
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images

Trade union rights are human rights

Trade unionists are far too often subject to attacks by repressive governments. Every year, many are subjected to violence, arrest and imprisonment, torture and even murder. Trade union leaders in education are targeted by non-democratic governments who seek total control of education, and deny teachers and education support personnel their rights.

Even in democratic countries, many education workers are denied the right to join unions and/or engage in collective bargaining. Where bargaining exists, limits on its scope can be imposed. Moreover, teachers and education support personnel are denied the right to strike.

Education International also supports the right of students to organise and join the fight for more inclusive and democratic communities.

Working closely with our member organisations, other global unions and human rights networks, we use supervisory mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels to ensure rights and standards are respected and social dialogue is effective.

Solidarity actions among our global membership are a powerful tool to advance rights everywhere.

Our work in this area

  1. News 11 August 2011

    Bahrain: EI calls for detained teachers to be released

    Education International has issued a new appeal to Bahraini authorities to release Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi 'Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, Vice-President and President of the Bahraini Teachers Association (BTA) arrested along with several other board members of the BTA. Education International (EI) issued a first Urgent Action Appeal in April...

    Bahrain: EI calls for detained teachers to be released
  2. News 8 August 2011

    Bahrain: EI demands release of detained teachers

    EI and Amnesty International are calling for the release of Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, two members of the Bahrain Teachers' Association (BTA) who were arrested during the unrest in March and April 2011. They remain incarcerated awaiting trial in a civilian court, which has been postponed...

    Bahrain: EI demands release of detained teachers
  3. News 18 July 2011

    Bahrain: Serious assault on teachers’ rights

    EI has condemned the decision of Bahrain’s Ministry of Social Development to dissolve the Bahrain Teachers’ Association (BTA) and to prosecute its leaders in a military court on spurious charges of ‘leaving work on purpose, encouraging others to do so, and taking part in illegal gatherings.’

    Bahrain: Serious assault on teachers’ rights
  4. News 15 July 2011

    UN: Resolution on the right to education in armed conflict areas

    EI welcomes a new resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council as a major step forward in preventing attacks and making schools safe for children and education personnel in armed conflict situations.

    UN: Resolution on the right to education in armed conflict areas
  5. News 12 July 2011

    Sri Lanka: Thugs attack teacher unionists

    Teachers protesting in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, have been attacked by groups of armed thugs who are suspected of having close links with the government, according to the National Trade Union Centre (NTUC).

    Sri Lanka: Thugs attack teacher unionists
  6. News 8 July 2011

    Egypt: Independent teachers’ union fights for rights

    The independent teachers’ union in Egypt is fighting for the enactment of legislation to ensure trade union rights. EI’s member, the Independent Teachers Union of Egypt – which was founded July 2010 before the revolution – is part of the new Independent Trade Union Federation.

    Egypt: Independent teachers’ union fights for rights
  7. News 6 July 2011

    Botswana: Government takes away teachers’ right to strike

    The Government of Botswana has amended its laws in order to make it illegal for teachers to go on strike. The move comes as the government decided to re-classify teachers as ‘essential services’ and therefore making it illegal for teachers to withdraw their labour.

    Botswana: Government takes away teachers’ right to strike
  8. News 1 July 2011

    Greece: Teachers under attack as violence erupts

    Members of Greek teachers’ unions clashed with police forces yesterday as they protested against a set of draconian budget cuts that were approved by parliament on Wednesday. The demonstration was led by the Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers (OLME) and the Greek Primary Teachers Federation (DOE) and took...

    Greece: Teachers under attack as violence erupts
  9. News 30 June 2011

    EI statement to mark the twentieth anniversary of abolition of apartheid in South Africa

    As over 1600 teacher unionists are about to converge to Cape Town for the 6h World Congress of Education International, EI, on behalf of its 30 million teachers and education workers worldwide, expresses its admiration with all the South African colleagues for their struggle to abolish apartheid, overcome profound injustice...

    EI statement to mark the twentieth anniversary of abolition of apartheid in South Africa