
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 13 December 2010

    Passing of an historical leader

    Motofumi Makieda, one of the leaders who laid the foundations for the creation of Education International, passed away in Tokyo on 4 December. He was aged 89.

    Passing of an historical leader
  2. News 10 December 2010

    Thulas Nxesi appointed Deputy Minister

    Education International congratulates Thulas Nxesi on his appointment as the Deputy Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform. Mr Nxesi served as Education International's president from 2004-2009.

    Thulas Nxesi appointed Deputy Minister
  3. News 2 December 2010

    Uganda: Star teachers rewarded for dedication and success

    Norah Tebaweesa, Olivia Muhumuza and Anthony Oluka, have each won Uganda’s Teachers Making a Difference Award which seeks to recognise those teachers that have made big contributions to the communities they live in.

    Uganda: Star teachers rewarded for dedication and success
  4. News 2 December 2010

    Zambia: Challenge to retain teachers

    Delegates at EI’s Africa Regional Conference in Brazzaville, Congo, are debating ways in which to address the enormous challenges facing education and educators across the continent.

    Zambia: Challenge to retain teachers
  5. News 30 November 2010

    ETUCE announces tender process for Europe-wide survey

    The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) has opened a call for external expertise on a Europe-wide survey on the impact of psycho-social factors on teachers.

    ETUCE announces tender process for Europe-wide survey
  6. News 24 November 2010

    Teacher unionists discuss development cooperation policy

    Representatives of teachers’ unions from around the world make significant progress towards adopting a collective policy document at EI’s Annual Development Cooperation meeting in Brussels, Belgium, from 18-19 November.

    Teacher unionists discuss development cooperation policy
  7. News 22 November 2010

    Adoption of a new EI European regional structure

    “Today is a good day for teacher trade unionism in Europe. We are showing unity and solidarity, and are going be able to use our resources more effectively."

    Adoption of a new EI European regional structure
  8. News 5 November 2010

    EI Executive Board decides on strategies to tackle challenges

    The member-led Executive Board of EI met in Brussels on 26-28 October to agree strategic policy decisions that will guide the work of the global union over the next period of time.

    EI Executive Board decides on strategies to tackle challenges
  9. News 3 November 2010

    EU presidency will put Financial Transaction Tax on G20 agenda

    The Belgian government has announced plans to use its EU presidency to put the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) on the G20 agenda held in Seoul, Korea, from 11-12 November.

    EU presidency will put Financial Transaction Tax on G20 agenda
  10. News 2 November 2010

    Georgia: Teacher trade union elects new president

    Maia Kobakhidze, a teacher of mathematics - and leader of the Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia (ESFTUG) Tbilisi branch - has been unanimously elected ESFTUG's new president.

    Georgia: Teacher trade union elects new president
  11. News 29 October 2010

    EI Executive Board meets in Brussels

    The Executive Board, the governing body that directs the affairs and activities of Education International between World Congresses in conformity with the resolutions and decisions of the latter, has met in Brussels from 26 to 28 October.

    EI Executive Board meets in Brussels
  12. News 21 October 2010

    Help secure G-20 support for a financial transactions tax!

    EI is inviting member organisations and all concerned individuals to sign an international civil society statement that will be delivered to G-20 leaders during their summit in Seoul from 11–12 November, 2010.

    Help secure G-20 support for a financial transactions tax!
  13. News 15 October 2010

    Invest in quality public services now!

    In the face of cuts to public services, leaders of trade unions, governments and civil society have made the unprecedented joint commitment to work together.

    Invest in quality public services now!
  14. News 13 October 2010

    Peace, principles and courage to fight crisis together

    In a rousing call to action, Greenpeace’s Kumi Naidoo has told 400 delegates at the Quality Public Services - Action Now! Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to challenge the threat to vital public services with “peace, principles and courage”.

    Peace, principles and courage to fight crisis together
  15. News 13 October 2010

    Young workers: Champions of Quality Public Services

    “There is no work-life harmony; there is only work-life integration – you have to live as you work.” This joke set the tone for the Young Workers’ Forum held on 11 October, leading into the Quality Public Services, Action Now! Conference.

    Young workers: Champions of Quality Public Services
  16. News 7 October 2010

    World Day for Decent Work 2010

    Trade unions across the world are mobilising on 7 October to tackle the global economic and employment crisis and demand fundamental reform of the world economy.

    World Day for Decent Work 2010
  17. News 30 September 2010

    Quality public services key to sustainable economic solutions

    Landmark international conference brings together private and public sector workers, government and civil society leaders Quality Public Services – Action Now! October 12-14, Geneva, Switzerland

    Quality public services key to sustainable economic solutions