

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 May 2015

    UNESCO reminds us that education is a human right and a public good

    A new UNESCO report reinforces education as a basic human right and public good, and calls for a humanistic approach to education in the lead up to the World Education Forum in Incheon, South Korea.

    UNESCO reminds us that education is a human right and a public good
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 May 2015

    EI: Education is not a commodity

    Reports that the governments of Australia, Colombia, New Zealand and Norway are proposing the inclusion of education within the scope of the TiSA are of grave concern.

    EI: Education is not a commodity
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 April 2015

    Final push toward new UN sustainability goals begins in Paris

    As the UN Secretary General’s Global Education First Initiative nears completion of its mandate, the final push toward the post-2015 goals begins and all eyes turn toward the next steps of the global agenda.

    Final push toward new UN sustainability goals begins in Paris
  4. Standards and working conditions 29 April 2015

    Europe: Strong school leadership essential for quality education

    The importance of strong and effective leadership in European schools is the subject of a joint report published by European trade unions and education employers.

    Europe: Strong school leadership essential for quality education
  5. Union renewal and development 29 April 2015

    Earthquake inflicts heavy toll on Nepal’s education sector

    As the details of destruction in the wake of Nepal’s biggest earthquake in decades become clearer by the day, the country’s education sector is uniting to deal with its own casualties and damaged schools.

    Earthquake inflicts heavy toll on Nepal’s education sector
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 April 2015

    UK: Teachers’ decisive action against ‘for profit’ drive in education

    “#TellPearson no to ‘for profit’ schools because #ChildrenDeserve good public education @pearson.”This was one of the rallying slogans of education trade union leaders and parents in their action opposing education privatisation in London, UK.

    UK: Teachers’ decisive action against ‘for profit’ drive in education
  7. Union renewal and development 27 April 2015

    Nepal: global educators’ community in solidarity after earthquake

    Education International has sent out an urgent action appeal to all its member organisations, urging them to show solidarity and support for Nepalese teachers and their families.

    Nepal: global educators’ community in solidarity after earthquake
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 April 2015

    Global Action Week calls on governments to vote for Education

    This week, 26 April-2 May, the 2015 Global Action Week takes place under the rallying theme: “The Right to Education 2000-2030 - Vote for Education!” This is to remind governments of their promise to provide quality education for all.

    Global Action Week calls on governments to vote for Education
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 April 2015

    Report highlights importance of teacher consultation

    A new report by Education International presented to UNESCO and the International Labour Organisation shows how the involvement of teachers in policy making is key to reach the objectives of Education for All

    Report highlights importance of teacher consultation
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 24 April 2015

    Former SUNY professor dies in drone strike

    The international higher education community mourns the death of an American colleague, Dr Warren Weinstein, who was held hostage by al-Qaida on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan since 13 August 2011.

    Former SUNY professor dies in drone strike
  11. Equity and inclusion 23 April 2015

    Communication and sharing at heart of progress in Asia-Pacific women’s networks

    The importance of sharing success stories and common challenges on gender equality issues within women’s networks, unions and communities have been reaffirmed in women’s network meetings in India and Malaysia, organised by the Asia-Pacific Office of Education International.

    Communication and sharing at heart of progress in Asia-Pacific women’s networks
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 22 April 2015

    USA: #BringBackOurGirls from Nigeria, say American educators

    One year after their abduction by Boko Haram terrorists, two female Nigerian students who escaped their kidnappers were hosted by American education unionists who renewed their pledge to see the remaining kidnapped students returned to their families.

    USA: #BringBackOurGirls from Nigeria, say American educators
  13. Equity and inclusion 21 April 2015

    UN takes first steps towards eradicating school-related gender-based violence

    Fifty eight countries have signed up to the first ever UN resolution on school-related gender-based violence, “Learning without fear”, during UNESCO’s Executive Board meeting on 16 April.

    UN takes first steps towards eradicating school-related gender-based violence
  14. Climate action and literacy 20 April 2015

    Call for nominations for the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development

    The call for nominations is opened for the first edition of the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development, honouring outstanding efforts of individuals, institutions, organisations or other entities engaged in education for sustainable development activities.

    Call for nominations for the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 16 April 2015

    Norway: Collective agreement a victory for teachers

    A strike by 17 teachers at a privately-run government funded school north of Oslo in Norway has ended, representing a victory for the teachers who were on strike since 18 March.

    Norway: Collective agreement a victory for teachers