

  1. Equity and inclusion 4 July 2013

    Second EI Arab Women's Network meeting

    EI held the second meeting of its Arab Women Network (AWN) from 29-30 June in Beirut, Lebanon. This meeting aimed at following up on the discussions that started at last’s year inaugural meeting, where the AWN will build on the information shared and plan for future steps.

    Second EI Arab Women's Network meeting
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 July 2013

    France: 10,000 new teaching assistant jobs announced

    The Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré (SNES-FSU) and the Syndicat des enseignants (SE-UNSA) affiliated to the Union nationale des syndicats autonomes-Education (UNSA-Education) welcomed Education Minister Vincent Peillon’s announcement that 10,000 additional staff are to be taken on “specifically for secondary schools” under subsidised contracts on top of the...

    France: 10,000 new teaching assistant jobs announced
  3. Standards and working conditions 4 July 2013

    Indonesia: trade unionists demand decent wages and better promotion prospects

    The 21st Congress of the Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI), EI’s largest national affiliate, has called on the government to invest in teachers and education, and improve teacher's living conditions by giving them decent salaries.

    Indonesia: trade unionists demand decent wages and better promotion prospects
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 July 2013

    USA: NEA to help make lesson plans available

    EI’s largest affiliate, the National Education Association (NEA) in the United States has announced an initiative, the NEA Master Teacher Project, to fund the redesign and expansion of BetterLesson's site and pay 95 math and English language arts teachers selected by an intense vetting process $15,000 to record and share...

    USA: NEA to help make lesson plans available
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 July 2013

    Australia: educators demand quick finalisation of Gonski funding negotiations

    On 28 June, the Australian Education Union (AEU), EI’s largest Australian affiliate, called on all political leaders to act in a spirit of bipartisanship and finalise agreements on the implementation of the Gonski Report on investment in education within the next two weeks.

    Australia: educators demand quick finalisation of Gonski funding negotiations
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 July 2013

    Progress in access to primary education, says 2013 MDGs Report

    The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has launched the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Report 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. This report features a collection of key MDG statistics for each Goal and analysis to be utilised across the UN system in the lead-up to the September special event on MDGs.

    Progress in access to primary education, says 2013 MDGs Report
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 June 2013

    Canada: Senate puts anti-trade union Bill C-377 on hold

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of EI’s national affiliates, has welcomed the fact that the Conservative-dominated Senate has blocked Bill C-377. This Bill aimed to force unions to disclose all payments worth C$5,000 or more being made to outside groups or individuals. It also sought to force unions to...

    Canada: Senate puts anti-trade union Bill C-377 on hold
  8. Union growth 27 June 2013

    UK: Education unions’ joint strike rallies

    The NASUWT and the NUT, two of EI’s national affiliates in the UK, are taking joint action as part of their campaign to protect teachers and education. The educators’ unions are in dispute with the Government over teachers’ pay, pensions and working conditions. Tens of thousands of teachers in the...

    UK: Education unions’ joint strike rallies
  9. Equity and inclusion 27 June 2013

    US: Landmark ruling victories

    The US Supreme Court’s recent decision on same-sex couple legal protections that dramatically advance equality and human rights has been welcomed by the Presidents of both of EI’s affiliates in the US: the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

    US: Landmark ruling victories
  10. Equity and inclusion 26 June 2013

    Germany: trade unionists take action against child labour

    During its recent Congress, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung and Wissenschaft (GEW) has reaffirmed its commitment to the right to unrestricted and free access to quality education for everyone as a basic human right, to the UN Millennium Development Goals and to EI’s resolutions on education and on the elimination of child...

    Germany: trade unionists take action against child labour
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 June 2013

    OECD report is a ‘wake-up’ call for policy makers

    EI deplores the reductions in governments’ expenditure on education and cuts in teachers’ salaries and increases in their working time which are reflected in the latest OECD statistics published today.

    OECD report is a ‘wake-up’ call for policy makers
  12. Union renewal and development 24 June 2013

    EI Staff come together to mobilise for Quality Education!

    The annual meeting of the EI regional coordinators with head office staff, which was held last week in Brussels, was dominated by the new Mobilising for Quality Education initiative. All of those present received a detailed briefing on the aims and objectives of the initiative and on the plans for...

    EI Staff come together to mobilise for Quality Education!
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 June 2013

    Brazil: CNTE shows solidarity with protests but rejects violence

    Since June 12, Brazil has seen numerous protests, mostly organised by young people, which began after the announcement of an increase in the price of public transportation in cities across the country. However, the scope of the demonstrations shows that public transportation is just one of the protesters’ concerns.

    Brazil: CNTE shows solidarity with protests but rejects violence
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 24 June 2013

    South Korea: International actions in support of education support workers

    Teacher unionists in the US organised a protest in front of the Korean Embassy in Washington, D.C. The move was in support of the South Korean education support workers union (KPTU-EdSol). A massive rally is planned for 22 June, in which tens of thousands of Korean workers are expected to...

    South Korea: International actions in support of education support workers
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 21 June 2013

    Turkey: International solidarity to be shown during days of action

    EI and the Global Unions have expressed their unreserved support to the international solidarity actions to be held on 21-22 June to defend fundamental human rights and democracy in Turkey.

    Turkey: International solidarity to be shown during days of action