

  1. Union growth 27 February 2015

    UK: Survey highlights plight of teachers

    The excessive workloads and working hours facing teachers in the UK have been clearly established in figures published by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to mark its annual Work Your Proper Hours Day.

    UK: Survey highlights plight of teachers
  2. Union growth 26 February 2015

    Education heavyweights line up to support the rights of Korean teachers

    The Global Campaign for Education has called on the South Korean authorities to respect the basic union rights of teachers in a powerful statement of solidarity delivered at its world assembly in Johannesburg, South Africa.

    Education heavyweights line up to support the rights of Korean teachers
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 February 2015

    African educators throw their support behind Post-2015 education agenda

    Leading stakeholders in African education made a bold statement in Kigali, Rwanda this month when they pledged to actively develop a new education agenda to help shape the future of the continent.

    African educators throw their support behind Post-2015 education agenda
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 February 2015

    Submit your slogan proposal for the World Education Forum

    The Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) is running a twitter-based crowd sourcing competition for education partners to come up with a slogan for the World Education Forum 2015, to be held from 19-22 May 2015, in Incheon, Republic of Korea.

    Submit your slogan proposal for the World Education Forum
  5. Union renewal and development 23 February 2015

    Death of a public education champion

    Alain Mouchoux, former ETUCE General Secretary, unexpectedly passed away in the morning of 22 February at the age of 77. "A strongly committed trade union activist and a true public education champion has left us," says EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen. "Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife...

    Death of a public education champion
  6. Union renewal and development 23 February 2015

    The Oscars trigger debate on elitist revolving doors

    The Academy awards have ignited a debate on the chances of working-class actors to climb the ladder of success, given the increasing proportion of ‘posh actors’ hailing from elite schools sitting atop the acting summit.

    The Oscars trigger debate on elitist revolving doors
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 23 February 2015

    Safe schools must be a priority in wake of South Sudan mass abduction

    The blatant kidnapping of 89 school boys preparing for exams last week stands as another callous example of the dangers students face in conflict zones, and of the threat education poses to those seeking power.

    Safe schools must be a priority in wake of South Sudan mass abduction
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 February 2015

    GCE World Assembly to push for adequate Post-2015 education targets and objectives

    When Education International arrives at the Global Campaign for Education’s World Assembly next week in Johannesburg, its efforts will be focused on influencing both the Post-2015 Education for All framework and the sustainable development goals.

    GCE World Assembly to push for adequate Post-2015 education targets and objectives
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 February 2015

    India: Winner in Delhi State election commits to the right to education

    Education activists working to implement children’s right to education in India have welcomed the parliamentary election landslide victory of the Aam Aadmi Party in the State of Delhi.

    India: Winner in Delhi State election commits to the right to education
  10. Union growth 18 February 2015

    Harassed Bahraini teacher unionist awarded significant international Prize

    Leaders of the Bahrain Teachers’ Association have won the 2015 Arthur Svensson International Prize for trade union rights for their efforts to promote and strengthen trade unions and trade union rights in their country.

    Harassed Bahraini teacher unionist awarded significant international Prize
  11. Union renewal and development 17 February 2015

    A World at School launches its plan to keep Pakistan’s schools safe

    The announcement of a 15-point plan to boost safety in Pakistan’s schools by the UN Envoy for Global Education and Pakistan’s Prime Minister comes two months following the deadly attack in Peshawar.

    A World at School launches its plan to keep Pakistan’s schools safe
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 17 February 2015

    Educators ready to stand-up for their right to strike

    Education International has called on its affiliates to raise their voices and mobilise for the Global Action Day for the Right to Strike, a right that is increasingly being challenged by employers and governments worldwide.

    Educators ready to stand-up for their right to strike
  13. Climate action and literacy 16 February 2015

    EI shares alternative vision to World Bank’s plan for privatised education

    Piece by piece, the World Bank’s strategy for private investment in education was dismantled by Education International last week in Washington, where meetings with trade unions addressed austerity measures and proposed labour market reforms.

    EI shares alternative vision to World Bank’s plan for privatised education
  14. Union renewal and development 13 February 2015

    EI General Secretary takes the Harvard stage

    Fred van Leeuwen, Education International’s General Secretary, has held a lecture at Harvard University on the challenges faced by teachers in the 21st century.

    EI General Secretary takes the Harvard stage
  15. Union growth 12 February 2015

    Italy: government sidesteps social dialogue on teachers

    Italian education unions have gone public to vent their opposition to the government’s vow of silence after calls to kick-start social dialogue on teachers’ employment conditions continue to go unanswered.

    Italy: government sidesteps social dialogue on teachers
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 February 2015

    ‘Doctor’ Julia Gillard talks education in Brussels

    Former Australian prime minister and head of the Global Partnership for Education Julia Gillard was awarded an honorary doctorate Wednesday by a Brussels' University for her achievements and impact on global education.

    ‘Doctor’ Julia Gillard talks education in Brussels
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 February 2015

    Australia: Government must do more for students with disabilities

    With an estimated 100,000 Australian students with a disability being denied financial support, the Abbott Government is being called upon to urgently deliver on its promise to increase funding to those who need it most.

    Australia: Government must do more for students with disabilities
  18. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 February 2015

    Opinion: Chile 2015 – Everything changes

    In this opinion piece, Guillermo Scherping, a member of the Colegio de Profesores de Chile, sets out the events that led to the radical change of direction in Chile’s education policies.

    Opinion: Chile 2015 – Everything changes