

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 May 2016

    Teacher unions push government to boost investment in education

    Mongolian education unionists are urging their national public authorities to increase financing to the education system in an effort to improve quality and make education for all a reality.

    Teacher unions push government to boost investment in education
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 May 2016

    UNICEF and the EU team up to reaffirm children’s rights to education in crisis zones

    Education for children affected by emergencies is about to receive greater focus as the United Nations Children's Fund and the European Union launch a social media-driven public awareness campaign set on reaching 20 million Europeans.

    UNICEF and the EU team up to reaffirm children’s rights to education in crisis zones
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 18 May 2016

    East African unions unite against scourge of education privatisation

    Leaders of Education International affiliate organisations in East Africa gathered in Kampala, Uganda, to coordinate their response to the growing commercialisation and privatisation of education spreading across the continent.

    East African unions unite against scourge of education privatisation
  4. Equity and inclusion 17 May 2016

    Ending homophobia in society begins in the classroom

    A new UNESCO report puts the focus on the protection of students’ mental health and wellbeing as crucial elements for quality teaching and learning environments to mark the International Day Against Homophobia.

    Ending homophobia in society begins in the classroom
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 16 May 2016

    Imprisoned Iranian trade unionist set free on bail

    Esmail Abdi, the general secretary of the Tehran branch of the Iranian Teachers’ Trade Association, has been released on bail after spending months behind bars on security charges.

    Imprisoned Iranian trade unionist set free on bail
  6. Leading the profession 13 May 2016

    Union renewal for positive and improved collective bargaining

    New ways for education unions to shape learning and working conditions, develop and enact policy, and enhance professional knowledge and professional learning were outlined at the 12th Education International Research Network.

    Union renewal for positive and improved collective bargaining
  7. Union renewal and development 12 May 2016

    Teachers and public service workers merge to form new union federation

    Spain’s Federation of Education Workers and the Federation of Public Service have become one, joining forces to create what is now known as the Federation of Public Service Employees UGT.

    Teachers and public service workers merge to form new union federation
  8. Leading the profession 12 May 2016

    Act globally, research locally

    Education researchers gathered at the 12th Research Network highlighted the need to collect evidence at global and regional levels linked to teachers’ working conditions and the negative impact of privatisation in education.

    Act globally, research locally
  9. Union renewal and development 11 May 2016

    Protests lead to the destruction of 23 schools in South Africa’s Limpopo Province

    Teachers unions are appealing to the community of Vuwani for calmer heads to prevail as schools and books burn, leaving more than 26,000 students in limbo amid increasing violence in the country’s north-eastern region.

    Protests lead to the destruction of 23 schools in South Africa’s Limpopo Province
  10. Union renewal and development 10 May 2016

    Leading thinkers in education to put their heads together on policy

    Academics, researchers and activists from all over the world are ready to turn theory into action as they descend on Brussels for a two-day exchange of ideas and research on the future of education.

    Leading thinkers in education to put their heads together on policy
  11. Equity and inclusion 10 May 2016

    Canada supports UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

    In a long-awaited move the Canadian government has shifted its position on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by joining more than 140 other countries in signing the agreement.

    Canada supports UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 May 2016

    Right to Education Index gives a helping hand to education worldwide

    The challenges and potential in driving progress towards achieving the right to education for all are highlighted in the recently released Right to Education Index, which brought together partners in five countries.

    Right to Education Index gives a helping hand to education worldwide
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 May 2016

    Loud opposition by unions to secretly negotiated trade and investment agreements

    Whether in Germany or Belgium, education unionists have clearly reaffirmed their opposition to the possible serious impacts to the education sector and other public services through its inclusion in new trade and investment agreements.

    Loud opposition by unions to secretly negotiated trade and investment agreements
  14. Standards and working conditions 29 April 2016

    Portugal: Teachers hit hard by austerity

    Since the beginning of the economic crisis in 2008, education spending in Portugal has fallen to 3% of the Gross Domestic product, with devastating consequences for the country's school system and teaching profession.

    Portugal: Teachers hit hard by austerity
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 April 2016

    Norwegian teachers turn their focus to funding the future of education

    As a part of Global Action Week, a Union of Education Norway event embraced this year’s theme of education financing by delving into the issues of commercialisation, results-based financing and tax evasion.

    Norwegian teachers turn their focus to funding the future of education
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 April 2016

    Liberian teachers stay strong in anti-privatisation struggle

    Despite the Government’s intention to embrace a public-private partnership with Bridge International Academies, a group of civil society organisations remains steadfast in its opposition to the government’s plan to outsource its entire primary school system.

    Liberian teachers stay strong in anti-privatisation struggle