

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 May 2015

    EI a leading force at World Education Forum

    The Education International delegation represents the largest constituency group at the World Education Forum, bringing together education union leaders from five continents, pushing for a rights-based new global education agenda.

    EI a leading force at World Education Forum
  2. Young members 19 May 2015

    Russia: Intensive training for young professionals

    During a week of training, sharing experience and exchange, over 150 young teachers from all over Russia have come together to discuss strategies for on-the-ground trade union work in the Russian Federation’s roughly 60,000 schools.

    Russia: Intensive training for young professionals
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 May 2015

    Teacher union members fight to protect quality education from free trade

    The Independent Education Union of Australia, an affiliate of Education International, is lobbying the country’s government to reject the inclusion of educational services into the controversial Trade in Services Agreement.

    Teacher union members fight to protect quality education from free trade
  4. Union renewal and development 19 May 2015

    Nepali teachers need support now more than ever

    Last week Education International had the opportunity to experience first-hand the devastation inflicted on Nepal after two major earthquakes rocked the country to its core, leaving communities in ruin and lives forever changed.

    Nepali teachers need support now more than ever
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 May 2015

    Support for teachers in pre-World Education Forum declaration

    More than 130 NGOs have pushed for a stronger role of civil society and for the recognition of teachers within the post-2015 process two days ahead of the World Education Forum that will agree on a new global education agenda.

    Support for teachers in pre-World Education Forum declaration
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 May 2015

    Global Financing for Education needed to make new goal a reality

    The proposed Sustainable Development Goal on education is being called the most ambitious commitment to education in history, but one which global leaders in education finance say requires greatly increased resources to pay for it.

    Global Financing for Education needed to make new goal a reality
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 May 2015

    New global education agenda: Teacher involvement will be key to success

    Any new education strategy must involve teachers in order to succeed and must be rights-based: this is the message that the EI delegation is ready to deliver at the World Education Forum in Incheon, Korea.

    New global education agenda: Teacher involvement will be key to success
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 May 2015

    Korea: EI promotes teacher inclusion at World Education Forum

    A high level delegation from Education International will advocate for a bolder stance on Education for All at the World Education Forum in Incheon, South Korea from 19-21 May.

    Korea: EI promotes teacher inclusion at World Education Forum
  9. Union renewal and development 14 May 2015

    For Nepali educators, solidarity begins at home

    Even after two major earthquakes brought the country’s schools to an abrupt close, Nepal’s education unions are standing together to ensure both their ranks and their students get the support they need.

    For Nepali educators, solidarity begins at home
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 May 2015

    World Bank must support quality public education, not private schools!

    Education International, along with nearly 110 international and national organisations, has commented on a speech made by the World Bank president praising the results of a multinational chain of low-fee profit-making private primary schools.

    World Bank must support quality public education, not private schools!
  11. Equity and inclusion 13 May 2015

    Teachers stand against xenophobia and violence in South Africa

    Education International’s affiliates in South Africa, the South African Democratic Teachers' Union and the National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa, have strongly condemned recent xenophobic attacks on foreign nationals.

    Teachers stand against xenophobia and violence in South Africa
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 May 2015

    Education for All achievements clouded by failure to deliver on goals

    The latest Global Monitoring Report shows that despite progress made to achieve Education for All, the goals are set to remain out of reach 15 years after they were launched.

    Education for All achievements clouded by failure to deliver on goals
  13. Standards and working conditions 11 May 2015

    Successful pay bargaining in Mexico

    National collective bargaining by the Mexican trade union SNTE has ended with a significant pay rise for education workers, in recognition of their work with the children and youth of Mexico.

    Successful pay bargaining in Mexico
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 May 2015

    Teachers’ voices needed to move the post-2015 education agenda forward

    Education stakeholders convened in Brussels’ Norway House last week to prepare for July’s Oslo Summit on Education for Development that is set to tackle the global sector’s most pressing challenges.

    Teachers’ voices needed to move the post-2015 education agenda forward
  15. Union renewal and development 8 May 2015

    Latin America unites for quality education

    Hundreds of teachers and union delegates from 19 countries gathered in Santiago de Chile to discuss the most poignant issues surrounding education in the Latin American region and to develop a policy strategy for the coming four years.

    Latin America unites for quality education
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 6 May 2015

    Education unions line up to oppose free trade agreement

    Education International affiliates around the world are applying a full-court press against plans to negotiate public services into the free trade agreement TiSA, sending a clear message to their governments that education is not for sale.

    Education unions line up to oppose free trade agreement