

  1. Standards and working conditions 6 January 2017

    Canada: union deal with provincial government to spur teacher hiring spree

    The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation has announced that more than 1,000 teachers will be hired after the government’s first $50 million commitment toward fulfilling last year’s Supreme Court ruling on the province’s classroom conditions.

    Canada: union deal with provincial government to spur teacher hiring spree
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 January 2017

    Morocco: united union front to defend public education against increasing privatisation

    Morocco's national education trade unions have mobilised in protest against rising privatisation, and specifically measures being introduced by the outgoing government which the unions believe are set to ‘destroy public education.’

    Morocco: united union front to defend public education against increasing privatisation
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 January 2017

    New imperatives of educational change to help build inclusive, stronger and democratic societies

    Together with Education International’s Deputy General Secretary David Edwards, Boston College Professor Dennis Shirley discusses global trends in education and shares what he has identified as the five new imperatives of educational change.

    New imperatives of educational change to help build inclusive, stronger and democratic societies
  4. Equity and inclusion 2 January 2017

    NUT compiles resources for teaching refugee children

    As a response to the refugee crisis the NUT has created a hub for refugee teaching resources, booklists and useful websites which have been developed, used and shared by teachers for teachers. 

    NUT compiles resources for teaching refugee children
  5. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016

    Upcoming events

    Upcoming events
  6. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016

    Latin America

    Latin America
  7. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016


  8. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016


  9. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016


  10. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016


  11. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016


  12. Climate action and literacy 20 December 2016

    Asia-Pacific education unions focus on Education 2030 agenda

    Implementing the Education 2030 agenda in the Asia-Pacific region was the focus of a regional consultation of education union leaders.

    Asia-Pacific education unions focus on Education 2030 agenda
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 20 December 2016

    Colombian academic speaks about armed conflict and human rights

    Together with Education International Deputy General Secretary David Edwards, Colombian academic Miguel Ángel Beltrán discusses challenges to the implementation of human and trade union rights in his country.

    Colombian academic speaks about armed conflict and human rights
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 December 2016

    UK: National Funding Formula falls short, say unions

    Education unions have reacted strongly to the UK Education Secretary’s announcement of a consultation on the school funding system in England, saying that the government’s proposals do not address inequalities of access to education and too many schools will lose funding.

    UK: National Funding Formula falls short, say unions