

  1. Union renewal and development 9 July 2015

    Congress Business - Publications

    The business of Congress is set out in a series of publications, all of which will be available online on the Congress website in the course of next week. Hard copies of the books will be given to participants on registration at the Congress Centre.

    Congress Business - Publications
  2. Union renewal and development 9 July 2015

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress

    Almost two thousand people will converge on the city of Ottawa in less than two weeks’ time to participate in the 7th Education International World Congress. The Pre-Congress events will begin on Sunday, 19th July, with the ‘Unite in Diversity’ LGBT and Indigenous Caucuses. Congress itself will begin at 17.00...

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress
  3. Union renewal and development 8 July 2015

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress

    With over 1,800 participants confirmed for Education International’s upcoming 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, it is set to be the most attended in the organisation’s history.

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress
  4. Union renewal and development 7 July 2015

    Blog: What I learned from Ron Thorpe

    Education International Deputy General Secretary David Edwards reflects on the career, life, and influence of his friend and collaborator Ron Thorpe, who passed away last week after a lengthy illness.

    Blog: What I learned from Ron Thorpe
  5. Union renewal and development 7 July 2015

    USA: NEA gears up for EI World Congress

    The National Education Association has started preparing for World Congress during its annual Representatives’ Assembly in Orlando, Florida, where more than seven hundred of its three thousand delegates learnt about Education International first hand.

    USA: NEA gears up for EI World Congress
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 July 2015

    Norway: Education stakeholders in Oslo to set global financial priorities

    Education International joins global leaders in Oslo to bridge the global Education for All vision and commitments adopted at the World Education Forum with the necessary financing, priorities and political will.

    Norway: Education stakeholders in Oslo to set global financial priorities
  7. Standards and working conditions 6 July 2015

    Portugal: Educators bring attention to unacceptable work conditions

    Thousands of educators and researchers came together in the streets of Lisbon for a national demonstration in defence of teacher professionalism and its connection to education quality.

    Portugal: Educators bring attention to unacceptable work conditions
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 4 July 2015

    Iranian teacher union leader jailed

    Esmail Abdi, a leader of the Iranian Teachers’ Trade Association, was arrested following his attempt to obtain a visa to attend the 7th Education International World Congress in Ottawa, Canada later this month.

    Iranian teacher union leader jailed
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 3 July 2015

    Blog: bringing the big business of education into perspective

    Following up on their in-depth study on the commercialisation of education, Stephen J Ball and Carolina Junemann share their thoughts on how business and education policy converge to influence what it means to be educated.

    Blog: bringing the big business of education into perspective
  10. Union renewal and development 2 July 2015

    EI says goodbye to a close friend

    Ron Thorpe, a dedicated advocate for quality education who championed the work of teachers for more than 40 years, passed away July 1st following an extended illness.

    EI says goodbye to a close friend
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 2 July 2015

    UN resolution urges States to monitor and regulate private education providers

    In what is being hailed as a landmark resolution, the United Nations Human Rights Council has urged States to regulate and monitor private education providers as well as recognise the threat of commercialised education.

    UN resolution urges States to monitor and regulate private education providers
  12. Union growth 2 July 2015

    Canada: the Quebecois union elected its new leadership for trade union renewal

    To close its 41th Congress, the Centrale des syndicats du Québec elected its new Executive Committee tasked with combating austerity measures that are aimed at cutting funding to the province’s education system.

    Canada: the Quebecois union elected its new leadership for trade union renewal
  13. Union growth 30 June 2015

    Ukraine: union protests reach a tipping point

    Thousands of education workers plan to take to the streets in protest in the wake of unresolved labour violations by the Ukrainian government and employers following months of increasing tensions across multiple sectors.

    Ukraine: union protests reach a tipping point
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 29 June 2015

    New study reinforces the threat EDU-businesses pose to quality public education

    In their latest work, renowned researchers Carolina Junemann and Stephen J. Ball present a compelling read for anyone concerned about the right of every child to a free quality public education.

    New study reinforces the threat EDU-businesses pose to quality public education
  15. Equity and inclusion 29 June 2015

    American educators celebrate marriage equality ruling

    The landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage is being praised by Education International’s American affiliates as a major step toward ending discrimination and moving the country onto the right side of history.

    American educators celebrate marriage equality ruling
  16. Union renewal and development 26 June 2015

    Canada: Quebec educators look to boost social equality

    Teachers from all around Quebec are rallying under the theme “Let’s act! Let’s fight back!”, to bring attention to issues of trade union renewal and recent attacks on workers’ rights.

    Canada: Quebec educators look to boost social equality
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 June 2015

    Bahamas: Commonwealth looks to EI to address quality education

    When Commonwealth education ministers descended on the Bahamas this week to tackle the challenges of achieving quality education in developing countries, all ears were tuned in to hear what Education International had to say.

    Bahamas: Commonwealth looks to EI to address quality education