

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 17 March 2016

    Iranian teacher unionists released after global solidarity campaign

    Abdolreza Ghanbari and Ali Akbar Baghani, members of the Iranian Teacher Trade Associations, for whom Education International had launched a solidarity campaign, have been released. Ghanbari had been awaiting execution for 2 years before his sentence was commuted to 15 years’ imprisonment.

    Iranian teacher unionists released after global solidarity campaign
  2. Union renewal and development 17 March 2016

    Consultation on accountability in education now open

    A report on global education with a special focus on accountability is in the making, and educators from all over the world can contribute to it.

    Consultation on accountability in education now open
  3. Standards and working conditions 15 March 2016

    Teacher Unions: Positive Force for Education Quality

    EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen debated anti-union activists at the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai earlier this week, taking the ‘con’ side of a proposition stating “Teacher Unions are an Impediment to the Provision of Quality Education.”

    Teacher Unions: Positive Force for Education Quality
  4. Standards and working conditions 15 March 2016

    UK: Supply teachers are victims of dubious working practices

    Supply teachers in the UK have reported serious concerns about increasingly doubtful working practices by their contracting agencies, with an impact both their working conditions and quality of life.

    UK: Supply teachers are victims of dubious working practices
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 March 2016

    Pearson: wrong strategical approach, unions fear

    A coalition of shareholders, led by US and British unions whose pension funds hold stock in the company, have voiced concern that the global education publisher and provider Pearson is building its business strategy on an “over-reliance” on educational testing.

    Pearson: wrong strategical approach, unions fear
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 March 2016

    Mali: Next phase of quality education project launched

    The new phase of the successful Quality Educators for All Project - “Every child needs a good teacher” - has been launched in Mali, aiming to improve teacher quality, teaching, and learning in the country.

    Mali: Next phase of quality education project launched
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 10 March 2016

    Health education crucial for quality education

    Students must be seen as holistic beings, and the impact of the state of their health on their education taken into greater consideration. This was the key message highlighted by Education International at the 60th Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society.

    Health education crucial for quality education
  8. Union growth 9 March 2016

    Tonga joins the ILO

    A hard-fought 10-year trade union battle has borne fruit with Tonga becoming the 187th member state of the International Labour Organisation.

    Tonga joins the ILO
  9. Equity and inclusion 9 March 2016

    UN: Need for shared responsibility and policies to address migration issues

    Migration policies, growing xenophobia internationally, indicators on migrants and migration in sustainable development goals’ targets, and a world migration summit were key issues discussed at the United Nations Coordination Meeting on International Migration.

    UN: Need for shared responsibility and policies to address migration issues
  10. Union growth 8 March 2016

    Honduras: Prominent human rights defender murdered

    The global education trade union movement has firmly condemned the murder of environmentalist and human rights defender Berta Caceres.

    Honduras: Prominent human rights defender murdered
  11. Leading the profession 6 March 2016

    Teacher Summit puts teachers at the heart of their professional development

    With global events as the backdrop in Berlin for the Summit on the teaching profession, teacher unions made their message clear: teachers must be at the centre of their professional development.

    Teacher Summit puts teachers at the heart of their professional development
  12. Equity and inclusion 4 March 2016

    UNESCO: Comprehensive sexuality education improves gender equality and reproductive health

    Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is key to gender equality and reproductive health. That’s according to UNESCO’s new report, ‘Emerging Evidence, Lessons and Practice in Comprehensive Sexuality Education - A Global Review 2015’.

    UNESCO: Comprehensive sexuality education improves gender equality and reproductive health