
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 12 April 2017

    Break the taboo – Raise awareness for violence against teachers

    When there is no data on violence against teachers, nobody has to react - that seems to be the opinion of politicians all over Germany. But the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) were no longer willing to remain silent and commissioned the German forsa Institute for Social Research and Statistical...

    Break the taboo – Raise awareness for violence against teachers
  2. News 4 April 2017

    Executive Board pays tribute to lifelong champion of education

    The Executive Board of Education International has expressed its recognition for a life devoted to education to Deputy General Secretary Charlie Lennon, who will retire in the coming months.

    Executive Board pays tribute to lifelong champion of education
  3. News 4 April 2017

    Global education movement advances on its priority themes

    The 49th meeting of the Education International’s Executive Board will take stock of measures and actions taken and to be taken to implement its quadrennial programme for quality education as mandated by the 2015 World Congress.

    Global education movement advances on its priority themes
  4. News 31 March 2017

    Education unionists celebrate hard-won gains on women’s empowerment

    Global commitments to women’s economic empowerment were agreed by the 163 participating member states at the 61st Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women which drew to a close on 24 March.

    Education unionists celebrate hard-won gains on women’s empowerment
  5. News 21 March 2017

    Canadian receives Global Teacher Prize

    Maggie MacDonnell of Quebec, and a member of Education International’s Quebec affiliate, CSQ, was selected from among 20,000 nominees worldwide at the Varkey Foundation’s Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai.

    Canadian receives Global Teacher Prize
  6. News 13 March 2017



  7. News 13 March 2017


  8. News 7 March 2017

    Youth photo contest puts focus on education

    The GEM Report is launching a youth photo contest on the topic of education for development with a $500 award for the best photo to support the UNESCO week for peace and sustainable development on 6 March.

    Youth photo contest puts focus on education
  9. News 2 February 2017

    Pacific teacher unions actively engaged stakeholders in 2016

    The Council of Pacific Education, an Education International-affiliated umbrella body of teacher organisations in the Pacific, has released the latest issue of its journal, highlighting the wide-ranging work undertaken last year by education unions.

    Pacific teacher unions actively engaged stakeholders in 2016
  10. News 26 January 2017

    Education International’s Angelo Gavrielatos to receive the Order of Australia

    For most Australians, Australia Day is cause for celebration and patriotic pride, but for Angelo Gavrielatos this year’s festivities include the prestigious Medal of the Order of Australia for his work and dedication to education.

    Education International’s Angelo Gavrielatos to receive the Order of Australia