

  1. Union renewal and development 5 July 2016


  2. Union renewal and development 5 July 2016


  3. Equity and inclusion 5 July 2016

    Italy: Unions dedicate World Refugee Day to unaccompanied minors

    On 20 June, the Italian union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL joined forces to draw attention to the worrying situation of unaccompanied minors in Italy and Europe. Investments in quality public services, in particular through adequate training of professionals, are crucial to offer these children the assistance they need.

    Italy: Unions dedicate World Refugee Day to unaccompanied minors
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 5 July 2016

    Iraq: Teacher union outrage at bombing

    The Iraqi Teachers’ Union has firmly condemned the latest terrorist attack perpetrated by Daesh in Iraq’s capital city, Baghdad, leaving, according to latest official reports, 200 people dead and 225 others severely injured.

    Iraq: Teacher union outrage at bombing
  5. Standards and working conditions 4 July 2016

    Plight of contract teachers under international spotlight

    Social dialogue is a vital tool in improving the conditions of contract workers and all education staff, stressed Education International’s representative at a conference in Ethiopia on the use of contract teachers.

    Plight of contract teachers under international spotlight
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 July 2016

    Liberia: USAID throws money at girls education

    The US government agency responsible for administering civilian foreign aid has decided to dedicate up to US $27 million to directly support the Let Girls Learn initiative in Liberia.

    Liberia: USAID throws money at girls education
  7. Equity and inclusion 30 June 2016

    Spain : EI affiliate FECCOO joins forces with civil society for refugees’ rights

    On the occasion of World Refugee Day on 20 June, thousands of persons took to the streets in more than 50 places around the country to defend the rights of refugees and denounce EU asylum and migration policies. A few days earlier, on 14 June in Madrid, representatives of unions,...

    Spain : EI affiliate FECCOO joins forces with civil society for refugees’ rights
  8. Union renewal and development 30 June 2016

    Attack on Istanbul airport an affront to the values of democracy

    Education International strongly condemns the attack which robbed at least 42 people of their lives and left another 239 injured, some critical, as they made their way through Istanbul’s busy Ataturk airport Wednesday morning.

    Attack on Istanbul airport an affront to the values of democracy
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 June 2016

    Investing in pre-primary education vital for children’s life chances

    According to a new scorecard on pre-primary education globally released by charity Theirworld, millions of children will not reach their full potential unless governments urgently increase their commitment to pre-primary education for every child.

    Investing in pre-primary education vital for children’s life chances
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 June 2016

    Quality assurance of higher education well underway

    The importance of student centred learning was emphasised by Education International to mark the completion of the first phase of activities of the Enhancing quality through innovative policy and practice project on 9 June.

    Quality assurance of higher education well underway
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 27 June 2016

    Send negotiators, not police forces to deal with Algerian contract teachers

    The struggle to improve the status of teachers in Algeria was raised when Education International met with representatives of one of its Algerian affiliates at the recent International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Send negotiators, not police forces to deal with Algerian contract teachers
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 June 2016

    Portugal: thousands voice their support for public education

    Around 80,000 Portuguese citizens have voiced their support for a strong public school system, reaffirming its primary role in promoting equal opportunities and building a future of justice, progress and development.

    Portugal: thousands voice their support for public education
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 22 June 2016

    Public Service Day celebrated as momentum to oppose trade deals grows

    As unions and civil society take a moment to mark Public Services Day the the on-going global campaign against international trade agreements that undermine the provision of public services everywhere continues to gain traction.

    Public Service Day celebrated as momentum to oppose trade deals grows
  14. Union renewal and development 22 June 2016

    Russia: boating tragedy the result of negligence and recklessness on multiple levels

    In the aftermath of a boating accident which left 14 disadvantaged children dead during an outing at a summer camp, investigators are placing blame on the government’s cost-cutting measures that led to the tragic events

    Russia: boating tragedy the result of negligence and recklessness on multiple levels
  15. Union renewal and development 22 June 2016

    Education International condemns violence against educators in Mexico

    Education International strongly condemns the escalating violence against teachers, students and citizens which resulted in 6 deaths on 19 June in Oaxaca, Mexico.

    Education International condemns violence against educators in Mexico
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 June 2016

    Teacher refuses Pearson award

    A teacher at Hackney College, UK, has refused to accept the Silver award for Lecturer of the year, in opposition to the involvement of the private sector in education.

    Teacher refuses Pearson award