

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 January 2017

    Education World Forum’s top sponsor far from the ‘gold’ standard

    The annual closed door meeting of education ministers and government officials is attracting heavy criticism after choosing Bridge International Academies as its top sponsor, a decision protested by global education unions and civil society groups.

    Education World Forum’s top sponsor far from the ‘gold’ standard
  2. Union renewal and development 23 January 2017

    UK: guarded welcome for extra funding for schools serving disadvantaged communities

    Education unions welcomed the education secretary’s announcement to fund an additional six “Opportunity Areas,” and urged the government to ensure that all children can go to school, regardless of their social background.

    UK: guarded welcome for extra funding for schools serving disadvantaged communities
  3. Union renewal and development 23 January 2017

    Australia: tertiary education loses historic leader

    Colleagues from the higher education sector in Australia and around the world are remembering the life and work of Carolyn Allport, a founding leader of NTEU union who passed away last week.

    Australia: tertiary education loses historic leader
  4. Equity and inclusion 22 January 2017

    Public education crucial to integrating migrant and refugee children

    As is the case with many human crisis and natural disasters, private industries look to quickly capitalise, which is why major efforts continue to ensure that refugee and migrant children receive a quality public education.

    Public education crucial to integrating migrant and refugee children
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 January 2017

    State-of-the-art research frames global response to privatisation

    Prominent scholars, analysts and trade union leaders are convening in Brussels to lay out the mechanisms, strategies and trends in the privatisation of education – with the aim of turning research into successful action.

    State-of-the-art research frames global response to privatisation
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 January 2017

    Early childhood education a key priority for EI and SDGs

    Education International’s working group on early childhood education has reiterated the importance of ECE in helping young children reach their full potential and the sector’s contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

    Early childhood education a key priority for EI and SDGs
  7. Union renewal and development 18 January 2017

    Dominica: Trade union solidarity brings calm after storm

    In its latest podcast, Education International interviews Celia Nicholas, the leader of the Dominica Association of Teachers, on life after hurricane Erika and how teacher solidarity, at home and abroad, is helping them rebuild.

    Dominica: Trade union solidarity brings calm after storm
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 January 2017

    Tunisia: teachers unite to demand essential education reform

    With the full support of their unions, primary and secondary school teachers from across the country have come together in protest to urge the government to secure quality education for every student in Tunisia.

    Tunisia: teachers unite to demand essential education reform
  9. Equity and inclusion 16 January 2017

    Less than a quarter of secondary students living in emergencies have access to education

    A new Human Rights Watch World Report looks into secondary education for children in emergency situations, calling on humanitarian actors and donors to ensure that refugee adolescents have access to education wherever they find themselves.

    Less than a quarter of secondary students living in emergencies have access to education
  10. Standards and working conditions 15 January 2017

    World Economic Forum: Teachers won’t be substituted by robots, panel agrees

    Many discussions at this year's World Economic Forum in Davos revolved around how technology impacts society now and in future. The Varkey Foundation and Education International jointly hosted a debate to address this question in relation to education.

    World Economic Forum: Teachers won’t be substituted by robots, panel agrees
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 13 January 2017

    Education International demands Iranian academic’s immediate release

    Firmly standing behind Iranian academic Ahmadreza Djalali, Education International reiterates the need for affiliates to join in the call for his immediate release from jail.

    Education International demands Iranian academic’s immediate release
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 January 2017

    Facing up to the WTO summit, the Peoples’ Summit

    The CTERA, the trade union confederation and affiliate of Educational International in Argentina, raised its voice against the commodification and privatisation of education at the ‘Peoples’ Summit’, which took place in Buenos Aires.

    Facing up to the WTO summit, the Peoples’ Summit
  13. Standards and working conditions 13 January 2017

    Germany: teacher union rethinks education

    The German union GEW is gearing up for a new campaign aimed at increasing the national and local governments’ funding for education.

    Germany: teacher union rethinks education
  14. Union renewal and development 12 January 2017

    Brazil: education, democracy and resistance

    More than 2,500 teacher leaders gather in Brasilia, Brazil, this week for the Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE)’s congress, debating topics inspired by famous educator and philosopher Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy.

    Brazil: education, democracy and resistance
  15. Equity and inclusion 11 January 2017

    Report says that textbooks are crucial to tackling sexual discrimination

    A new Global Education Monitoring Report Policy Paper clearly shows that textbooks can play a major role in helping build tolerance and positively shape young people’s views and acceptance of sexual diversity.

    Report says that textbooks are crucial to tackling sexual discrimination
  16. Standards and working conditions 10 January 2017

    Germany: union concerned over state proposals on fees and administration

    The Education International affiliate GEW has strongly criticised the plans of a Southwestern German state to introduce study fees and warns against a dilution of the participation of education staff in the decision-making process.

    Germany: union concerned over state proposals on fees and administration
  17. Standards and working conditions 9 January 2017

    UK: Teacher unions unite to demand salary boost

    Six education unions from the UK have made a joint submission to the national review body calling for a “significant” salary increase for teachers, whose pay has been frozen or capped since 2011.

    UK: Teacher unions unite to demand salary boost