
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images

Trade union rights are human rights

Trade unionists are far too often subject to attacks by repressive governments. Every year, many are subjected to violence, arrest and imprisonment, torture and even murder. Trade union leaders in education are targeted by non-democratic governments who seek total control of education, and deny teachers and education support personnel their rights.

Even in democratic countries, many education workers are denied the right to join unions and/or engage in collective bargaining. Where bargaining exists, limits on its scope can be imposed. Moreover, teachers and education support personnel are denied the right to strike.

Education International also supports the right of students to organise and join the fight for more inclusive and democratic communities.

Working closely with our member organisations, other global unions and human rights networks, we use supervisory mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels to ensure rights and standards are respected and social dialogue is effective.

Solidarity actions among our global membership are a powerful tool to advance rights everywhere.

Our work in this area

  1. News 21 January 2008

    Brazil: CNTE joins EI in the fight against HIV/AIDS and STDs

    Last October CNTE/Brazil joined the EFAIDS Programme. The union kicked off their programme activities with a national level seminar on STDs and AIDS, which took place in Brasilia from October 2-4.

    Brazil: CNTE joins EI in the fight against HIV/AIDS and STDs
  2. News 21 January 2008

    Mexico: International AIDS Conference, August 3-8, 2008

    The 17th International AIDS Conference is taking place in Mexico City this year from 3-8 August. Representatives of EI will be present at the Conference to ensure that the critical issue of the education sector response to HIV/AIDS is kept firmly on the agenda.

    Mexico: International AIDS Conference, August 3-8, 2008
  3. News 21 January 2008

    Interview with Maria Teresa Cabrera, ADP/Dominican Republic

    Maria Teresa Cabrera is a member of the EI Executive Board, President of the ADP (Dominican Association of Teachers) and the Coordinator of the ADP EFAIDS Programme. The ADP together with teacher unions FAPROUASD and ANPROTEC have just begun implementing EFAIDS activities

    Interview with Maria Teresa Cabrera, ADP/Dominican Republic
  4. News 20 December 2007

    Ethiopia: released on bail, teachers grateful for international solidarity

    EI is pleased to announce that Berhanu Aba-Debisa, Wolde Dana and Wibit Legamo have at last been released on bail. With the support of National Union of Teachers (NUT), from the United Kingdom and EI, the three colleagues are free at last and extend their gratitude for the support received...

    Ethiopia: released on bail, teachers grateful for international solidarity
  5. News 20 December 2007

    Iran: Intimidation of teachers continues

    On 14 December, nine teachers were sentenced to 91 days imprisonment by a criminal court of the province of Hamadan in Iran.

    Iran: Intimidation of teachers continues
  6. News 13 December 2007

    Ethiopia: EI condemns government interference in the union elections

    Teachers throughout Ethiopia have been summoned to meetings with school principals, where teachers are informed they shall elect school representatives for the "Ethiopia Teachers' Association".

    Ethiopia: EI condemns government interference in the union elections
  7. News 13 December 2007

    Teachers mark World AIDS Day with 'One Hour on AIDS' initiative

    EI would like to congratulate its affiliates for their efforts to mobilise their members and society at large to celebrate World AIDS Day 2007 and to launch the new ‘One Hour on AIDS’ initiative with commitment and enthusiasm!

    Teachers mark World AIDS Day with 'One Hour on AIDS' initiative
  8. News 13 December 2007

    St Vincent and the Grenadines: Caribbean unions take EFAIDS a step forward

    In October thirteen unions affiliated to EI came together in Kingston to review their progress on the EFAIDS Programme thus far, to plan for 2008 and to benefit from training on two new toolkits related to gender safe schools and the greater integration of teachers living with HIV and AIDS...

    St Vincent and the Grenadines: Caribbean unions take EFAIDS a step forward
  9. News 13 December 2007

    Teacher Unions strongly represented in EFA and HIV discussions

    In early December a number of meetings took place on Education for All and HIV/AIDS in Nairobi. UN-agencies, the World Bank, NGOs, trade unions and bilateral donors convened under the umbrella of the Inter-Agency Task Team on Education and HIV/AIDS. Likewise thirteen EFAIDS coordinators from Eastern and Southern Africa and...

    Teacher Unions strongly represented in EFA and HIV discussions
  10. News 13 December 2007

    UNAIDS Report says HIV prevalence levelling off

    UNAIDS and the WHO have revised downward the figure on global HIV prevalence. Partially in response to the impact of HIV programmes, but also due to the introduction of new surveillance methods, UNAIDS puts the number of people living with HIV globally at 33.2 million, down from 39.5 million in...

    UNAIDS Report says HIV prevalence levelling off
  11. News 28 November 2007

    World AIDS Day: Teachers take the lead

    To mark World AIDS Day, Education International is challenging educators around the world to teach the same lesson as part of a new initiative called "One Hour on AIDS."

    World AIDS Day: Teachers take the lead
  12. News 28 November 2007

    Pakistan: Protests after the arrest of trade unionists during state of emergency

    The Council of Global Unions*, headed by the EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen, protested against the arrests of several trade union leaders following the imposition of the state of emergency earlier in November.

    Pakistan: Protests after the arrest of trade unionists during state of emergency
  13. News 31 October 2007

    Ethiopia-Three teachers released

    In an email dated 29 October 2007, Gemoraw Kassa, General Secretary of the Ethiopian Teachers' Association(ETA), informed EI that the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court decided on that day to release on bail detained colleagues Anteneh Getnet, Berhanu Aba-Debissa, Wolde Dana, along with Wibit Ligamo, Dana’s wife.

    Ethiopia-Three teachers released
  14. 25 October 2007

    HIV and AIDS as a Major Global Issue

    According to UNAIDS, HIV was discovered in 1981. Since then over 65 million people have been infected with the virus and 25 million have died of AIDS. It is estimated by UNAIDS that over 8,000 people are dying from AIDS every day. Although the numbers of people affected vary greatly...

    HIV and AIDS as a Major Global Issue