

  1. Standards and working conditions 29 March 2015

    Global teachers' Summit focuses on culture change

    In his analysis of the latest studies on education, EI Senior Consultant John Bangs narrowed in on the main topics of this year's summit on the teaching profession: efficacy, leadership, collaboration and innovation.

    Global teachers' Summit focuses on culture change
  2. Standards and working conditions 29 March 2015

    Teachers at the top of Rocky Mountain summit

    Collaboration, leadership, and innovation are at the heart of talks at the Summit of the Teaching Profession, where Education International General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen made the case for teachers as the agents of change.

    Teachers at the top of Rocky Mountain summit
  3. Standards and working conditions 29 March 2015

    Teacher collaboration is needed to strengthen the profession

    Building collaborative school environments that empower teachers to create strong learning communities is the message teacher unions are delivering at the 5th International Summit on the Teaching Profession in Banff, Canada.

    Teacher collaboration is needed to strengthen the profession
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 March 2015

    EI to deliver strong message at global teaching summit in Canada

    The Education International delegation wants the focus of this year’s International Summit on the Teaching Profession squarely on creating collaborative school environments that empower teachers to build strong learning communities.

    EI to deliver strong message at global teaching summit in Canada
  5. Standards and working conditions 27 March 2015

    South Africa: Support grows for status change for temporary educators

    The Congress of South African Trade Unions has voiced its support for the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union’s demand that educators employed on temporary contracts become permanent employees. This is a significant vote of support as the Congress of South African Trade Unions is that country’s national trade union confederation.

    South Africa: Support grows for status change for temporary educators
  6. Union renewal and development 25 March 2015

    Changes in EI global leadership in the run up to the 7th World Congress

    The 44th Education International’s Executive Board meeting has appointed Patrick Roach from the UK and Ryosuke Kato from Japan to help run the organisation’s work as Vice-Presidents for Europe and Asia-Pacific respectively, until the 7th World Congress in July.

    Changes in EI global leadership in the run up to the 7th World Congress
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 March 2015

    Teachers called to create the World’s Largest Lesson

    Education International and its global partners have launched the World’s Largest Lesson Plan, a project which invites the world’s teachers to educate and popularise the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, to be launched in September.

    Teachers called to create the World’s Largest Lesson
  8. Union renewal and development 25 March 2015

    Students and teachers mourned after plane crashes in French Alps

    Education International has offered its sincere condolences to the families of those lost in yesterday’s tragic plane crash, which took the lives of 150 people, including 16 students from the Joseph-König-Gymnasium in Haltern, Germany.

    Students and teachers mourned after plane crashes in French Alps
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 March 2015

    Final countdown to shape the Post-2015 UN development agenda

    As negotiations on the United Nations new development agenda, known as the Post-2015 process, have entered the final stage, Education International is working to ensure the goals are evaluated in line with human rights standards.

    Final countdown to shape the Post-2015 UN development agenda
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 March 2015

    Pearson caught spying on students

    The American Federation of Teachers was aghast to discover that the world’s largest edu-business has undertaken a new activity, moving from administering tests to online surveillance to monitor American students’ social media activity in search of cheaters.

    Pearson caught spying on students
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 March 2015

    Spain’s universities go on strike against government reform

    Public higher education is shutting down today in Spain, as teachers, support staff and students close ranks against the latest government’s reforms, arguing that they open the path to privatisation and hamper access for all.

    Spain’s universities go on strike against government reform
  12. Union renewal and development 23 March 2015

    Executive Board engaged in final preparations for World Congress

    Diverse congress business, including policy papers, resolutions and awardees, are high on the agenda of the 44th Education International Executive Board meeting, with just four months to go before the organisation’s key political event.

    Executive Board engaged in final preparations for World Congress
  13. Equity and inclusion 19 March 2015

    Indigenous education gains progress in Brazil

    Brazil’s national education union has taken a major step towards boosting the status of indigenous education within the national system after hosting its First National Indigenous Educators’ Meeting in Sao Paulo this month.

    Indigenous education gains progress in Brazil
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 March 2015

    Stakes are high for education in trade agreements

    With the fate of education currently being negotiated in global free-trade talks, Martin Rømer, Director of the European Trade Union Committee for Education, spoke with RadioLabour about the possible consequences.

    Stakes are high for education in trade agreements
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 March 2015

    Zimbabwe: qualified teachers are the answer to filling the recruitment gap

    Teacher unionists aren’t happy with the government’s decision to recruit more than 20,000 unqualified teachers to fill empty posts, which account for nearly a fifth of the country’s teaching force in primary and secondary schools.

    Zimbabwe: qualified teachers are the answer to filling the recruitment gap
  16. Union renewal and development 16 March 2015

    High-level meeting highlights common priorities of Mexican union and Education International

    The defence of quality public education and teachers’ rights are at the centre of discussions between Education International and the Mexican teachers’ union SNTE, the largest in Latin America, in view of SNTE’s application for membership with EI.

    High-level meeting highlights common priorities of Mexican union and Education International
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 16 March 2015

    UK: Government publishes schools asbestos review

    The UK government has published the findings of its asbestos policy in schools review after bowing to education unions’ sustained pressure to go public, but critics say if still falls short.

    UK: Government publishes schools asbestos review
  18. Union growth 13 March 2015

    Myanmar: trade unions condemn the terrible crackdown on students

    Education International has demanded that Myanmar’s public authorities stop the violent crackdown on student protests calling for changes to the National Education Law, and include them along educators’ representatives in the parliamentary discussions.

    Myanmar: trade unions condemn the terrible crackdown on students