
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 23 July 2015

    Flip the System to take EI World Congress by storm

    Today, the anticipated book and call to action for teachers, unions, and parents, Flip the System, is being presented at Education International’s Seventh World Congress, where copies are available to delegates.

    Flip the System to take EI World Congress by storm
  2. News 22 July 2015

    New officers elected at EI Congress

    A President, five Vice Presidents, and a General Secretary for Education International (EI) were all elected at the second plenary session of EI’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on Wednesday, 22 July.

    New officers elected at EI Congress
  3. News 22 July 2015

    Congress gives thumbs down to trade agreements

    International trade agreements that prioritise the needs of big business over society, working people, and the environment were given the ‘thumbs down’ by delegates at Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on Wednesday, 22 July.

    Congress gives thumbs down to trade agreements
  4. News 22 July 2015

    Van Leeuwen recalls successful four years

    At the first plenary session of Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on 22 July, General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen introduced the Quadrennial Report, which summarised the work of Education International (EI) over the last four years.

    Van Leeuwen recalls successful four years
  5. News 22 July 2015

    Women union leaders play vital role in wider community

    Women union leaders are active not just in their own schools but also in their communities. That’s according to Education International (EI) president Susan Hopgood who was addressing the EI Women’s Caucus at EI’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on 21 July.

    Women union leaders play vital role in wider community
  6. News 22 July 2015

    Beijing+20: Much done, more to do

    The 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action which outlined a broad vision of women’s rights and gender equality has not been fully achieved in the ensuing 20 years.

    Beijing+20: Much done, more to do
  7. News 22 July 2015

    Director-General of ILO praises EI

    Guy Ryder, the Director-General of the International Labour Organisation, has praised Education International as 'one of the biggest success stories of the international trade union movement of the last two decades', during his speech at the Congress' opening.

    Director-General of ILO praises EI
  8. News 22 July 2015

    Susan Hopgood: Looking to the next four years

    The 7th World Congress officially opened with around 1,700 participants, who celebrated past accomplishments of the organisation and looked to the next four years.

    Susan Hopgood: Looking to the next four years
  9. News 21 July 2015

    Unions key in mobilising support nationally for global aims

    The role of unions in mobilising support for quality education was highlighted at Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on 21 July.

    Unions key in mobilising support nationally for global aims
  10. News 20 July 2015

    EI Congress delegates united in diversity

    During an intense debate at the diversity caucus, delegates at Education International’s 7th World Congress have designed strategies on how to tackle discrimination from the classroom and through trade union action.

    EI Congress delegates united in diversity
  11. News 14 July 2015

    World Congress delegates go to AFT TEACH en-route to Ottawa

    Twenty-three delegates from nine Education International member countries are in Washington, DC, this week as participants in the American Federation of Teachers’ biennial professional development conference, “Together Educating America’s Children,” also known as TEACH.

    World Congress delegates go to AFT TEACH en-route to Ottawa
  12. News 9 July 2015

    Social media

    During Congress sessions, many people will use their social media accounts to share their impressions in real-time. The Congress hashtag is #unite4ed.

    Social media
  13. News 9 July 2015

    Shuttle bus service - To and from Ottawa airport

    A shuttle bus service has been arranged to transport participants to their hotels on arrival in Ottawa and returning to the airport at the end of Congress.

    Shuttle bus service - To and from Ottawa airport
  14. News 9 July 2015

    Congress Business - Publications

    The business of Congress is set out in a series of publications, all of which will be available online on the Congress website in the course of next week. Hard copies of the books will be given to participants on registration at the Congress Centre.

    Congress Business - Publications
  15. News 9 July 2015

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress

    Almost two thousand people will converge on the city of Ottawa in less than two weeks’ time to participate in the 7th Education International World Congress. The Pre-Congress events will begin on Sunday, 19th July, with the ‘Unite in Diversity’ LGBT and Indigenous Caucuses. Congress itself will begin at 17.00...

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress