

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 December 2014

    Revision of UNESCO Recommendation on Technical and Vocational Education and Training

    The recommendation was originally adopted in 1962 and was revised in 1974 and 2001. The aim of the current revision is to reflect new trends and issues in the field, considering demographic changes, youth unemployment and growing inequality as well as the central role of "skills for work and life"...

    Revision of UNESCO Recommendation on Technical and Vocational Education and Training
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 December 2014

    ETUCE Special Conference Decides on a Taskforce for ETUCE Policy on the 21st Century Teaching Profession and the Use of ICT

    Embedded in the discussions at the ETUCE's first Special Conference on 26-27 November 2014 in Vienna on The Future of the Teaching Profession, the teacher union delegates unanimously adopted the two policy papers from HERSC on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and on Early Stage Researchers as well as the...

    ETUCE Special Conference Decides on a Taskforce for ETUCE Policy on the 21st Century Teaching Profession and the Use of ICT
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 December 2014

    ETUCE Special Conference 2014 in Retrospect

    Welcoming the participants to ETUCE's first Special Conference on 26-27 November 2014 in Vienna on The Future of the Teaching Profession, the ETUCE President Christine Blower reflected on what education and teachers' work will be like in future taking reference in today's world that is already constantly online.

    ETUCE Special Conference 2014 in Retrospect
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 December 2014

    Stand up! 16 days of activism against gender violence

    The 16 days of activism against gender violence is an international campaign that started on 25 November 2014, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and ends on 10 December 2014, Human Rights Day. The campaign hopes to raise awareness about gender-based violence as a human rights issue...

    Stand up! 16 days of activism against gender violence
  5. Union renewal and development 2 December 2014

    India: a force for public education is remembered in moving ceremony

    Those who knew Sh. S. Eswaran, a teachers’ union leader and advocate for children’s rights, paid respects to the man who dedicated most of his life working to empower others through quality, public education.

    India: a force for public education is remembered in moving ceremony
  6. Union renewal and development 2 December 2014

    India: a force for public education is remembered in moving ceremony

    Those who knew Sh. S. Eswaran, a teachers’ union leader and advocate for children’s rights, paid respects to the man who dedicated most of his life working to empower others through quality, public education.

    India: a force for public education is remembered in moving ceremony
  7. Union renewal and development 2 December 2014

    Creeping privatisation threatens Indian public school system

    Faced with the challenge of boosting teachers’ ranks and improving school environments, India looks to curb the explosion of privatised education by once again making quality education synonymous with public education.

    Creeping privatisation threatens Indian public school system
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 1 December 2014

    World AIDS Day 2014: Education crucial to curbing infection rates

    As the world marks the 26th annual World AIDS Day, a renewed effort is underway to ensure that today’s youth generation receives the education they need to bring the virus to an end.

    World AIDS Day 2014: Education crucial to curbing infection rates
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 28 November 2014

    Kenya: Teachers to stay home following deadly terrorist attack

    Increasing violence has prompted the Kenya National Union of Teachers to urge its members to stop working after 22 teachers were killed in a bus attack.

    Kenya: Teachers to stay home following deadly terrorist attack
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 November 2014

    Civil society condemns emphasis on privatisation in MDGs Africa Progress Report

    In a joint statement released today in Marrakech at the Education Forum of the World Human Rights Forum, more than 30 African and international civil society organisations have raised serious concerns about the emphasis on private sector involvement in education in Africa in a recent report.

    Civil society condemns emphasis on privatisation in MDGs Africa Progress Report
  11. Equity and inclusion 28 November 2014

    France: Gender equality in teaching and learning endorsed

    Education unions in France have reaffirmed that gender equality must be at the heart of learning, following the National Education Minister’s presentation of teaching materials on equality between girls and boys.

    France: Gender equality in teaching and learning endorsed
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 November 2014

    Education coming up short when it comes to teaching values

    The link between radicalism in the Middle East and a value deficit in Europe was at the forefront of remarks made in Vienna by Education International’s General Secretary on the future of the teaching profession.

    Education coming up short when it comes to teaching values
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 27 November 2014

    Mexico: 60 days and still no answers surrounding missing students

    Despite international pressure for a thorough investigation, and demonstrations that continue to sweep the country, the fate of the 43 students who disappeared two months ago in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, remains unclear.

    Mexico: 60 days and still no answers surrounding missing students
  14. Equity and inclusion 27 November 2014

    Australian movement demands better government care of child refugees

    A group of prominent Australians are spearheading a movement calling on the Australian Government to do better when it comes to caring for children seeking refuge in the country.

    Australian movement demands better government care of child refugees
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 November 2014

    The future of the teaching profession discussed in Vienna

    While in Brussels earlier today, European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker announced a heavyweight plan to kick-start growth in the European Union, educators assembled in Vienna urged Commission officials present there to ensure that the education sector would especially benefit from these investments.

    The future of the teaching profession discussed in Vienna
  16. Union growth 26 November 2014

    USA: Teacher union objects to Coca-Cola in schools

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has banned Coca-Cola products from its facilities and events, citing Coca-Cola's child labour and human rights record.

    USA: Teacher union objects to Coca-Cola in schools
  17. Equity and inclusion 25 November 2014

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    Gender-based violence is a fundamental violation of human rights. It is one of the worst manifestations of gender-based discrimination, disproportionately affecting girls and women, and a major obstacle to achieving gender equality.

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 November 2014

    High quality early childhood education on the agenda in Vienna

    Around one hundred Early Childhood Education (ECE) specialists from Education International affiliates worldwide are meeting in Vienna, Austria, today and tomorrow to take stock of the current state of ECE around the world, and to discuss the way forward for EI in this field.

    High quality early childhood education on the agenda in Vienna