
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images

Trade union rights are human rights

Trade unionists are far too often subject to attacks by repressive governments. Every year, many are subjected to violence, arrest and imprisonment, torture and even murder. Trade union leaders in education are targeted by non-democratic governments who seek total control of education, and deny teachers and education support personnel their rights.

Even in democratic countries, many education workers are denied the right to join unions and/or engage in collective bargaining. Where bargaining exists, limits on its scope can be imposed. Moreover, teachers and education support personnel are denied the right to strike.

Education International also supports the right of students to organise and join the fight for more inclusive and democratic communities.

Working closely with our member organisations, other global unions and human rights networks, we use supervisory mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels to ensure rights and standards are respected and social dialogue is effective.

Solidarity actions among our global membership are a powerful tool to advance rights everywhere.

Our work in this area

  1. News 11 June 2014

    Djibouti: Government repression of teachers continues to worsen

    Teachers’ union reaches out to Education International for support amid ongoing government measures to remove educators from the classroom and the civil service list, including the union’s general secretary and other high-level members.

    Djibouti: Government repression of teachers continues to worsen
  2. News 5 June 2014

    EI defends educators’ rights at International Labour Conference

    In an address to the 103rd International Labour Conference General Assembly in Geneva on 4 June, EI Deputy General Secretary, Haldis Holst, asked the delegates to support the Unite for Quality Education campaign and underlined the importance of the joint work between EI and the different sections of the International...

    EI defends educators’ rights at International Labour Conference
  3. News 4 June 2014

    Ghana: Education unionists’ solidarity with abducted Nigerian school girls

    The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), one of EI’s national affiliates, has organised a meeting to demand the release of the kidnapped Nigerian girls and to support the girls’ right to education.

    Ghana: Education unionists’ solidarity with abducted Nigerian school girls
  4. News 3 June 2014

    International Labour Conference: A lot at stake for trade unionism

    Collective bargaining and the right to strike have become contested issues at the International Labour Conference over the last few years. At this year’s conference, from 28 May to 12 June, trade unions from all over the world are working together to defend what they see as fundamental workers’ rights.

    International Labour Conference: A lot at stake for trade unionism
  5. News 28 May 2014

    Balkans: EI launches urgent action appeal

    EI and its European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), have launched an urgent action appeal, calling for solidarity and support for Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Balkans: EI launches urgent action appeal
  6. News 27 May 2014

    EI to put education on the agenda at the International Labour Conference

    An EI delegation is all set to participate in the annual conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) from 28 May to 12 Juneto promote decent working conditions for teachers and to advocate for quality education as an enabler to all other rights promoted by the ILO.

    EI to put education on the agenda at the International Labour Conference
  7. News 21 May 2014

    UN Envoy Gordon Brown pushes education to top of trade union agenda

    Taking the stage in Berlin, the world’s education ambassador treated trade union delegates at the International Trade Union Confederation Congress to a rousing speech to stress their role in creating quality, accessible education around the world.

    UN Envoy Gordon Brown pushes education to top of trade union agenda
  8. News 21 May 2014

    UN Envoy Gordon Brown pushes education to top of trade union agenda

    Taking the stage in Berlin, the world’s education ambassador treated trade union delegates at the International Trade Union Confederation Congress to a rousing speech to stress their role in creating quality, accessible education around the world.

    UN Envoy Gordon Brown pushes education to top of trade union agenda
  9. News 20 May 2014

    Tajikistan: programme on trade union principles and leadership

    The EI Asia-Pacific regional office organised two intermediate trade union workshops of 28 participants each for members of its national affiliate, the Republican Trade Union Committee of Education and Scientific Workers (RC-STES). The first one was held in Kayarakum from 2-4 April, the second one in Kurgantube from 6-8 April.

    Tajikistan: programme on trade union principles and leadership
  10. News 14 May 2014

    EI demands urgent action in Nigeria

    Education International has urged the ILO and UNESCO to take immediate and effective action with respect to the attacks on schools in the Nigerian states Borno, Yobe and Adamawa by Boko Haram, a group of islamist extremists opposed to “Western education”.

    EI demands urgent action in Nigeria
  11. News 14 May 2014

    Latvia: Union mobilises for pay increase

    Educators and science employees took to the streets of Riga Monday to demand additional state financing for effective education reforms.

    Latvia: Union mobilises for pay increase
  12. News 9 May 2014

    Classrooms no safe haven for Nigerian teachers: 171 killed since 2009

    The global outrage and support for Nigeria’s abducted schoolgirls have exposed the risks many face in pursuit of an education, including the constant threat teachers must endure to do their jobs.

    Classrooms no safe haven for Nigerian teachers: 171 killed since 2009
  13. News 8 May 2014

    Canada: Task force recommendations undermine teachers, says union

    The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) has strongly rejected the Task Force for Teaching Excellence report released by Alberta’s Education Minister, considering it as an assault on teachers.

    Canada: Task force recommendations undermine teachers, says union
  14. News 6 May 2014

    Health and Safety Recommendation Adopted

    A set of health and safety recommendations was adopted by the ETUCE Committee on 14/15 April 2014. The recommendations indicate how teacher unions can work and act together in times of crisis to maintain and promote health and safe working conditions in the education sector.

    Health and Safety Recommendation Adopted
  15. News 5 May 2014

    Global action week: equal rights for children with disabilities

    Children with disabilities are more likely to be out of school than any other group of children. The Global Campaign for Education’s action week from 4-10 May 2014 aims to challenge the exclusion faced by disabled children in realising their right to education.

    Global action week: equal rights for children with disabilities
  16. News 30 April 2014

    Turkish unions demand their right to celebrate May Day peacefully

    Turkish unions are making it clear that they will move ahead with peaceful celebrations on the first of May, despite a government prohibition of events in Istanbul’s most iconic square.

    Turkish unions demand their right to celebrate May Day peacefully
  17. News 29 April 2014

    UK: Shock as teacher stabbed to death in school

    EI is horrified to learn that 61-year-old Spanish teacher Anne Maguire was stabbed to death in front of students on 28 April at the Corpus Christi Catholic College in Leeds, UK. A 15-year-old boy was arrested in connection with the incident.

    UK: Shock as teacher stabbed to death in school