

  1. Standards and working conditions 24 June 2015

    Switzerland: teachers want to balance the salary scales

    Swiss educators say it’s time to reverse a 20-year trend of underpaying teachers, by raising salaries to the level of other sectors to ensure that the profession continues to be a popular career choice.

    Switzerland: teachers want to balance the salary scales
  2. Union renewal and development 23 June 2015

    Awards Dinner

    Tickets are selling fast – as the number of seats is limited to 1020. We will create a waiting list for those who try to book tickets after the total is sold.

    Awards Dinner
  3. Union renewal and development 23 June 2015

    Flight Details and Transportation

    Please remember to fill in your flight details on the registration site (http://ei-ie.org/congress7/system). You will need to log-in to do so.

    Flight Details and Transportation
  4. Union renewal and development 23 June 2015

    Principal Delegates

    So far only 95 organisations have registered a Principal Delegate.

    Principal Delegates
  5. Union renewal and development 23 June 2015

    Congress app - Now available for downloading!

    To enable participants to work with Congress documents in a digital format, an application for Android, Windows Phone/Windows 8 and iOS has been developed.

    Congress app - Now available for downloading!
  6. Union renewal and development 23 June 2015

    How To De-Register If Not Participating In Congress

    The registration for congress has reached an all-time record – so far 1,722 participants from 162 countries and 321 member organisations have registered.

    How To De-Register If Not Participating In Congress
  7. Union renewal and development 23 June 2015

    Latest Registration Information

    At this stage 1,722 participants from member organisations have registered for Congress!

    Latest Registration Information
  8. Union renewal and development 23 June 2015

    Resolutions Committee Develops Congress Business Agenda

    The Resolutions Committee, which was appointed by the Executive Board for the Seventh Education International World Congress, met on 16th and 17th June 2015 in EI head office in Brussels to prepare and organize the 54 resolutions and 96 amendments it received from the Executive Board and member organizations.

    Resolutions Committee Develops Congress Business Agenda
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 June 2015

    Public service a valuable resource that needs protecting

    As Public Service Day is observed around the world the importance of public education is front and centre as the United Nations works to finalise the Post-2015 development agenda.

    Public service a valuable resource that needs protecting
  10. Union renewal and development 23 June 2015

    Resolutions Committee meets ahead of the EI 7th World Congress

    The Resolutions Committee met on 16th and 17th June in Brussels to prepare and organise the 54 resolutions and 96 amendments it received from the Executive Board and member organisations for the Seventh EI World Congress.

    Resolutions Committee meets ahead of the EI 7th World Congress
  11. Equity and inclusion 22 June 2015

    Canada: Indigenous education, history and culture promoted

    National Aboriginal Day has prompted Canada’s education unions affiliated to Education International to shore up their commitment to promoting indigenous educational and cultural issues across the country.

    Canada: Indigenous education, history and culture promoted
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 18 June 2015

    European Parliament divided over TTIP

    The clash between the two main constituencies has led the Parliament to postpone the voting, which in turn allows civil society more time to lobby for the protection of public services.

    European Parliament divided over TTIP
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 June 2015

    New report backs the importance of universal health coverage

    A new global progress report on universal health coverage highlights the importance health plays in improving social and educational outcomes.

    New report backs the importance of universal health coverage
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 17 June 2015

    Bahraini human and trade union rights defenders receive global Award

    Education International welcomes the awarding of the Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Rights to the leaders of its Bahraini affiliate, which acknowledges their struggle for quality education, human and trade union rights.

    Bahraini human and trade union rights defenders receive global Award
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2015

    Canada: poverty negatively impacts educational outcomes, new publication shows

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation has launched a discussion booklet for students on the consequences of poverty in the classrooms and schools, aiming to engage students in school community social action projects.

    Canada: poverty negatively impacts educational outcomes, new publication shows
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 June 2015

    Tajikistan: trade union workshops get to the root of local challenges

    Education International’s Asian Region workshops on trade unionism for members of its Tajikistan’s affiliate, the Republican Trade Union Committee of Education and Scientific Workers, have prepared educators to address pressing community issues.

    Tajikistan: trade union workshops get to the root of local challenges
  17. Union growth 12 June 2015

    EI says NO to child labour – YES to Quality Education!

    The most recent global estimates suggest that one in ten children between the ages of 5 and 14 is involved in child labour, preventing them from attending school. In Sub Saharan Africa, where the incidence is at its highest, a reported 21% of children are forced to work.

    EI says NO to child labour – YES to Quality Education!