

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 September 2015

    The labour movement's voice to be heard loud and clear at the UN

    Education International's President Susan Hopgood takes centre stage at the UN's SDG Summit on behalf of the labour movement. Read her remarks here in full.

    The labour movement's voice to be heard loud and clear at the UN
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 September 2015


  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 September 2015

    Our moment to celebrate

    Colleagues, in just a few hours I will address the UN for the opening of the Sustainable Development Goals Summit in New York. This is set to be the UN General Assembly that brings together most world leaders in one place in history – and it should be.

    Our moment to celebrate
  4. Standards and working conditions 25 September 2015

    Uganda: Teachers unveil 2016 manifesto

    A teachers’ manifesto has appealed to the next Ugandan government to increase funds allocated to education, to ensure quality teaching and education for all students.

    Uganda: Teachers unveil 2016 manifesto
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 September 2015

    Priorities and challenges ahead of the Post-2015 Summit

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development being adopted by Heads of State and Government this week in New York contains 17 goals set out to transform the world by simultaneously addressing social, environmental and economic challenges.

    Priorities and challenges ahead of the Post-2015 Summit
  6. Standards and working conditions 24 September 2015

    Russia: “Performance pay makes teachers feel insecure”

    In Russia teacher evaluation procedures and performance pay are creating unrest within the profession. The Russian education union has raised its concern with public authorities at regional, district and municipal levels throughout the country.

    Russia: “Performance pay makes teachers feel insecure”
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 September 2015

    Dedicated trade union leader appointed to new Commission on financing global education

    Teopista Birungi Mayanja, a former member of Education International's Executive Board and founder of the Uganda National Teachers’ Union, has been appointed to a new International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity.

    Dedicated trade union leader appointed to new Commission on financing global education
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 23 September 2015

    Global Labour Tax Summit: fairer taxation for quality education

    The Global Labour Tax Summit, held in Geneva, Switzerland, recently, stressed that current fiscal laxity is one of the main causes of growing inequality and chronic underfunding of public services in our societies.

    Global Labour Tax Summit: fairer taxation for quality education
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 22 September 2015

    Nepal: successful teachers’ action opens negotiations with Ministry

    Following two months of continuous action, Nepalese teachers have been invited by the Ministry of Education to discuss crucial issues such as the public education system and rebuilding works after the earthquakes.

    Nepal: successful teachers’ action opens negotiations with Ministry
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 21 September 2015

    Finland: trade union front to defend negotiation rights

    The teachers’ union Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö has joined over 30,000 workers from all sectors to demonstrate in Helsinki, Finland, to oppose the planned governmental anti-union laws anddefend trade union negotiation rights.

    Finland: trade union front to defend negotiation rights
  11. Standards and working conditions 18 September 2015

    Kenyan schools closed as labour dispute worsens

    Amid increasing tensions, Kenyan teachers have elected to shutter all public and private schools after the government refused to implement a court ordered pay raise for teachers, stating that the long-awaited increase is unaffordable.

    Kenyan schools closed as labour dispute worsens
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 17 September 2015

    EI statement on the refugee situation: we must take collective action

    The people seeking refuge in Europe are among the thousands driven from their homes every year in fear of their lives because of violent conflict, political and economic instability, natural disasters, or extreme poverty.

    EI statement on the refugee situation: we must take collective action
  13. Standards and working conditions 17 September 2015

    France: a day of strike action in high schools

    An interunion association grouping the largest unions representing secondary education, including four EI affiliates (SNES-FSU, FO, SNETAA-FO, CGT), is in conflict with the French government on the matter of the reform of high schools.

    France: a day of strike action in high schools
  14. Union renewal and development 16 September 2015

    Computers do not improve pupils’ results

    Technological innovations in the classroom need the active involvement of both pupils and well trained teachers to be a success factor for learning, according to the latest high-level report published on the subject.

    Computers do not improve pupils’ results
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 September 2015

    Building the capacity of Liberian teachers

    More than 50 teachers from Liberia’s 15 counties traveled to the capital Monrovia last week to discuss ways to enhance education quality in the country, part of Education International’s programme to boost the profession.

    Building the capacity of Liberian teachers
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 15 September 2015

    Liberia: teachers urged to 'stand up for your rights'

    Teachers have been challenged to take the lead in speaking out against barriers undermining the teaching profession during a three-day training workshop on ‘Teacher Effectiveness’ held in Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia.

    Liberia: teachers urged to 'stand up for your rights'
  17. Union growth 10 September 2015

    Kenya: teachers demand overdue pay rise

    Education International strongly supports its affiliates in Kenya, who have been waiting for 18 years for a promised pay rise, recently restated by a Supreme Court decision.

    Kenya: teachers demand overdue pay rise