

  1. Union renewal and development 19 July 2016

    USA: AFT endorses Clinton as it marks centenary

    The American Federation of Teachers kicked-off its 84th Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota by welcoming Hillary Rodham Clinton. The AFT supports Clinton to be elected as President of the United States in November.

    USA: AFT endorses Clinton as it marks centenary
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 July 2016

    Latest UN figures show that universal education for all still a work in progress

    Despite the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals, new data released by the Global Education Monitoring Report reveal the immense global challenge to get all children and youth into school.

    Latest UN figures show that universal education for all still a work in progress
  3. Equity and inclusion 15 July 2016

    Nice: Education International offers its condolences as France mourns once again

    In the aftermath of yet another horrific attack that has robbed families of innocent lives in the face of democracy and freedom, Education International stands in support of its French affiliates and the French people.

    Nice: Education International offers its condolences as France mourns once again
  4. Union renewal and development 14 July 2016

    Canadian Teachers’ Federation welcomes back former member to the family

    In a unanimous decision, the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation was welcomed back as a member of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation by delegates attending the Annual General Meeting in Montreal.

    Canadian Teachers’ Federation welcomes back former member to the family
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 14 July 2016

    Canada’s education leaders look to put wellness back into classrooms

    School is meant to be a safe place, but for too many children and their teachers the classroom has become a source of mental illness, which is why Canada’s teacher unions are taking action.

    Canada’s education leaders look to put wellness back into classrooms
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 July 2016

    Students' and teachers’ unions call for education to be carved out from global trade agreements

    Education International (EI) and the European Students' Union (ESU) urge governments in Europe, the United States, and beyond, to explicitly carve out education from global trade agreements such as the TTIP, the Trade in Services Agreement and the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

    Students' and teachers’ unions call for education to be carved out from global trade agreements
  7. Equity and inclusion 11 July 2016

    Malaysia: Union underscores rights of Indigenous Peoples

    Sustainable development goals will not be achieved if the rights of indigenous peoples are not respected. That was the message emerging from a meeting of teacher unionists on issues related to the rights of indigenous peoples held in Miri, Malaysia in June.

    Malaysia: Union underscores rights of Indigenous Peoples
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 8 July 2016

    Leading UN human rights body puts students before profit

    A benchmark UN Human Rights Council resolution has made clear that public education is an essential fabric of society and urges governments that increased investment is needed to guarantee that it remains a public good.

    Leading UN human rights body puts students before profit
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 8 July 2016

    Zimbabwe: Teachers take industrial action to force government to pay salaries

    The Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association has engaged in a nationwide industrial action, joining other public services organisations in defending workers’ trade union rights in their country.

    Zimbabwe: Teachers take industrial action to force government to pay salaries
  10. Union renewal and development 7 July 2016

    The NEA unites as historic US presidential election looms large

    The message of solidarity was sombre but clear in Washington, D.C. as the National Education Association's LGBTQ Caucus honoured the 49 lives lost in Orlando last month to open the 154th Representative Assembly.

    The NEA unites as historic US presidential election looms large
  11. Union growth 7 July 2016

    Djibouti: EI welcomes formerly imprisoned teacher unionist

    Education International’s support for Djiboutian colleagues fighting for quality education and respect for trade union and human rights was underscored recently when Djiboutian education activist Omar Ali Ewado visited the global federation’s headquarters.

    Djibouti: EI welcomes formerly imprisoned teacher unionist
  12. Union renewal and development 6 July 2016

    USA: Democratic nominee Clinton makes her presidential pitch to teachers

    Speaking to 7,000 delegates at the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly, Hillary Clinton passionately laid out her education vision to America’s largest union as she looks to gain support ahead of November’s election.

    USA: Democratic nominee Clinton makes her presidential pitch to teachers
  13. Standards and working conditions 6 July 2016

    TES: part-time teaching roles an answer to replenishing the profession

    A new survey released by the Times Education Supplement shows that 77 percent of English teachers who left the profession would consider returning to the classroom if part-time or shared positions were on the table.

    TES: part-time teaching roles an answer to replenishing the profession
  14. Union renewal and development 5 July 2016

    Upcoming events

    Upcoming events
  15. Union renewal and development 5 July 2016

    Latin America

    Latin America
  16. Union renewal and development 5 July 2016


  17. Union renewal and development 5 July 2016

