

  1. Union renewal and development 27 August 2015

    Make your voice heard in the post-2015 indicator selection - deadline September 4th

    The global education community is now in the final phase of setting the Global Sustainable Development Goals and Education for All agendas – Education 2030. Civil society has been instrumental in securing an ambitious, rights-based framework for education post-2015.

    Make your voice heard in the post-2015 indicator selection - deadline September 4th
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 27 August 2015

    Nigeria: 500 Days - Chibok Parents continue search for Daughters

    As 27 August marks the 500th day since 273 Nigerian school girls were kidnapped, Education International and concerned citizens the world over continue to put pressure on the Nigerian Government.

    Nigeria: 500 Days - Chibok Parents continue search for Daughters
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 August 2015

    India: court urges state officials’ children to attend governmental schools

    The National Coalition for Education has welcomed the recent judgement of the Allahabad High Court in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh “historic” for urging governmental officials to send their children to governmental school.

    India: court urges state officials’ children to attend governmental schools
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 August 2015

    UK: outstanding 2015 GSCE results to be backed up by additional governmental measures

    Education unions have commented on the General Certificate of Secondary Education’s results, demonstrating the value of the UK public education system, and urged the Government to take further action to sustain the positive results.

    UK: outstanding 2015 GSCE results to be backed up by additional governmental measures
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 25 August 2015

    Canada: Ontario high school teachers reach a deal with government

    With the school year fast approaching Ontario’s public high school teachers have agreed to terms on a new contract with the provincial government, avoiding labour action which included a ban on extracurricular activities.

    Canada: Ontario high school teachers reach a deal with government
  6. Equity and inclusion 24 August 2015

    Cameroon: trade union workshop addresses women’s rights

    A seminar on women's rights in Bafoussam, Cameroon, organised by the Swedish union Lärarförbundet and Cameroon’s education unions affiliated with Education International, was undertaken to help participants better understand and tackle the issues.

    Cameroon: trade union workshop addresses women’s rights
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 20 August 2015

    Yemen: Teachers and children killed in attack

    Education International joins the Global Partnership for Education and UNICEF in expressing utmost dismay at the killing of teachers and children in an airstrike in war-torn Yemen.

    Yemen: Teachers and children killed in attack
  8. Standards and working conditions 20 August 2015

    France: Union research sheds light on state of teaching profession

    UNSA Education, one of EI’s affiliates in France, has – for the third year in a row – published a study examining the current preoccupations of members of the education workforce in the country.

    France: Union research sheds light on state of teaching profession
  9. Union renewal and development 19 August 2015

    The World's Largest Lesson on the home stretch

    Less than six weeks are left until the Global Goals for Sustainable Development are launched at the United Nations. To celebrate this, the World’s Largest Lesson will take place in schools around the world. To prepare, a toolkit has been launched.

    The World's Largest Lesson on the home stretch
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 August 2015

    United States: Education Support Personnel hit hard by budget cuts

    The educaction community in the United States highlights a worrying trend: shrinking budgets or ending grant money push Education Support Personnel (ESP) into unemployment, reducing overall education employee capacity.

    United States: Education Support Personnel hit hard by budget cuts
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 August 2015

    Australia: widening gaps in achievement between advantaged and disadvantaged schools

    The Australian Education Union has deplored the results of the latest National Assessment Program–Literacy and Numeracy showing huge gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged students and called for targeting funding allocated to schools.

    Australia: widening gaps in achievement between advantaged and disadvantaged schools
  12. Union renewal and development 13 August 2015

    Progress, Power, Participation: Video Highlights of General Secretary Report

    “Our collective efforts show considerable progress on advocacy, capacity building, research, communications, and solidarity…as there is not yet a ‘standardised test’for international organisations, you will have to grade us based on common sense.”

    Progress, Power, Participation: Video Highlights of General Secretary Report
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2015

    UK: fighting student violence in schools

    Unions respond to data released by the Department for Education that shows the alarming rise of assaults on teachers by pupils, a problem that underlines the need to address student violence within education institutions.

    UK: fighting student violence in schools
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 August 2015

    Germany: focus on inclusion and schooling of refugee children is a must

    The teacher’s union Verband Bildung und Erziehung has urged public authorities in the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia to bring more attention and financing to inclusive and refugees’ education.

    Germany: focus on inclusion and schooling of refugee children is a must
  15. Standards and working conditions 11 August 2015

    Zimbabwe: Union tells Mugabe to reduce ministers not teachers

    The Zimbabwe Teachers' Association has firmly condemned plans by the national government to greatly reduce the wage bill in the public sector, including education.

    Zimbabwe: Union tells Mugabe to reduce ministers not teachers
  16. Union renewal and development 10 August 2015

    Hopgood internet highlights: EI is valued but battles remain

    Education International is stronger than ever, but so are the challenges – that’s the perspective EI President Hopgood gave some 2,000 delegates in her keynote address to the 7th World Congress in Ottawa.

    Hopgood internet highlights: EI is valued but battles remain
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 August 2015

    Quality Education For All: Hopeful SDG Signs from New York

    Barring unforeseen changes, the United Nations post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals will include education as a standalone goal alongside such critical matters as poverty, hunger and health.

    Quality Education For All: Hopeful SDG Signs from New York
  18. Standards and working conditions 7 August 2015

    Zimbabwe: 3,000 teachers without pay

    Government cost-cutting in Zimbabwe aimed at teachers and other public sector workers led to the elimination of salaries for at least 3,000 teachers in July according to news reports.

    Zimbabwe: 3,000 teachers without pay