
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 20 January 2012

    Union communicators working together in times of crisis

    At its recent meeting in London, the Global Unions Communication Task Force, which consists of representatives of EI, ITUC, PSI, ITF, UNI and the other global union federations, affirmed that, in the current economic climate with its multiple attacks on workers' rights, it is time for the private and public...

    Union communicators working together in times of crisis
  2. News 19 January 2012

    All Congress resolutions available now!

    The EI Executive Board has considered resolutions that were submitted – but not considered due to insufficient time – for its 2011 Congress. This action was mandated by the EI 6th World Congress held in Cape Town, South Africa, in July 2011.

    All Congress resolutions available now!
  3. News 18 January 2012

    Global Labour University seeks applicants for its Masters courses

    The Global Labour University (GLU) invites trade unionists and labour activists to apply to its Masters course in "Labour Policies and Globalisation" offered in Germany, or the Masters course in "Globalisation and Labour" offered in India.

    Global Labour University seeks applicants for its Masters courses
  4. News 12 December 2011

    7th EI World Congress to take place in Ottawa, Canada, in 2015

    At its 39th meeting on 1st December, the EI Executive Board selected the Ottawa Convention Centre, in the Canadian capital, as the location for the 7th EI World Congress. The next Congress will be held in July 2015. Traditionally, each EI Congress is held in a different region. For 2015...

    7th EI World Congress to take place in Ottawa, Canada, in 2015
  5. News 12 December 2011

    Global teacher union leaders promote equality in VET and the elimination of violence against women.

    As mandated by the 2011 World Congress held in Cape Town, South Africa, the EI Executive Board, at its 39th meeting held in Brussels, Belgium, from 30 November-1 December, considered the resolutions submitted for Congress but not dealt with at Congress due to insufficient time, and adopted a proposed Congress...

    Global teacher union leaders promote equality in VET and the elimination of violence against women.
  6. News 5 December 2011

    Education leaders tackle impact of economic crisis

    Convening in Brussels for the first time after the World Congress, the newly elected EI Executive Board voiced concerns about the ongoing onslaught on quality public education in the wake of the economic crisis and vowed to take measures to counter this worldwide tendency.

    Education leaders tackle impact of economic crisis