

  1. Union growth 13 March 2015

    Korea: Unions defend teachers on multiple fronts

    Korean teacher unions are actively defending their members’ status in moves to ensure that teachers’ pensions are protected benefit and that legal assistance is on-hand to protect their rights.

    Korea: Unions defend teachers on multiple fronts
  2. Equity and inclusion 13 March 2015

    Gender equality, women’s human rights and empowerment within and beyond the post-2015 agenda

    Education International has co-sponsored a panel discussion focusing on the key priorities for gender equality, women’s human rights and empowerment in the new post-2015 sustainable development framework to be agreed by United Nations’ member states this fall.

    Gender equality, women’s human rights and empowerment within and beyond the post-2015 agenda
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 March 2015

    Education stories hit the big screen in America’s capital

    This week in Washington D.C. the classroom enters the cinema to present education in ways not commonly seen, helping to provoke new ideas, debate, and the chance to reveal how film can unlock potential.

    Education stories hit the big screen in America’s capital
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 March 2015

    UNESCO: close the financing gap in education and end gender-based violence

    In its latest reports, UNESCO calls for the need to adequately finance education to ensure quality education for all, and sounds the alarm on school-related gender-based violence.

    UNESCO: close the financing gap in education and end gender-based violence
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 March 2015

    Belgium: Overcrowded schools at odds with government cuts

    As the Belgian Government forges ahead with unpopular austerity measures aimed at tackling the country’s debt and sagging economy, opponents pointed to overcrowded schools as the glaring example of unkept promises, and called for action.

    Belgium: Overcrowded schools at odds with government cuts
  6. Equity and inclusion 10 March 2015

    New York: Trade union delegation demands more from their governments

    Global Union delegations at the UN are urging member states to make a stronger commitment to women’s economic rights on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and in the new sustainable development goals.

    New York: Trade union delegation demands more from their governments
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 10 March 2015

    UK teachers’ unions: review of asbestos in schools must be released

    Staff and children continue to be put at risk, say education unions in the United Kingdom, who are urging their government to immediately publish its own review of asbestos management in schools.

    UK teachers’ unions: review of asbestos in schools must be released
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 March 2015

    Teachers, Technology, Education for All: A Way Forward

    With the Global Education and Skills Forum underway in Dubai, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen shares his thoughts on how to balance quality teaching and quality education with learning technology.

    Teachers, Technology, Education for All: A Way Forward
  9. Equity and inclusion 9 March 2015

    International Women’s Day: activists bring the Big Apple to a standstill

    Education International’s delegation to the 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women marched alongside thousands of activists through New York Sunday for gender equality and the rights of women and girls.

    International Women’s Day: activists bring the Big Apple to a standstill
  10. Standards and working conditions 9 March 2015

    German educators take to the streets demanding better work conditions

    The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, together with other public sector unions, is organising strikes across Germany in pursuit of a salary increase and a collective agreement for the 200,000 teachers employed in public schools.

    German educators take to the streets demanding better work conditions
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 March 2015

    African educators taking strides to enhance teacher effectiveness

    In February, Education International organized national conversations on the issues affecting teacher effectiveness in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal, part of a programme aimed at boosting teacher unions’ promotion of quality education.

    African educators taking strides to enhance teacher effectiveness
  12. Equity and inclusion 6 March 2015

    International Women’s Day: Looking back to Beijing and beyond 2015

    2015 is an auspicious year for International Women’s Day celebrations: we mark the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most advanced document on women’s rights and empowerment ever signed by world leaders.

    International Women’s Day: Looking back to Beijing and beyond 2015
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 6 March 2015

    Lifting the veil of secrecy blanketing education in free trade talks

    Calling for full transparency, the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the Trade in Services Agreement negotiations has made it clear that public services, including education, are not for sale and must be taken off the table.

    Lifting the veil of secrecy blanketing education in free trade talks
  14. Standards and working conditions 5 March 2015

    Education leaders call for an end to harsh accountability demands

    Stringent accountability demands imposed on schools, education leaders and teachers by governments harm and undermine professional autonomy and quality education for all, was the key message from EI’s conference on educational leadership held in Amsterdam.

    Education leaders call for an end to harsh accountability demands
  15. Union renewal and development 5 March 2015

    Lebanon: government to reconsider making EI Beirut “hub” official

    Lebanese authorities have made a commitment to re-examine Education International's request to establish an office in Beirut, out of which its programmes supporting education unions in the Arab region are coordinated.

    Lebanon: government to reconsider making EI Beirut “hub” official
  16. Union growth 4 March 2015

    The right to strike worth fighting for in Zimbabwe and Niger

    Teacher unions from Zimbabwe and Niger answered Education International’s call to support the Global Action Day on the Right to Strike by organising and spearheading various activities that stressed the importance of taking labour action.

    The right to strike worth fighting for in Zimbabwe and Niger
  17. Union renewal and development 3 March 2015

    New union headquarters a sign of hope for Ukrainian educators

    With the help of financial solidarity support, educators in Ukraine once again have a home for their trade union and something to celebrate amidst the ongoing conflict that has divided the country.

    New union headquarters a sign of hope for Ukrainian educators
  18. Trade union rights are human rights 2 March 2015

    Iraq: Tackling the challenge of balancing quality and safety in education

    In their efforts to provide quality education in Iraq, the country’s educators are calling on public authorities for support amid the growing threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

    Iraq: Tackling the challenge of balancing quality and safety in education