

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 12 November 2014

    Nigeria: College 'hit by suicide bombing' in latest atrocity

    EI has roundly condemned the latest atrocities perpetrated against students and teachers by Islamist extremists in northern Nigeria.

    Nigeria: College 'hit by suicide bombing' in latest atrocity
  2. Union growth 12 November 2014

    Mexico: EI demands full investigation into disappearance of missing student teachers

    News reports indicated a few days ago that the 43 Mexican students who disappeared in southern Mexico in September were abducted by police on order of a local mayor, and are believed to have been turned over to a gang that killed them and burned their bodies before throwing some...

    Mexico: EI demands full investigation into disappearance of missing student teachers
  3. Equity and inclusion 12 November 2014

    Iraq: Quality education for displaced people in Kurdistan

    Maintaining the education process for displaced teachers, students, and learners was the theme of a workshop organised by teacher unionists, together with UNESCO.

    Iraq: Quality education for displaced people in Kurdistan
  4. Union renewal and development 11 November 2014

    Sweden: "This year everyone loves a teacher"

    The newly elected Education Minister of Sweden, Gustav Fridolin, plans to support the rebuilding of the teaching profession. He wants to prevent that politicians dictate teachers what and how to teach.

    Sweden: "This year everyone loves a teacher"
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 November 2014

    Higher Education Conference demands quality and equality in education

    Over 80 delegates have convened in Brussels to discuss the state of the art of higher education and research, with a special focus on the effects of privatisation and marketisation.

    Higher Education Conference demands quality and equality in education
  6. Union renewal and development 7 November 2014

    The Gambia: EI funding vital in fight against Ebola

    Teacher unionists have engaged in an awareness-raising campaign, “Ebola is everybody’s business”, in The Gambia, thanks to global financial support provided by Education International (EI).

    The Gambia: EI funding vital in fight against Ebola
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 7 November 2014

    Belgium: Teacher unions join in national strike

    Teacher unionists were among over 100,000 demonstrators who took to the streets of Brussels, Belgium, on 6 November to fight budgetary reform measures planned by the Belgian federal Government that will affect workers severely.

    Belgium: Teacher unions join in national strike
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 November 2014

    The Francophone trade union movement mobilising for quality education!

    Local and global concerns about and commitments to education were presented to the Education Minister of Senegal by Francophone education unions affiliated to Education International (EI).

    The Francophone trade union movement mobilising for quality education!
  9. Equity and inclusion 5 November 2014

    Philippines: Gender equality prioritised at women’s network

    Gender action plans and equality in schools, the Magna Carta for women, and gender based violence against teachers – these were the topics debated at the latest evaluation and planning meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Women’s Network (AWN)-Philippines.

    Philippines: Gender equality prioritised at women’s network
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 November 2014

    Latin America: Teachers at centre of post-2015 education agenda

    Ministers and high education officials attended the Ministerial Regional Meeting on Education for All last week in Lima, Peru. An EI delegation attended in an observer capacity together with other representatives from civil society, bringing the voice of teachers to this forum.

    Latin America: Teachers at centre of post-2015 education agenda
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 November 2014

    Georgia: Trade union pushes for quality education and teachers

    Quality education, teachers’ training, and teachers’ living and working conditions were all debated at the 7th National Congress of the Educators and Scientists’ Free Trade Union of Georgia (ESFTUG), an affiliate of Education International (EI).

    Georgia: Trade union pushes for quality education and teachers
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 November 2014

    Germany: Resources and rule changes needed for quality education

    Education unions in Germany are calling for adequate funding for quality education at all levels, from early childhood education to vocational education and training.

    Germany: Resources and rule changes needed for quality education
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 October 2014

    South Africa: No proper consultation on technology in the classroom

    An ambitious government plan to flood classrooms with technology was met with many questions and strong criticism during the national congress of the country’s second largest teachers’ union.

    South Africa: No proper consultation on technology in the classroom
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 30 October 2014

    Kenyan teachers: no quality education without collective bargaining

    Teacher unions in Kenya are urging the Government to allow and support the ongoing negotiations on their basic salaries, and demand the approval of a new collective bargaining agreement.

    Kenyan teachers: no quality education without collective bargaining
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 October 2014

    UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education lashes out against privatisation

    A UN report has made it clear that protecting education as a public good and right against the advancement of profit-making businesses is essential to keeping classrooms accessible to all.

    UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education lashes out against privatisation
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 October 2014

    New Eurydice Report

    National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education 2014/15: This report analyses the student fees and support systems (grants and loans) across European countries. It covers 33 European countries of the Eurydice network.

    New Eurydice Report
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 October 2014

    Egalité des genres au sein des institutions européennes

    Although female political representation across Europe has increased, it is happening at a slow pace. The most influential leadership roles in the European Parliament remain dominated by men. This raises questions about the possible need to resort to stronger measures to improve female representation in the EU institutions.

    Egalité des genres au sein des institutions européennes
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 October 2014

    L’IE appelle ses affiliés à soutenir la campagne de l’AFT contre le magazine TIME

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is calling on EI affiliates to support their request to the TIME magazine to apologize to teachers. The reason for this campaign is the outrageous cover of the November issue of this world press magazine which blames teachers for the problems in schools.

    L’IE appelle ses affiliés à soutenir la campagne de l’AFT contre le magazine TIME