

  1. Equity and inclusion 7 April 2014

    Dublin:Women central to sustainable future development

    The future will be created in classrooms. This was the key message of Her Excellency Tarja Halonen in her keynote opening speech to the EI’s Second World Women’s Conference today, 7 April, in Dublin, Ireland. Addressing almost 400 delegates from education trade unions representing around 90 countries across the globe,...

    Dublin:Women central to sustainable future development
  2. Union renewal and development 7 April 2014

    New issue of Worlds of Education published

    The 43rd issue of Education International’s on-line magazine, Worlds of Education, has been published. The magazine is available at www.worldsofeducation.org.

    New issue of Worlds of Education published
  3. Equity and inclusion 6 April 2014

    Education International’s World Women's Conference 7-9 April 2014 in Dublin, Ireland

    Transforming words into action will be goal of nearly 400 women as they join forces for quality education at Education International’s second World Women’s Conference in Dublin, Ireland. From 7-9 April, female leaders in education and trade unions from around the world will tackle some of the biggest challenges facing...

    Education International’s World Women's Conference 7-9 April 2014 in Dublin, Ireland
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 April 2014

    EI joins 40.000 on the streets demanding a new path for Europe

    The message from Brussels today was clear as thousands took to the streets in protest: Austerity is not working! Trade union delegations from all over Europe gathered in Europe’s capital to denounce the fact that over 26 million Europeans are unemployed - 10 million more than in 2008. The situation...

    EI joins 40.000 on the streets demanding a new path for Europe
  5. Equity and inclusion 4 April 2014

    Spain: Documentary on women teachers to be screened at World Women’s Conference

    An extraordinary historical documentary on the commitment shown by female teachers in Spain whilst fighting illiteracy will be screened at the Second World Women’s Conference on 6 April in Dublin, Ireland. The award-winning “Las Maestras de la Republica”, which recounts the teachers’ battle for the rights of women and the...

    Spain: Documentary on women teachers to be screened at World Women’s Conference
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 April 2014

    EI surveys teachers’ working conditions

    EI is launching a world-wide survey on teaching and learning conditions, with the aim of bridging the gap between policy making and the reality of the classroom. The survey will be accessible online from today until the end of July in more than 10 different languages, and is part of...

    EI surveys teachers’ working conditions
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 April 2014

    ETUCE guidelines on early school leaving and ICT

    The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) has published a framework on how teacher unions can help to prevent early school leaving with the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in schools. This is the result of a multinational project in partnership with teacher unions from Denmark, Greece,...

    ETUCE guidelines on early school leaving and ICT
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 April 2014

    UNESCO announces new director of EFA Global Monitoring Report

    UNESCO has announced that Dr. Aaron Benavot is the new Director of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report (EFA GMR). Dr Benavot brings decades of experience in global education policy and comparative research to the Report team, including four years as a Senior Policy Analyst for the Report. He...

    UNESCO announces new director of EFA Global Monitoring Report
  9. Union renewal and development 2 April 2014

    EI Asia-Pacific Regional Committee highlights quality education and development cooperation

    Quality education, fighting the privatisation of education, and deepening development cooperation work – these were the issues under the spotlight at EI’s Asia-Pacific (EIAP) Regional Committee meeting on 2-3 March in New Delhi, India.

    EI Asia-Pacific Regional Committee highlights quality education and development cooperation
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 April 2014

    OECD report highlights the importance of creative problem-solving skills

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) argues that in modern societies, all of life is problem-solving. Changes in society, the environment, and in technology mean that the content of applicable knowledge evolves rapidly. Adapting, learning, daring to try out new things and always being ready to learn from...

    OECD report highlights the importance of creative problem-solving skills
  11. Union renewal and development 28 March 2014

    Quality education at heart of International Summit on the Teaching Profession

    “Excellence, Equity and Inclusiveness – High quality teaching for all” is the theme of the fourth International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2014 (ISTP) being held in Wellington, New Zealand, on 28-29 March 2014

    Quality education at heart of International Summit on the Teaching Profession
  12. Union growth 27 March 2014

    Iceland: No end in sight to ongoing strike

    Icelandic high-school and technical school teachers have now been on strike for nine days. Negotiations are faltering, due to a government offer on 25 March that was lower than what was offered the week prior to the strike. A new high school law will be implemented in 2015, but Iceland’s...

    Iceland: No end in sight to ongoing strike
  13. Union growth 25 March 2014

    Social dialogue in public services to be discussed at the ILO

    An EI delegation will discuss how to strengthen collective bargaining rights for public employees in a forum convened by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). From 2-3 April, representatives of workers, governments, and employers will make recommendations for future action to the ILO and its constituents.

    Social dialogue in public services to be discussed at the ILO
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 March 2014

    Nigeria: Education union opposes competency test for teachers

    The National President of EI national affiliate the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Michael Olukoya, has criticised the competency test for teachers introduced in Edo State as a scheme “to eliminate teachers”.

    Nigeria: Education union opposes competency test for teachers
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 March 2014

    UK: Unions oppose changes to Ofsted inspection system

    The Association of Teachers and Lecturer's (ATL), the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) and the National Union of Teachers (NUT), all three affiliated to EI, have expressed their opposition to the changes to the Ofsted inspection system. The changes were announced on 21 March by the...

    UK: Unions oppose changes to Ofsted inspection system