

  1. Standards and working conditions 2 August 2012

    World Teachers Day 2012: Take a stand for teachers!

    Held annually on 5 October, World Teachers’ Day (WTD) is an important date in the calendar of the entire educational community. Celebrated since 1994 across the globe, it is an opportunity to honour the teaching profession and support teachers in their efforts empowering people to build a better world.

    World Teachers Day 2012: Take a stand for teachers!
  2. Union growth 1 August 2012

    Turkey: EI solidarity with jailed trade unionists

    EI extends its solidarity to the 15 arrested members of the Turkish teacher union, Egitim-Sen, who are still detained after almost 40 days in jail. Among the detainees are Egitim-Sen General Secretary Mehmet Bozgeyik and Egitim-Sen’s Equality Officer, Sakine Esen Yilmaz.

    Turkey: EI solidarity with jailed trade unionists
  3. Standards and working conditions 31 July 2012

    United States: Unions opposed to test-driven education

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has called for an end to ‘America's fixation’ on high-stakes testing. The call was made at the EI affiliate’s national convention, held from 27-30 July in Detroit.

    United States: Unions opposed to test-driven education
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 July 2012

    Number of out-of-school children increasing worldwide

    Progress in reducing the number of children out of school has stalled across the globe. 61 million children were out of primary school in 2010, a similar number to the previous year.

    Number of out-of-school children increasing worldwide
  5. Standards and working conditions 27 July 2012

    Mali: strengthening teacher development through research

    The Quality Educators for All (Quality-Ed) project seeks to improve the quality of education in Mali by improving the professional competences of teachers through a new training programme with a strong research component.

    Mali: strengthening teacher development through research
  6. Equity and inclusion 26 July 2012

    Arab countries work towards gender equality

    EI affiliates from 11 Arab countries participated in the first meeting of the EI Arab Women’s Network (AWN) to initiate strategies to empower women teachers and increase their unionisation across the region.

    Arab countries work towards gender equality
  7. Standards and working conditions 26 July 2012

    Uganda: Educators mobilise for decent pay

    Public school teachers across Uganda joined a massive strike action on 16-17 July to protest against the Government’s failure to improve their welfare and status, including a fair and decent salary.

    Uganda: Educators mobilise for decent pay
  8. Standards and working conditions 25 July 2012

    TALIS: EI ensures that teachers' concerns are considered

    The final amendments have just been made to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey, or ‘TALIS’ for short.

    TALIS: EI ensures that teachers' concerns are considered
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 July 2012

    Australia: national day of action for education funding reform

    Parents, teachers and principals across Australia will be taking part in a national day of action on 24 July to urge politicians to commit to boosting resources for schools and funding reform.

    Australia: national day of action for education funding reform
  10. Equity and inclusion 24 July 2012

    From the fields to the classrooms: Child Labour Conference

    EI member organisations will address links between child labour and poor access to quality education at the International Conference on Child Labour in Agriculture from 28-30 July in Washington, USA.

    From the fields to the classrooms: Child Labour Conference
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 18 July 2012

    UK: Unions condemn plans to open more free schools

    The two largest of EI’s national affiliates in the UK, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) and the National Union of Teachers (NUT), have strongly reacted against Downing Street's plans to open a further 100 free schools in England from next year onwards.

    UK: Unions condemn plans to open more free schools
  12. Standards and working conditions 18 July 2012

    DRC: Trade union education and human rights

    The National Federation of Teachers in Congo (FENECO/UNTC), one of the affiliates of EI in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), organised a workshop on the “Role of teachers in the objectives of Education for All.” This workshop brought together 25 members from the trade union’s executive committee in Kinshasa...

    DRC: Trade union education and human rights
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 July 2012

    Gordon Brown becomes UN special envoy for global education

    EI has congratulated former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on his appointment by the United Nations’ Secretary-General as UN Special Envoy for Global Education.

    Gordon Brown becomes UN special envoy for global education
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 July 2012

    India: educators oppose government plans for PPPs and certification

    The All India Primary Teachers' Federation (AIPTF), one of EI’s national affiliates, has severely criticised the government’s Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) scheme in education. The AIPTF claims PPPs will commercialise education and undermine efforts to achieve Education For All goals. It has also condemned the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) and...

    India: educators oppose government plans for PPPs and certification
  15. Equity and inclusion 17 July 2012

    US Secretary of State calls for workers’ and women’s rights

    Supporting workers’ rights and women’s rights would help to ensure a more just global economy. That’s according to US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who addressed a Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy Dialogue in Cambodia on 12-13 July.

    US Secretary of State calls for workers’ and women’s rights
  16. Equity and inclusion 13 July 2012

    Canada: Deficit is not an excuse for underfunding Aboriginal education

    Former Prime Minister Paul Martin has delivered a keynote address at the Canada Teachers’ Federation (CTF) Annual General Meeting held under the theme, “Teacher organisations: charting the course for democracy,” from 11-13 July in Halifa, Nova Scotia.

    Canada: Deficit is not an excuse for underfunding Aboriginal education
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 July 2012

    Canada: Gap between teachers’ hopes and practice

    External forces often change the way teachers teach, with just under half of teachers occasionally having opportunities to teach as they aspire to. That’s according to a 2012 joint research report from the Canadian Education Association (CEA) and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF).

    Canada: Gap between teachers’ hopes and practice