
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images

Trade union rights are human rights

Trade unionists are far too often subject to attacks by repressive governments. Every year, many are subjected to violence, arrest and imprisonment, torture and even murder. Trade union leaders in education are targeted by non-democratic governments who seek total control of education, and deny teachers and education support personnel their rights.

Even in democratic countries, many education workers are denied the right to join unions and/or engage in collective bargaining. Where bargaining exists, limits on its scope can be imposed. Moreover, teachers and education support personnel are denied the right to strike.

Education International also supports the right of students to organise and join the fight for more inclusive and democratic communities.

Working closely with our member organisations, other global unions and human rights networks, we use supervisory mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels to ensure rights and standards are respected and social dialogue is effective.

Solidarity actions among our global membership are a powerful tool to advance rights everywhere.

Our work in this area

  1. News 17 October 2007

    Ethiopia: EI relaunched Urgent Action Appeal for the release of ETA members

    In light of the Urgent Resolution adopted by its recent 5th World Congress, EI calls on the solidarity and support of its members and partners to ensure the immediate release of detained Ethiopian colleagues.

    Ethiopia: EI relaunched Urgent Action Appeal for the release of ETA members
  2. News 17 October 2007

    East and Southern Africa: New report on supporting HIV-Positive Teachers

    EI together with its EFAIDS partners the Education Development Center (EDC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNESCO are pleased to announce the release of the publication ‘Supporting HIV-Positive Teachers in East and Southern Africa: Technical Consultation Report’.

    East and Southern Africa: New report on supporting HIV-Positive Teachers
  3. News 17 October 2007

    New World AIDS Day Schools Initiative: 'One Hour on AIDS'

    Education International is pleased to announce a new initiative to mark World AIDS Day in classrooms this November 30 (December 1 being a Saturday). 'One Hour on AIDS' will see learners around the world benefiting from lessons on AIDS on the same day. EI is putting together a kit specially...

    New World AIDS Day Schools Initiative: 'One Hour on AIDS'
  4. News 17 October 2007

    Argentina: CTERA Steps Up AIDS Prevention Efforts

    Over the last month, EI's affiliate in Argentina, CTERA, has been involved in a number of new initiatives related to HIV prevention.

    Argentina: CTERA Steps Up AIDS Prevention Efforts
  5. News 17 October 2007

    India: Sex Education in Schools

    Since the first case was detected in the 1980s, AIDS has become one of the largest killers in the world. Every day, some 7,200 young people are contracting HIV in the world. In India, 15% of HIV/AIDS patients are children under 15 years of age. At a time when HIV...

    India: Sex Education in Schools
  6. News 17 October 2007

    Benin: EI Affiliates initiate joint health education activities

    Eight EI affiliates in Benin have just set up a new joint committee called COSIEB to implement their HIV and AIDS education through schools programme. The eight unions organise teachers from early to higher education and will be able to reach out to teachers of all levels in Benin.

    Benin: EI Affiliates initiate joint health education activities
  7. News 10 October 2007

    Argentina: Carlos Fuentealba remembered

    Teachers in Argentina joined a national strike convened by EI affiliate CTERA on October 4th to demand that those responsible for the assassination of Carlos Fuentealba be brought to justice.

    Argentina: Carlos Fuentealba remembered
  8. News 5 October 2007

    Students detained in Gaza

    Education International is deeply concerned by reports that up to 600 students have been denied exit from Gaza despite assurances from the Israeli authorities that they would be allowed to leave.

    Students detained in Gaza
  9. News 1 October 2007

    Burma: Urgent Action Appeal

    Education International encourages all member organisations to write to the Burmese representatives in their countries following the recent violent repression used to break up peaceful demonstrations.

    Burma: Urgent Action Appeal
  10. News 28 September 2007

    EI deplores repression of academics and students in Bangladesh

    EI has written to Ehsanul Haque, Private Secretary to the Chief Adviser of Bangladesh, expressing concern at the violent repression of university student protests.

    EI deplores repression of academics and students in Bangladesh
  11. News 28 September 2007

    PSI World Congress

    The world must not stand aside, but must act in support of a free and democratic Burma. That is the message from the World Congress of the Public Services International, taking place in Vienna from 24 to 28 September.

    PSI World Congress
  12. News 13 September 2007

    Ghana: Union Research reconfirms HIV/AIDS as a key workplace issue

    EI affiliates the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) and Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union (TEWU) have just finalised research on HIV/AIDS in the education sector.

    Ghana: Union Research reconfirms HIV/AIDS as a key workplace issue
  13. News 13 September 2007

    Honduras: Unions get moving on training!

    From June 26-28, the Honduran national HIV and AIDS teachers’ union prevention committee, coordinated by Rosario Avila (EFAIDS Programme Coordinator/COLPROSUMAH), together with EI, the EDC and CTERA/Argentina, organised an HIV and AIDS workshop at the headquarters of COPEMH in Tegucigalpa.

    Honduras: Unions get moving on training!
  14. News 13 September 2007

    Caribbean: EI Regional Coordinator visits Haiti, Guyana and Suriname

    The EFAIDS programme has started to have an impact among students and teachers in Guyana, Suriname and Haiti. This was the overall conclusion drawn by the EI regional Coordinator Virginia Albert on a recent evaluation visit to these countries.

    Caribbean: EI Regional Coordinator visits Haiti, Guyana and Suriname
  15. News 13 September 2007

    EFAIDS Programme Branches Out!

    EI, the EDC and WHO have developed two new toolkits which will be the basis of training sessions carried out by teachers’ unions participating in the EFAIDS Programme over the coming months.

    EFAIDS Programme Branches Out!
  16. News 13 September 2007

    Education International Congress examines EFAIDS issues

    What has been the experience of teachers’ unions on the EFAIDS Programme thus far? How is the training of teachers on HIV/AIDS education developing? What challenges still lie in the path of the unions striving to achieve the Education for All goals? These and other questions were reflected upon at...

    Education International Congress examines EFAIDS issues