

  1. Union renewal and development 11 June 2015

    Applications for Visas – last chance!

    On registration participants who required visas to enter Canada received documents to assist them in their application. They must apply directly, however, to the nearest Canadian visa issuing authority. It may take six to eight weeks to process a visa application so anyone who requires one to attend Congress, and...

    Applications for Visas – last chance!
  2. Union renewal and development 11 June 2015

    Reserve your place now!

    Tickets for the AWARDS DINNER are restricted to 1020. The Awards Dinner will be held on Saturday, 25th July 2015 in the Ballroom at the Westin Hotel. Tickets are on sale for €70, USD85 or CAD100 per person. You may reserve a ticket using the registration website, by logging on...

    Reserve your place now!
  3. Union renewal and development 11 June 2015

    Business documents for congress

    The Resolutions Committee will meet next week to finalise the resolutions and their amendments for Congress. All of the other business books for Congress, except the book of resolutions with their amendments, will be available online from 21st June. These include the Progress Reports, Survey Reports and Financial reports. The...

    Business documents for congress
  4. Union renewal and development 11 June 2015

    Last chance to book your hotel at special rates!

    The last date to be able to book you hotel accommodation at the hotels with special negotiated rates is Wednesday 17th June. After this date the room blocks will be released for general sale to the public and you may not be able to find a room close to the...

    Last chance to book your hotel at special rates!
  5. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2015

    African education unions mobilise against child labour in agriculture

    On the eve of the World Day Against Child Labour, Education International’s African region is rallying member organisations to engage around initiatives to develop their capacities aimed at eradicating child labour.

    African education unions mobilise against child labour in agriculture
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 June 2015

    UK: Education Bill a further step towards school privatisation, trade unions say

    Teacher unions in the UK are strongly criticising the Government’s Education Bill that seeks to convert 1,000 so-called ‘failing’ schools to academy status and remove “bureaucratic and legal loopholes.”

    UK: Education Bill a further step towards school privatisation, trade unions say
  7. Equity and inclusion 9 June 2015

    France: education unions reaffirm their values

    Following January's deadly attacks in Paris that targeted satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the police and a Kosher supermarket Paris, French trade unions have entered a new partnership to strengthen societal values.

    France: education unions reaffirm their values
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2015

    Korea: 700 schools shut as respiratory virus sweeps across the country

    Hundreds of South Korean schools have closed their doors as public authorities struggle to ease growing panic over an outbreak of the Middle East respiratory syndrome virus.

    Korea: 700 schools shut as respiratory virus sweeps across the country
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 5 June 2015

    A Teachers’ Code for fair recruitment

    A new Code, backed by the American Federation of Teachers, will help ensure that international recruitment and employment of teachers in the United States is ethical, fair and transparent.

    A Teachers’ Code for fair recruitment
  10. Union growth 5 June 2015

    Education International puts teachers’ voice at the centre of talks in Geneva

    Freedom of association and the right to strike remain contested issues at the International Labour Conference, where EI is making the case for better working conditions for all workers and increased social dialogue worldwide.

    Education International puts teachers’ voice at the centre of talks in Geneva
  11. Union renewal and development 4 June 2015

    Kosovo: education union and government take steps towards reconciliation

    After meeting with the education minister for the first time since teachers went on strike in April, the Union of Education, Science and Culture of Kosova is hopeful that the government honours the 2014 collective agreement.

    Kosovo: education union and government take steps towards reconciliation
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 3 June 2015

    Protecting schools from the perils of conflict a top priority for the global community

    Thirty-seven countries have joined an international Safe Schools Declaration that commits them to enhance efforts to protect students, teachers and schools from violent attack and stop schools from being targets in conflict.

    Protecting schools from the perils of conflict a top priority for the global community
  13. Standards and working conditions 3 June 2015

    World leaders vow to restore respect for the teaching profession

    A group of former world leaders has warned that a waning respect for the teaching profession could lead to “profoundly damaging” effects on young people’s life chances and fuel a rise in extremism.

    World leaders vow to restore respect for the teaching profession
  14. Union renewal and development 3 June 2015

    Health and education go hand in hand

    Can literacy and numeracy live together with public health, sustainable lifestyles and global citizenship in education policy?

    Health and education go hand in hand
  15. Union renewal and development 2 June 2015

    Macedonia: government and educators find common ground

    The Education ministry of the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian teachers' organization, SONK, have reached an agreement on the country's school reform plans.

    Macedonia: government and educators find common ground
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 June 2015

    UK: Queen’s throne speech not welcomed by education unions

    Teachers unions in the United Kingdom are fiercely criticising the education policy included in the Queen’s Speech outlining the Government’s mandate as the new session of parliament following the national election officially opened.

    UK: Queen’s throne speech not welcomed by education unions