

  1. Union renewal and development 16 April 2015

    15 days left to draw the world’s largest lesson plan

    The World’s Largest Lesson Plan is an international project of Education International and its global partners which invites teachers to popularise the Sustainable Development Goals of the coming decade.

    15 days left to draw the world’s largest lesson plan
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 April 2015

    Germany: ECE teachers strike for equitable wages

    Around 250,000 early childhood educators in Germany have been called on by their trade unions to go on a nationwide strike today as negotiations with municipalities on a pay agreement continue.

    Germany: ECE teachers strike for equitable wages
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 14 April 2015

    Nigeria: Education community concerned about girls still missing after one year

    Over 270 girls are still missing in Nigeria, one year after their abduction. Educators worldwide have not forgotten about them and reiterate that schools everywhere must remain safe sanctuaries.

    Nigeria: Education community concerned about girls still missing after one year
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 10 April 2015

    Education awards go to Iraqi and Filipino leaders

    Education International has named two teacher union leaders from Iraq and the Philippines to be awarded human rights and education prizes for their outstanding commitment, engagement and courage in promoting education for all.

    Education awards go to Iraqi and Filipino leaders
  5. Union renewal and development 10 April 2015

    Finland: Teachers take center stage in upcoming parliamentary elections

    When the votes are cast for this week’s parliamentary elections, teachers will be hard to miss on the ballot, as they make up 10 percent of the 2,000 candidates running for seats.

    Finland: Teachers take center stage in upcoming parliamentary elections
  6. Union growth 10 April 2015

    Norway: private school teachers denied collective bargaining rights

    Teachers at a privately run government school have exercised their right to strike following management’s demand that they cut their ties with the Union of Education Norway.

    Norway: private school teachers denied collective bargaining rights
  7. Equity and inclusion 9 April 2015

    UK: Extremism debates at school put teachers on edge

    New rules in the UK requiring schools to report suspicions of extremist behaviour among students to officials have many teachers shying away from engaging in classroom debates on the subject.

    UK: Extremism debates at school put teachers on edge
  8. Standards and working conditions 9 April 2015

    UK: Education unions say experience counts

    The need to value older, experienced teachers was a hot topic for two of the UK’s education unions during their annual national conferences where they opposed what they see as on-going discrimination.

    UK: Education unions say experience counts
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 April 2015

    Global report reveals shortcomings of the Education for All Goals

    Despite relative progress, the latest report makes it clear that the critical shortage of qualified teachers, with less than 75% trained to national standards, is a major culprit behind the failure to achieve the goals.

    Global report reveals shortcomings of the Education for All Goals
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 April 2015

    Understanding why teacher collaboration is the way forward

    It’s being endorsed by education experts as a way to empower teachers and build leadership among their ranks, but how to make teacher collaboration a reality was the challenge at this year’s international teaching summit.

    Understanding why teacher collaboration is the way forward
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 April 2015

    Reasserting the need for quality secondary education and public services

    The future of quality secondary education and public services was among the hot topics debated by Education International and its affiliates, who were actively involved in the World Social Forum last month in Tunisia.

    Reasserting the need for quality secondary education and public services
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 2 April 2015

    Kenya: Education community in mourning after attack on university

    Educators in Kenya have expressed their deepest sympathy to families and friends of over 140 students killed by Islamist gunmen in the town of Garissa in north-eastern Kenya today.

    Kenya: Education community in mourning after attack on university
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 2 April 2015

    World Social Forum: Clear rejection of the privatisation of public services

    Education International and some of its affiliates were actively involved in the World Social Forum, from 24-28 March in Tunis, Tunisia, and discussed privatisation of services, including education.

    World Social Forum: Clear rejection of the privatisation of public services
  14. Union growth 1 April 2015

    Global Labour University offers a course on workers' rights in a global economy

    What are global workers’ rights? Which institutions and instruments can be used to realise them? The Global Labour University has launched an online course on Workers’ Rights in a Global Economy to help answer these questions, among others.

    Global Labour University offers a course on workers' rights in a global economy
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 March 2015

    Australia: Privatisation of vocational training detrimental to students

    Reacting to a recently published study, education unions have stressed that authorities of New South Wales must guarantee minimum public funding levels for technical and further education, and avoid the unchecked privatisation that has destroyed vocational education.

    Australia: Privatisation of vocational training detrimental to students
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 March 2015

    Russia: trade union congress focuses on quality education

    The Education and Science Employees Union of Russia held its 7th congress last week, with a strong focus on quality education, teachers’ rights and the future of the teaching profession.

    Russia: trade union congress focuses on quality education