

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 15 July 2014

    New report shows educators are targets in armed conflict

    Attacks on teachers and other educators are a disturbingly common tactic of war and a serious threat to education, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) says in a new study released on 14 July. The report, Protecting Education Personnel from Targeted Attack in Conflict-Affected Countries, describes how...

    New report shows educators are targets in armed conflict
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 14 July 2014

    Legal dispute in Georgia over ESFTUG election results ended after four years

    On 11 July 2014, a judicial decision by the Appeals Court in Tbilisi has finally resolved the legal battle over the legitimacy of the election of Maia Kobakhidze, President of the Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia (ESFTUG).

    Legal dispute in Georgia over ESFTUG election results ended after four years
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 14 July 2014

    Uncertain Future for Maternity Leave Directive

    On 15 July 2014, the European Parliament debated the European Commission’s suggestion to withdraw the proposed maternity leave directive and to not take it up again in the next legislature. Many MEPs urged the Commission and the Council of Ministers to resume talks with Parliament.

    Uncertain Future for Maternity Leave Directive
  4. Standards and working conditions 14 July 2014

    New EURYDICE Report: Financing Schools in Europe

    The report Financing Schools in Europe: Mechanisms, Methods and Criteria in Public Funding provides a framework for understanding the structure of funding systems of primary and general secondary education.

    New EURYDICE Report: Financing Schools in Europe
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 14 July 2014

    ETUCE Official EU-OSHA Campaign Partner

    ETUCE has joined forces with the biggest occupational safety and health campaign worldwide, the Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress Campaign coordinated by EU OSHA in more than 30 countries. As official campaign partner, ETUCE will distribute and publicise information about the campaign and participate in benchmarking events.

    ETUCE Official EU-OSHA Campaign Partner
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 July 2014

    10 July 2014: UK Strike action – Keep up the Pressure

    On 10 July 2014 thousands of teachers stood up for education and public services in England and Wales, answering to the call to strike action made by the National Union of Teacher (NUT) alongside with Unison, FBU, PCS, GMB and Unite.

    10 July 2014: UK Strike action – Keep up the Pressure
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 July 2014

    PISA 2012: Financial literacy deficit among students

    Many young people are confused by money matters, according to the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

    PISA 2012: Financial literacy deficit among students
  8. Union renewal and development 11 July 2014

    Latin America: Latin American Regional Committee reviews Pedagogical Movement

    At a meeting last week of EI’s Latin America’s (EILA) Regional Committee, which includes representatives from 12 Latin American countries, Fred van Leeuwen, EI’s General Secretary, highlighted the progress made by the Latin American Pedagogical Movement, in particular the mass mobilisation in the region at every level, from leaders to...

    Latin America: Latin American Regional Committee reviews Pedagogical Movement
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 July 2014

    Educators convene to reclaim the promise of public education

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) meets in Los Angeles, California, US for its biennial convention - the most important policymaking body of the federation.

    Educators convene to reclaim the promise of public education
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 July 2014

    Australia: Senate backs Gonski funding for full six-year period

    The Australian Education Union has called on Prime Minister Tony abbot to follow the recommendations of a Senate inquiry and reverse his decision to abandon the final two years of Gonski funding.

    Australia: Senate backs Gonski funding for full six-year period
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 July 2014

    Australia: Cuts to Gonski funding detrimental to public education

    The Australian government’s cuts to Gonski funding will rip AUS$2.67 billion out of public schools, equivalent to 20,000 teachers, according to new research highlighted by the Australian Education Union (AEU), one of Education International’s national affiliates.

    Australia: Cuts to Gonski funding detrimental to public education
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 July 2014

    Tajikistan: Union builds access to quality inclusive schools in remote regions

    Teachers are working towards increasing access and opportunities to quality education in the country’s dense mountainous areas where children and especially girls are denied a place in the classroom.

    Tajikistan: Union builds access to quality inclusive schools in remote regions
  13. Equity and inclusion 7 July 2014

    Locked out: Privatised education leaves girls and women behind

    A new global report shows that girls and women are suffering the consequences of rising privatised education around the world, leaving them on the outside of the classroom looking in.

    Locked out: Privatised education leaves girls and women behind
  14. Equity and inclusion 7 July 2014

    Locked out: Privatised education leaves girls and women behind

    A new global report shows that girls and women are suffering the consequences of rising privatised education around the world, leaving them on the outside of the classroom looking in.

    Locked out: Privatised education leaves girls and women behind
  15. Union growth 7 July 2014

    Lithuania: ETUCE strikes deal with Prime Minister

    Raising their voices to be heard loud and clear, thousands of teachers demonstrated in front of government offices to put an end to five years of salary freezes in the education sector.

    Lithuania: ETUCE strikes deal with Prime Minister