclusive and democratic communities.

Working closely with our member organisations, other global unions and human rights networks, we use supervisory mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels to ensure rights and standards are respected and social dialogue is effective.

Solidarity actions among our global membership are a powerful tool to advance rights everywhere.

Our work in this area

  1. News 1 August 2014

    Senegal: Unions support kidnapped Nigerian girls

    On the occasion of the Day of Solidarity and Mobilisation, Senegalese teacher unions, united under the umbrella of the General Association of Teacher Unions (Grand cadre des syndicats de l'enseignement-GCSE), have called for the release of the girls abducted by Boko Haram.The Syndicat des professeurs du Sénégal (SYPROS), a national...

    Senegal: Unions support kidnapped Nigerian girls
  2. News 29 July 2014

    Europe: Education unions highlight gaps in new EU Framework on Health and Safety

    EI’s European Region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), has issued a position paper expressing its concerns about social dialogue and gender issues in the recently issued European Commission’s Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2014-2020.

    Europe: Education unions highlight gaps in new EU Framework on Health and Safety
  3. News 29 July 2014

    Cameroon: Trade union rights being attacked

    Cameroon's teacher unions have condemned sanctions imposed by public authorities in Cameroon which threaten the exercise of their trade union rights by workers.

    Cameroon: Trade union rights being attacked
  4. News 28 July 2014

    Nigeria: Teachers fighting for security and minimum wage

    Teachers in Benue State in Nigeria have finally gone back to work after an eight-month strike in the struggle for payment of the minimum wage. And now teachers in the Kogi State are on strike, as some have not been paid at all for four months.

    Nigeria: Teachers fighting for security and minimum wage
  5. News 25 July 2014

    Gaza: Schools should be safe havens

    Yesterday an UNRWA school in Gaza was struck by a missile, killing fifteen persons, mostly women and children, and leaving many injured.

    Gaza: Schools should be safe havens
  6. News 18 July 2014

    Ceasefire call in Gaza must be respected

    "To date more than 40 Gaza children have been killed in Israeli airstrikes. With the recent murder of three Israeli teenagers and the killing of a Palestinian teenager, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is becoming a war on children."

    Ceasefire call in Gaza must be respected
  7. News 18 July 2014

    Join in the 100 Days action for release of kidnapped Nigerian girls

    EI invites member organisations and concerned citizens to join in a call on 23 July to mark the 100th day since the abduction of the girls of Chibok, 219 of whom are still missing, held captive by Boko Haram.

    Join in the 100 Days action for release of kidnapped Nigerian girls
  8. News 15 July 2014

    New report shows educators are targets in armed conflict

    Attacks on teachers and other educators are a disturbingly common tactic of war and a serious threat to education, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) says in a new study released on 14 July. The report, Protecting Education Personnel from Targeted Attack in Conflict-Affected Countries, describes how...

    New report shows educators are targets in armed conflict
  9. News 14 July 2014

    Legal dispute in Georgia over ESFTUG election results ended after four years

    On 11 July 2014, a judicial decision by the Appeals Court in Tbilisi has finally resolved the legal battle over the legitimacy of the election of Maia Kobakhidze, President of the Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia (ESFTUG).

    Legal dispute in Georgia over ESFTUG election results ended after four years
  10. News 14 July 2014

    Uncertain Future for Maternity Leave Directive

    On 15 July 2014, the European Parliament debated the European Commission’s suggestion to withdraw the proposed maternity leave directive and to not take it up again in the next legislature. Many MEPs urged the Commission and the Council of Ministers to resume talks with Parliament.

    Uncertain Future for Maternity Leave Directive
  11. News 14 July 2014

    ETUCE Official EU-OSHA Campaign Partner

    ETUCE has joined forces with the biggest occupational safety and health campaign worldwide, the Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress Campaign coordinated by EU OSHA in more than 30 countries. As official campaign partner, ETUCE will distribute and publicise information about the campaign and participate in benchmarking events.

    ETUCE Official EU-OSHA Campaign Partner
  12. News 7 July 2014

    Lithuania: ETUCE strikes deal with Prime Minister

    Raising their voices to be heard loud and clear, thousands of teachers demonstrated in front of government offices to put an end to five years of salary freezes in the education sector.

    Lithuania: ETUCE strikes deal with Prime Minister
  13. News 1 July 2014

    Health and Safety Framework 2014-2020

    The new Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work, presented by the European Commission in June, identifies seven strategic objectives for the years 2014-2020. It proposes key actions and instruments for promoting workers’ health and safety in Europe.

    Health and Safety Framework 2014-2020
  14. News 1 July 2014

    Search for missing Israeli students ends in tragedy

    It is with shock and sadness that Education International learnt of the deaths of three Israeli students abducted on 12 June as they travelled home from school.

    Search for missing Israeli students ends in tragedy
  15. News 26 June 2014

    Employers attack workers’ right to strike

    Negotiations at the International Labour Conference in Geneva have ended in an abrupt deadlock after the Employers’ Group targeted the right to strike, arguing that it is not guaranteed by any International Labour Organisation convention.

    Employers attack workers’ right to strike
  16. News 19 June 2014

    Korea: Education union loses lawsuit to reverse delegalisation

    A Korean court has again turned its back on the International Labour Organization's recommendations in its decision to remove the legal status of one of the country’s teachers’ unions.

    Korea: Education union loses lawsuit to reverse delegalisation