

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 June 2012

    Rio+20: EI representatives join labour movement activities

    Two big rallies were organised during the Earth Summit, Rio+20, gathering of world political leaders: the “World March of Women” against the “false green economy”, and the March of the “Peoples' Summit” on 20 June, convened by the CUT, the main Brazilian trade union centre in Brazil. EI was represented...

    Rio+20: EI representatives join labour movement activities
  2. Union renewal and development 22 June 2012

    Take action to support quality public services now!

    On 23 June, World Public Services Day, EI is joining the global trade union federation, Public Services International (PSI), in celebrating and promoting quality public services worldwide. Public services, including education, are key to building civil societies where people work together for the benefit of the whole community.

    Take action to support quality public services now!
  3. Standards and working conditions 22 June 2012

    How KNUT got rid of contract teachers

    The action taken by KNUT to prevent the recruitment of teachers on contract not only ensured that education is protected against the shocks of economy which could lead to cuts directed at the education sector but also set the trend for continued recruitment of qualified teachers in Kenya. It also...

    How KNUT got rid of contract teachers
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 June 2012

    FTT: European citizens exert pressure on Governments!

    EI European Region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), has joined a signature campaign promoting a financial transaction tax (FTT) at EU level. This campaign aims at exerting pressure on EU member countries’ finance ministers who will hold a policy debate on the EU Commission proposal on 22...

    FTT: European citizens exert pressure on Governments!
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 June 2012

    G20: World leaders must now translate words into action

    EI supports the shift in language in the G20 Los Cabos Declaration from austerity to jobs, which is going in the right direction. But it warns that, unless there is coordinated action from G20 leaders, words will not be translated into the investment necessary to get people back to work.

    G20: World leaders must now translate words into action
  6. Standards and working conditions 20 June 2012

    Indonesia: Conditional union support for teachers’ assessment

    The Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI), one of EI’s national affiliates, has agreed to a government proposal for the assessment of teachers under certain conditions. The trade union stressed that teachers’ salaries should not, in any way, be linked to the assessment outcomes.

    Indonesia: Conditional union support for teachers’ assessment
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 20 June 2012

    South Korea: Education union challenges standardised testing

    The Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU) has challenged the South Korean Government to eliminate Korean Standardised Testing. The KTU, an EI affiliate, argues that the measurement of a teacher’s worth should not rely on standardised testing.

    South Korea: Education union challenges standardised testing
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 June 2012

    EI Study on Corporate Tax Avoidance presented to head of IMF

    IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde considers it a disgrace that multinational companies use their global reach to exploit loopholes and off shore tax havens to avoid paying taxes.

    EI Study on Corporate Tax Avoidance presented to head of IMF
  9. Union growth 15 June 2012

    Algerian unionists on hunger strike

    Nine union members from Algerian administration workers’ union SNAPAP have been on hunger strike in Algiers since 6 May. The members of SNAPAP, an EI affiliate, are protesting against repeated human and trade union rights violations.

    Algerian unionists on hunger strike
  10. Union renewal and development 15 June 2012

    Global Partnership for Education increases support for teachers

    The newly adopted strategic plan of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is good news for teachers. Meeting in Berlin on 6-8 June, the GPE Board of Directors - on which EI represents the teaching profession - approved the vision and mission that will guide the actions of the partnership...

    Global Partnership for Education increases support for teachers
  11. Union growth 14 June 2012

    Swaziland: SNAT on strike against wage cuts

    The Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) called for a two-day strike action on 13 and 14 June to protest at the Swazi Government’s intention to reduce the wages of public employees.

    Swaziland: SNAT on strike against wage cuts
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 14 June 2012

    Swaziland: SNAT on strike against wage cuts

    The Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) called for a two-day strike action on 13 and 14 June to protest at the Swazi Government’s intention to reduce the wages of public employees.

    Swaziland: SNAT on strike against wage cuts
  13. Climate action and literacy 14 June 2012

    Earth Summit Rio+20: building a green future together

    The international trade union movement is bringing three key demands to the Rio+20 Summit being held from 20-22 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The demands are for investment in Green and Decent Jobs by 2015, the universal implementation of a Social Protection Floor, and the introduction of a Financial...

    Earth Summit Rio+20: building a green future together
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 13 June 2012

    Canada: education union supports bill tackling cyberbullying

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of EI’s national affiliates, has voiced its support for Bill C-273, an act that will reclassify cyberbullying as an offence.

    Canada: education union supports bill tackling cyberbullying
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 June 2012

    Worldwide poll reveals mistrust of economic decision makers in the run-up to G20

    An international public opinion poll, commissioned by the International Trade Union Confederation from global market research company, TNS, shows deep uncertainty, fear and political dis-empowerment across a variety of countries and economies.

    Worldwide poll reveals mistrust of economic decision makers in the run-up to G20
  16. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2012

    On 12 June, speak out against child labour in schools and unions!

    EI and its member organisations commemorate World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June. 2012 marks the 10th anniversary of the World Day which, every year, provides an opportunity to shed light on the scope of child labour on a world scale, as well as raise awareness among teachers and...

    On 12 June, speak out against child labour in schools and unions!
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2012

    EI’s General Secretary addresses the Plenary of the 101st International Labour Conference

    Fred van Leeuwen highlighted the crucial role of the trade union movement as “a cornerstone of any democratic system”, especially at a time when the global economic crisis is being used as a pretext for restricting the rights of workers in many countries worldwide.

    EI’s General Secretary addresses the Plenary of the 101st International Labour Conference