

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 June 2013

    EI calls for universal quality education for sustainable development

    In her presentation at the 4th Session of the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development, held in New York 17-19 June, EI coordinator Antonia Wulff argued for equity and quality in education as preconditions for a successful sustainable development framework.

    EI calls for universal quality education for sustainable development
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 June 2013

    G8 tackles tax, but fails to mention education

    Government leaders came together this week at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland to make progress on issues such as trade agreements, tax systems, and transparency. Yet, despite reiterated commitments to reducing poverty and promoting growth and jobs as top priorities, EI deplores that education´s core role in tackling these...

    G8 tackles tax, but fails to mention education
  3. Climate action and literacy 20 June 2013

    EI calls for universal quality education for sustainable development

    In her presentation at the 4th Session of the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development, held in New York 17-19 June, EI coordinator Antonia Wulff argued for equity and quality in education as preconditions for a successful sustainable development framework.

    EI calls for universal quality education for sustainable development
  4. Union renewal and development 17 June 2013

    Study fellowship in celebration of EI’s 20th anniversary

    To commemorate its 20th anniversary, EI has announced an EI study fellowship for PhD or post-doctoral scholars. This study fellowship will be funded through the Mary Futrell Scholarship Fund, created in honour of EI’s founding President.

    Study fellowship in celebration of EI’s 20th anniversary
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 June 2013

    Portugal: Teachers hold anti-cuts demo in Lisbon

    Thousands of Portuguese teachers held a protest against the government’s new policies for public schools on 15 June in Lisbon. This demonstration is part of the industrial action plan proposed by all teacher unions against the government’s decision to cut spending in the education sector.

    Portugal: Teachers hold anti-cuts demo in Lisbon
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 June 2013

    UN high level-discussion: indicators and involvement, key to quality education

    Quality education is key to reducing the numbers of children who cannot read and write and those out of school. It is also vital for every individual’s potential to become a global citizen. That’s according to UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, who was speaking at a high-level discussion organised by...

    UN high level-discussion: indicators and involvement, key to quality education
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 14 June 2013

    EI demands decent work and social dialogue for educators

    EI Deputy General Secretary Haldis Holst, in a speech to the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on 13 June, urged the ILO to guarantee decent work and social dialogue for teachers worldwide. She highlighted that this would contribute achieving quality education for all.

    EI demands decent work and social dialogue for educators
  8. Equity and inclusion 13 June 2013

    Uzbekistan urged to end forced labour

    During the International Labour Conference (ILC), workers, employers and governments condemned Uzbek authorities for their non-compliance with International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour.

    Uzbekistan urged to end forced labour
  9. Equity and inclusion 13 June 2013

    Brazil: EI calls for investigation into assassination of indigenous land protestor

    EI and its affiliate in Brazil, the Confederaçao Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educaçao (CNTE), have condemned the death of Terena native Oziel Gabriel during a land conflict in the municipality of Sidrolândia on 30 May in Mato Grosso do Sul.

    Brazil: EI calls for investigation into assassination of indigenous land protestor
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 June 2013

    Education unions fight for tax justice

    EI has called on its affiliates and all concerned citizens to take action for tax justice by signing a statement from the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ). EI believes that there is an increasing appreciation that tax avoidance by big corporations undermines public spending and equality in both developed...

    Education unions fight for tax justice
  11. Equity and inclusion 12 June 2013

    Child labour undermines quality education

    Every 12 June, Education International (EI) and its member organisations worldwide celebrate the World Day against Child Labour (WDCL). On that day, they highlight the global extent of child labour and raise awareness on the situation of millions of children, girls and boys, working across the globe.

    Child labour undermines quality education
  12. Union growth 12 June 2013

    EI warns ILO conference of deprofessionalisation trend

    Speaking on behalf of the Workers’ Group at the ILO Conference Committee on the Application of Standards on June 7, Antonia Wulff, from Education International, warned of global trends leading to the deprofessionalisation of the teaching profession.

    EI warns ILO conference of deprofessionalisation trend
  13. Union growth 11 June 2013

    ILO examines collective bargaining in the public services

    “EI welcomes the useful and clear reaffirmation of the right to collective bargaining for public sector teachers, whether or not they are appointed as civil servants, by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations,” has stated EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen...

    ILO examines collective bargaining in the public services
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 June 2013

    Nigeria: Teachers strike demands better wages

    EI’s national affiliate, the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), has called on members to go on strike as of 1 June, due to the non-payment of a negotiated pay increase. Teachers are due a 27.5 per cent salary increase (Teachers’ Peculiar Allowance) and a minimum wage of 18,000 Nigerian Naira...

    Nigeria: Teachers strike demands better wages
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 10 June 2013

    EI calls for reverse of negative trend around workers’ rights

    On 6-7 June, EI participated in the presentation of the ILO (International Labour Organisation) Survey on Collective Bargaining in the Public Services. Various speakers stressed the need for ILO Conventions 151 and 154 to be widely ratified and implemented. Workers also requested a four-year action plan by the ILO to...

    EI calls for reverse of negative trend around workers’ rights
  16. Union growth 10 June 2013

    Honduras: ILO will send mission to examine trade union rights

    The Honduran government has accepted a direct contacts mission from the International Labour Organisation (ILO), following a recommendation from the ILO workers’ group, supported by employers. Honduras was the first case examined by the ILO Committee on the Application of Standards this year because of the persistent and serious nature...

    Honduras: ILO will send mission to examine trade union rights
  17. Equity and inclusion 7 June 2013

    Senegal: Education key to eliminating child labour - workshop

    Eradicating child labour and improving the quality of education are inextricably linked. That’s according to Marième Sakho Dansokho, EI Executive Board member and General Secretary of SYPROS. She was speaking at EI’s “Omar's Dream” workshops on 3-4 June in Dakar, Senegal. The workshops explored the contribution teaching unions can make...

    Senegal: Education key to eliminating child labour - workshop
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 June 2013

    Argentina: CTERA condemns persecution of trade union leader

    The EI’s affiliate, the Central de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina (CTERA), has condemned threats by the provincial government against the leader of the Sindicato Unificado de Trabajadores de la Educación de Buenos Aires (SUTEBA).

    Argentina: CTERA condemns persecution of trade union leader