

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 August 2016

    Uganda: Education Minister closes non-compliant private schools

    Uganda’s government has announced the closure of non-compliant private schools - a bold stand for quality education, according to the Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU), an affiliate of Education International (EI).

    Uganda: Education Minister closes non-compliant private schools
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 August 2016

    Australia: Cuts hit public schools in remote areas of Northern Territory

    A report shows that public schools’ per-student funding in Australia’s Northern Territory decreased by 6.7 per cent between 2012 and 2014, hitting public schools in remote areas and indigenous students the hardest.

    Australia: Cuts hit public schools in remote areas of Northern Territory
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 August 2016

    UK: Labour pledge return of education maintenance allowance and maintenance grant

    Education unions reacted positively to the Labour Party’s announcement on 17 August that it will restore the education maintenance allowance and the maintenance grant if it wins power at the next general election.

    UK: Labour pledge return of education maintenance allowance and maintenance grant
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 August 2016

    UK: Early years' education needs highest level of support

    In response to the UK government’s proposals outlined in the Early Years National Funding Formula consultation, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers reiterated that significant investment in early years’ education is essential.

    UK: Early years' education needs highest level of support
  5. Equity and inclusion 17 August 2016

    Australia: NTEU joins forces with the Academics for Refugees' network

    Over 1,810 academics from universities across Australia have signed an Open Letter to Prime Minister Turnbull and Members of Parliament, supporting the implementation of the the Academic for Refugees’ policy paper 's recommendations, calling for a just and humane approach for refugees. 

    Australia: NTEU joins forces with the Academics for Refugees' network
  6. Standards and working conditions 17 August 2016

    Australia: Support staff celebrated as vital for quality education

    From 15-19 August, Australian teacher unionists will show their appreciation to support staff, recognising that, while schools could not function without support staff, they often do not get the professional recognition they deserve.

    Australia: Support staff celebrated as vital for quality education
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 August 2016

    World Social Forum: Spotlight on free quality public education

    “Another world is possible with free, universally accessible quality public education for all”. This was the crucial message brought by the education community to the 2016 World Social Forum in Montreal, Canada, from 9-14 August.

    World Social Forum: Spotlight on free quality public education
  8. Equity and inclusion 12 August 2016

    Filipino teachers ready to improve minorities’ rights

    Action plans to promote and protect the rights of minorities, particularly for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, were devised at an Education International workshop for teacher unionists in the Philippines.

    Filipino teachers ready to improve minorities’ rights
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 August 2016

    Ugandan parliament orders Bridge Academy schools closed

    In a sweeping move, the for-profit school chain has been told to lock its doors after parliament demanded it halt operations in response to its failure to meet educational and infrastructure standards.

    Ugandan parliament orders Bridge Academy schools closed
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 10 August 2016

    Ecuador: Time is pressing to halt the imposed dissolution of the teacher union UNE

    With Ecuador’s government due to release its decision on the Unión Nacional de Educadores’ legal dissolution at any moment, Education International reiterates its call to affiliates to take immediate action and support their Ecuadorian colleagues.

    Ecuador: Time is pressing to halt the imposed dissolution of the teacher union UNE
  11. Equity and inclusion 10 August 2016

    Australia: teacher honoured for work with indigenous students

    Teacher unionists have awarded an educator for her outstanding and ‘simple’ contribution to providing indigenous students with quality education, a welcomed respite of positive news amidst the Northern Territory’ youth detention abuse scandal.

    Australia: teacher honoured for work with indigenous students
  12. Equity and inclusion 9 August 2016

    Reasserting Indigenous Peoples' right to quality education

    On the occasion of the 2016 International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, Education International is reiterating that education must be available for all without discrimination, accessible, publicly funded and free.

    Reasserting Indigenous Peoples' right to quality education
  13. Equity and inclusion 8 August 2016

    Freedom at Work: education unionists reaffirm LGBTI workers' rights

    The achievement of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people’s rights is both a trade union and professional challenge, reaffirmed Education International’s General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen at the Freedom at Work Conference in Amsterdam.

    Freedom at Work: education unionists reaffirm LGBTI workers' rights
  14. Union renewal and development 5 August 2016

    Upcoming events

    Upcoming events
  15. Union renewal and development 5 August 2016

    Latin America

    Latin America
  16. Union renewal and development 5 August 2016


  17. Union renewal and development 5 August 2016

