

  1. Union renewal and development 22 July 2015

    Official opening of Congress brings together over 1,700 participants

    Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, was officially opened on 21 July by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell.

    Official opening of Congress brings together over 1,700 participants
  2. Union renewal and development 22 July 2015

    Director-General of ILO praises EI

    Guy Ryder, the Director-General of the International Labour Organisation, has praised Education International as 'one of the biggest success stories of the international trade union movement of the last two decades', during his speech at the Congress' opening.

    Director-General of ILO praises EI
  3. Union renewal and development 22 July 2015

    Susan Hopgood: Looking to the next four years

    The 7th World Congress officially opened with around 1,700 participants, who celebrated past accomplishments of the organisation and looked to the next four years.

    Susan Hopgood: Looking to the next four years
  4. Union renewal and development 21 July 2015

    Unions key in mobilising support nationally for global aims

    The role of unions in mobilising support for quality education was highlighted at Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, on 21 July.

    Unions key in mobilising support nationally for global aims
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 July 2015

    Successful first ever Further and Higher Education Caucus

    The Education International President Susan Hopgood inaugurated the first ever Further and Higher Education Caucus at the EI 7th World Congress on 20 July in Ottawa, Canada.

    Successful first ever Further and Higher Education Caucus
  6. Union renewal and development 20 July 2015

    EI Congress delegates united in diversity

    During an intense debate at the diversity caucus, delegates at Education International’s 7th World Congress have designed strategies on how to tackle discrimination from the classroom and through trade union action.

    EI Congress delegates united in diversity
  7. Union renewal and development 19 July 2015

    Education International World Congress to defend free education in crucial year for development

    Develop strategies to protect public education systems, reclaim the teaching profession and strengthen teachers unions are the top priorities for Education International’s Seventh World Congress during a “significant year for education.”

    Education International World Congress to defend free education in crucial year for development
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 July 2015

    Blog: The World's Largest Lesson comes to the Seventh World Congress in Ottawa

    With the adoption of the new UN Sustainable Development Goals fast approaching, delegates at EI's Seventh World Congress have the chance to find out how how to introduce the most important topics to the classroom.

    Blog: The World's Largest Lesson comes to the Seventh World Congress in Ottawa
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 July 2015

    EI puts free education high on UN Summit agenda on Financing for Development

    An Addis side event, which included UNESCO and the governments of Ethiopia, Norway and the Republic of Korea, focused on investing in education gave Education International the perfect opportunity to argue for free public education.

    EI puts free education high on UN Summit agenda on Financing for Development
  10. Union renewal and development 14 July 2015

    World Congress delegates go to AFT TEACH en-route to Ottawa

    Twenty-three delegates from nine Education International member countries are in Washington, DC, this week as participants in the American Federation of Teachers’ biennial professional development conference, “Together Educating America’s Children,” also known as TEACH.

    World Congress delegates go to AFT TEACH en-route to Ottawa
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 July 2015

    World leaders meet in Ethiopia to agree on financing for development

    Education International joins heads of state and government, along with major stakeholders in development, in Addis Ababa to agree on financing for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals to be launched this September.

    World leaders meet in Ethiopia to agree on financing for development
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 10 July 2015

    Indonesia: education union demands payment of teacher profession allowance

    The Teachers' Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI) has asked the Government and local authorities to immediately pay the teacher profession allowance, which has been both reduced and withheld altogether is come circumstances.

    Indonesia: education union demands payment of teacher profession allowance
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 9 July 2015

    Nigeria: Educators killed in a brutal Boko Haram attack

    Twenty-eight primary school teachers were killed after extremists set off a bomb that ripped through a crowded group of civil servants in north-western Nigeria, the latest in a string of deadly attacks this week.

    Nigeria: Educators killed in a brutal Boko Haram attack
  14. Union renewal and development 9 July 2015

    Social media

    During Congress sessions, many people will use their social media accounts to share their impressions in real-time. The Congress hashtag is #unite4ed.

    Social media
  15. Union renewal and development 9 July 2015

    Shuttle bus service - To and from Ottawa airport

    A shuttle bus service has been arranged to transport participants to their hotels on arrival in Ottawa and returning to the airport at the end of Congress.

    Shuttle bus service - To and from Ottawa airport