

  1. Union renewal and development 24 July 2015

    Teachers must be at heart of policy dialogue

    Education workers and their unions must get involved in policy negotiations if the Sustainable Development Goal on Education will be achieved. That’s according to Alice Albright, CEO of the Global Partnership for Education in her keynote address.

    Teachers must be at heart of policy dialogue
  2. Union renewal and development 24 July 2015

    Significant additions to EI’s Education Policy Paper

    Over the course of its Seventh World Congress, important addendums were added to Education International’s Education Policy Paper. The addendums covered privatisation, use of information and communication technology, financing, leadership, and equity and inclusion.

    Significant additions to EI’s Education Policy Paper
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 July 2015

    Congress gears up anti-commercialisation strategy

    The resolution on privatisation in and of education received unanimous support at Education International’s world congress, giving way to a new policy strategy that aims at coordinating global and national responses.

    Congress gears up anti-commercialisation strategy
  4. Standards and working conditions 24 July 2015

    Raising the quality of teachers’ employment conditions worldwide

    Over 60 participants from more than 40 countries discussed a resolution on quality terms and conditions of employment, and underlined the need for Education International to open an intense debate on this issue following Congress.

    Raising the quality of teachers’ employment conditions worldwide
  5. Union renewal and development 24 July 2015

    The Global Campaign for Education highlights collective action at EI Congress

    Camilla Croso, President of the Global Campaign for Education, addressed Education International's 7th World Congress during, underlining the importance of joint civil society action in order to achieve quality education for all.

    The Global Campaign for Education highlights collective action at EI Congress
  6. Union renewal and development 24 July 2015

    Fighting for recognition and respect in education

    The outsourcing of services, privatisation and minimum hours for part-time workers were among the many issues addressed during the Education Support Personnel workshop at Education International’s Seventh World Congress.

    Fighting for recognition and respect in education
  7. Union renewal and development 23 July 2015

    New commitments and engagement promised by EI

    Education International (EI) will increase its engagement with the concerns of member organisations, both directly and in partnership or through lobbying influential international organisations.

    New commitments and engagement promised by EI
  8. Union renewal and development 23 July 2015

    Support for EI’s campaigns against privatisation and trade deals

    Education International’s mandated campaigns against privatisation in education and detrimental trade agreements received high-level support by guest speakers at the third plenary of its 7thWorld Congress in Ottawa, Canada on 23 July. The conference runs until Sunday, 26 July.

    Support for EI’s campaigns against privatisation and trade deals
  9. Union renewal and development 23 July 2015

    Need for quality teaching and learning environments highlighted

    The importance and benefit of quality environments in teaching and learning was emphasised by delegates at Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada on 23 July.

    Need for quality teaching and learning environments highlighted
  10. Union renewal and development 23 July 2015

    Flip the System to take EI World Congress by storm

    Today, the anticipated book and call to action for teachers, unions, and parents, Flip the System, is being presented at Education International’s Seventh World Congress, where copies are available to delegates.

    Flip the System to take EI World Congress by storm
  11. Union renewal and development 23 July 2015

    Flip the System to take EI World Congress by storm

    Today, the anticipated book and call to action for teachers, unions, and parents, Flip the System, is being presented at Education International’s Seventh World Congress, where copies are available to delegates.

    Flip the System to take EI World Congress by storm
  12. Union renewal and development 23 July 2015

    Votes and delegates entitlements adopted by the Credentials Committee

    The Credentials Committee adopted the final list of votes and delegates entitlements for the Education International’s 7th World Congress, based on dues payments, on 22 July.

    Votes and delegates entitlements adopted by the Credentials Committee
  13. Union renewal and development 22 July 2015

    New officers elected at EI Congress

    A President, five Vice Presidents, and a General Secretary for Education International (EI) were all elected at the second plenary session of EI’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on Wednesday, 22 July.

    New officers elected at EI Congress
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 22 July 2015

    Campaign against privatisation receives widespread support of Congress

    Education International’s campaign against the increasing privatisation in education received fulsome and passionate support from delegates at its 7th World Congress in Ottawa today (22 July).

    Campaign against privatisation receives widespread support of Congress
  15. Union renewal and development 22 July 2015

    Congress gives thumbs down to trade agreements

    International trade agreements that prioritise the needs of big business over society, working people, and the environment were given the ‘thumbs down’ by delegates at Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on Wednesday, 22 July.

    Congress gives thumbs down to trade agreements
  16. Union renewal and development 22 July 2015

    Van Leeuwen recalls successful four years

    At the first plenary session of Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on 22 July, General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen introduced the Quadrennial Report, which summarised the work of Education International (EI) over the last four years.

    Van Leeuwen recalls successful four years
  17. Union renewal and development 22 July 2015

    Women union leaders play vital role in wider community

    Women union leaders are active not just in their own schools but also in their communities. That’s according to Education International (EI) president Susan Hopgood who was addressing the EI Women’s Caucus at EI’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on 21 July.

    Women union leaders play vital role in wider community
  18. Union renewal and development 22 July 2015

    Beijing+20: Much done, more to do

    The 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action which outlined a broad vision of women’s rights and gender equality has not been fully achieved in the ensuing 20 years.

    Beijing+20: Much done, more to do