

  1. Equity and inclusion 24 November 2014

    Ireland: LGBT Teachers’ Group marks its 10th anniversary

    The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Teachers’ Group of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO), affiliated to Education International (EI), will mark its 10th anniversary with an education conference themed “The Inclusive School”.

    Ireland: LGBT Teachers’ Group marks its 10th anniversary
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 21 November 2014

    South Korea: Four students take their lives under stress of exams

    The recent suicides of four South Korean high school students once again have many asking what can be done to address the issue of high-stakes university entry exams and the overwhelming pressure placed upon students.

    South Korea: Four students take their lives under stress of exams
  3. Union renewal and development 21 November 2014

    Poland: moving up the international rankings thanks to teachers

    Teachers were seen as the driving force behind Poland’s improving school system when delegates met for the 41st National Congress of the Polish education union ZNP, while increasing privatisation was high on the agenda.

    Poland: moving up the international rankings thanks to teachers
  4. Union renewal and development 21 November 2014

    Building alliances and strengthening relationships key to achieving quality education

    Development cooperation meetings in Brussels focused on strengthening and enhancing alliances, not only between unions, but also among NGOs and civil society groups to improve education quality worldwide.

    Building alliances and strengthening relationships key to achieving quality education
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 20 November 2014

    Universal children's day: a long way ahead

    Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - a defining moment in history, when for the first time, all children around the world were viewed as human beings with their own set of rights, including the right to a quality education.

    Universal children's day: a long way ahead
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 November 2014

    Nobel laureate in the UK to launch #UpForSchool petition

    The streets of London will be buzzing more than usual today as Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi joins hundreds of youth activists and VIPs for A World at School’s #UpForSchool youth rally.

    Nobel laureate in the UK to launch #UpForSchool petition
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 19 November 2014

    Urgent appeal: take action against child slavery

    More than five million children in the world are forced to work as slaves, with working days reaching 18 hours per day. The right to education is just one of many human rights that they are deprived of.

    Urgent appeal: take action against child slavery
  8. Union renewal and development 18 November 2014

    Son of NEA member slain by Islamic State

    The latest act of violence committed by ISIS has left one family and member of the National Education Association in mourning following the killing of their son and aid worker in Syria.

    Son of NEA member slain by Islamic State
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 November 2014

    'When Europe forgot its homework: Education in crisis': the ETUCE Film-documentary released

    The ETUCE documentary 'When Europe forgot its homework: education in crisis’ shows that cuts and downturns in the education systems have affected everyday people – teachers, students, parents, and societies – and made the prospects and opportunities for young people more unclear, jeopardizing the future of the younger generations.

    'When Europe forgot its homework: Education in crisis': the ETUCE Film-documentary released
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 November 2014

    The Future of the Teaching Profession – The ETUCE Special Conference 2014

    From 26 to 27 November 2014, more than 200 teacher union representatives from all over Europe convene in Vienna for ETUCE's first mid-term conference under the new structure. The Future of the Teaching Profession, which is the Leitmotif of the event and of the main conference resolution, promises interesting discussions.

    The Future of the Teaching Profession – The ETUCE Special Conference 2014
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 November 2014

    In Belgium, thousands of teachers and workers march against austerity

    On Wednesday 6 November all Belgian teachers and educators affiliated to ETUCE member organisations together with all the other sectors and professions, demonstrated in Brussels to defend their working conditions, welfare state and purchasing power against austerity and the Belgian government's attacks.

    In Belgium, thousands of teachers and workers march against austerity
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 November 2014

    International Students’ Day demands free education now

    On International Students’ Day, 17th November 2014, more than 80 student organisations from all over the world stand up for free education.

    International Students’ Day demands free education now
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 November 2014

    Public invited to help shape future global education policies

    As part of a new initiative, members of the general public have the chance to feed their ideas into the post-2015 global education agenda, helping to shape the process of monitoring the next development framework.

    Public invited to help shape future global education policies
  14. Union growth 14 November 2014

    Denmark and USA: Malthe Thomsen dismissed of all charges

    The nearly five-month investigation, reported on the EI website yesterday, into claims that a student teacher had inappropriately touched youngsters at a preschool in Manhattan has ended with the dismissal of all criminal charges, according to the New York times today.

    Denmark and USA: Malthe Thomsen dismissed of all charges
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 November 2014

    Coming up: Training seminar on Challenging the liberalisation of public services in TTIP and beyond

    ETUCE is together with EPSU, AK and ÖGB organising a training seminar on trade policy on the 15-16 January in Vienna. The focus of the training will be on the current trade negotiations, in particular TTIP, CETA and TiSA and the EU's trade policy. We will discuss how to challenge...

    Coming up: Training seminar on Challenging the liberalisation of public services in TTIP and beyond
  16. Union growth 13 November 2014

    Denmark and USA: Danish Union launches Legal Defence Fund to support trainee teacher

    The Danish pre-school teachers union, BUPL, is seeking financial support from other EI affiliates, to assist with payment of the huge legal costs of defending a member of the union who has been accused of ‘inappropriate behaviour of a sexual nature ’ at a preschool in New York.

    Denmark and USA: Danish Union launches Legal Defence Fund to support trainee teacher
  17. Climate action and literacy 13 November 2014

    Japan: EI calls for teachers to be at the centre of education for sustainable development

    The fundamental role of teachers in achieving quality education was the main message conveyed by Education International (EI) to the more than 1,100 delegates attending the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan, on 10-12 November.

    Japan: EI calls for teachers to be at the centre of education for sustainable development
  18. Union renewal and development 13 November 2014

    Australia: Death of Rob Durbridge - a great education union leader

    It is with great sadness we announce that Rob Durbridge, former Federal Secretary of the Australian Education Union, passed away on 10 November after a year-long battle with cancer.

    Australia: Death of Rob Durbridge - a great education union leader