
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 12 July 2021

    Educators in the Arab countries ready to rebuild education systems despite challenges

    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive loss of human life and an unprecedented challenge to public health, education systems and the economy in the Arab region. Education unions remain committed to quality education, advocating for their students and members and rebuilding with equity.

    Educators in the Arab countries ready to rebuild education systems despite challenges
  2. News 9 July 2021

    Arab educators and their unions ready to rebuild education and shape the future of their work

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the education sector, the future of work, climate change action, the protection of human and trade union rights, and safeguarding democracy were at the heart of discussions during the 5th Conference of Education International's Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure (ACCRS).

    Arab educators and their unions ready to rebuild education and shape the future of their work
  3. Worlds of Education 1 July 2021

    An online union academy made in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    Jacques Taty Mwakupemba, Augustin Tumba Nzuji

    The Online Union Academy [Académie Syndicale en Ligne, ASL] project set up by the Congo National Federation of Teachers and Social Educators (FENECO/UNTC) is part of the capacity-building activities of unions working in the education sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Primary, Secondary and Technical Education; Higher and University...

    An online union academy made in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  4. News 25 June 2021

    Africa: Resilience, diversity, and purpose at heart of union renewal drive

    Attracting, retaining, and energising new and young members in the teacher trade union movement – this key topic was at the heart of a recent webinar organised by Education International’s Africa Region.

    Africa: Resilience, diversity, and purpose at heart of union renewal drive
  5. News 10 June 2021

    Research to inform teaching in times of climate and public health emergencies

    On the second and last day of Education International’s Research Network (ResNet), participants focused on teaching in times of climate and health emergencies. They underlined that it is crucial to build an evidence base for union advocacy and policy making that highlights educators and their expertise in times of crisis...

    Research to inform teaching in times of climate and public health emergencies
  6. News 8 June 2021

    Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021

    On June 8 and 9, Education International is hosting the annual meeting of its Research Network which brings together education researchers from around the world. The first day of the meeting gave participants the opportunity to share updates on the latest research in the sector and featured a preview of...

    Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021
  7. News 3 June 2021

    Trade union renewal in Asia-Pacific to advance educators’ conditions and representation

    Education International’s Asia-Pacific office has launched new research “Union Renewal in the Education Sector: Prospects for the Asia-Pacific report”. This has provided an opportunity to reflect on the need for education unions to overcome challenges, embrace renewal, and seize opportunities offered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Trade union renewal in Asia-Pacific to advance educators’ conditions and representation
  8. Research

    Union Renewal in the Education Sector: Prospects for the Asia-Pacific

    Kristy Ward, Michele Ford
    31 May 2021

    The primary objective of this report is to construct an initial model of ‘union renewal’ or ‘union transformation’ to be considered for further development by selected Education International affiliates in partnership with Education International’s Asia-Pacific Office.

    Union Renewal in the Education Sector: Prospects for the Asia-Pacific
    1. Download
  9. News 26 March 2021

    COVID-19 impact continues to affect terms and conditions in education

    Deepening inequalities across the education sector were revealed at a recent Education International webinar. Affiliates shared experiences of working to improve the terms and working conditions of teachers, academics, and education support personnel. The webinar aimed to inform Education International’s work in this area during the current public health crisis.

    COVID-19 impact continues to affect terms and conditions in education
  10. Publications

    Development Cooperation Handbook: A guide to successful partnerships

    28 February 2021

    This development cooperation handbook is intended for the use of all Education International affiliates. Those that are already involved in development cooperation will find food for thought and tools for use in their work. Affiliates that are not yet involved in development cooperation will find useful information to help them...

    Development Cooperation Handbook: A guide to successful partnerships
    1. Download
  11. News 4 January 2021

    Best wishes for 2021!

    Education International sends its best wishes to everyone from the global education community for this new year. With the COVID-19 pandemic still threatening lives, we will continue our struggle for a safe and healthy return to the classroom for teachers, education support personnel, and students. We will also do our...

    Best wishes for 2021!
  12. News 14 December 2020

    Education International and UNESCO call for educators to be considered a priority group in COVID-19 vaccinations

    Today, on the 60th anniversary of the Convention that promotes the universal right to education, Education International and UNESCO published a joint message calling on governments and the international community to consider teachers and education support personnel as a priority group in COVID-19 vaccination efforts. The call came as some...

    Education International and UNESCO call for educators to be considered a priority group in COVID-19 vaccinations
  13. News 8 December 2020

    Korea: Educators mourn the death of Lee Dong-Jin, a great education union leader

    Education International and the global education union community is saddened by the passing on 6 December of Lee Dong-Jin (68), a great education unionist, former leader of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU) and former member of Education International’s Executive Board.

    Korea: Educators mourn the death of Lee Dong-Jin, a great education union leader
  14. News 6 December 2020

    SYPERWA resolves to improve the financial capacity of their members

    The Education Staff Union of Rwanda (SYPERWA) has taken measures to improve the financial capacity of their members through the establishment of a solidarity fund for teachers. The decision was taken during the 3rd Congress of SYPERWA on 5th December 2020 held in Kigali.

    SYPERWA resolves to improve the financial capacity of their members